i have tiled floors, so no probs cleaning them. I wear old Work overalls that are stained and grease soaked anyway. They also double ok as a rag sometimes (and when they die completely)
Plus its more expensive here than where you are to get oil/filter change. Most "genuine original workshops" don't even bother changing it, they just charge you $$$. Same with "dedicated" brake workshops who fit new pads and don't bleed the damn air out the lines, or replace the fluid (basic basic stuff)
worst injury is the old busted knuckles, but as far as i'm concerned, HTFU, bleeding stops. My Tools are almost the only thing fairly well organized at my place, and if i don't have the right size tool, i buy it (long as the tool i need isn't say a compressor :P) I have done the screwdriver thru the filter trick, but i wasn't the last one to (over)tighten the filter...
Plus i also feel it gives me a chance to glance over the other bits of my engine, see whats leaking/wearing etc, which nowadays it seems *some* mechanics are too lazy to check. Worst part is tho, being as the engine should be warm before you change the oil, my exhaust manifold is over the top of my filter (close enough to burn you badly if you're struggling for purchase) but again HTFU and some thin gloves usually does the trick.
I'll keep doing the basic stuff myself i think, for the cost, and the enjoyment