Well, I have been putting up a few suggestions lately, but they have sucked. I thought this one through before putting it up, and I think it is a good one.
My brother and I both play from my account so we have two different driver names for each other. Unfortunately, he drives using the keyboard and I use the mouse. So, every time we switch we have to change that. Also, he uses the right side to drive while I use the left side. Another change.
I did this today and thought why doesn't LFS just let us pick the controls every driver uses? So, this is my suggestion:
Have the options custom for every driver name! Like controls, views, gear changing, graphics, etc. This way, each different driver does not have to spend his time away from racing, drifting, cruising, or whatever they do!
Please give contructive criticism. And I did search before I made the topic and did not find an idea like this!