Oh! I did use that. If you look at the second picture, what I did was blur everything around the 1st place car and then dodge the entire image except for the first place car (Plus a little bit of burn to 1st place). I was going to leave it like that, but it didn't really give a sense of TUNNEL vision.
Yea for stupid questions, but what is the waterdrop tool? Just looked it up on google and found nothing but tutorials on how to make water drops (hey, I might try that!).
Well, this is my second edit. I started off just wanting this to be a practice edit, but I got an idea to make a driver tunnel vision edit. Basically, I am trying to exaggerate how a driver who only cares for the lead sees LFS.
First is the original, second is just the blurring, third and fourth are with tunnel vision.
I think the third one looks better, but the fourth one gives more of a tunnel effect.
Again, nothing professional, just some fooling around in gimp.
By the way, I welcome any constructive criticism. I want to get better.
Now, see, that is kind of wrong. Firefox does not require 40 extensions to make it usable at all. Let's put in an example you will understand.
You know that iTouch? The holy god (for Apple Worshippers) of music, it is very usable out of the box. But, why do people love it so much? The amazing iTunes? Nope, that is in other iPod's that have more memory and cost less.
It's because of the apps. People buy the iTouch for two reasons.
A) They love the apps.
B) They believe it makes them instantly cool.
So, Firefox is the same way. Except that most people that download firefox don't think it makes them instantly cool. That still rests with the Safari (Apple) users.
Firefox is great just out of the box. It's just better than the rest because of all of it's addons.
P.S. You are probably part of group B, aren't you?
First of all, I feel inclined to state that I have nothing against Safari or Apple for that matter.
That said, I still believe that Firefox is the best browser for me to use for one reason: It's customizability.
I will agree with you on saying that most of the extensions are complete crap and will help one out of every 5000 people. But, the great applications really make this browser so much easier to use.
These are the addons I am running right now:
AdBlock Plus (Downloaded just because I wanted to see what the craze was about. Now, I don't think I could live with all those ad's I saw before)
DownThemAll (I have tried all other browsers and have not found any browser/addon to browser to have such great features)
FireGestures (Complete copy of the Mouse Gestures from Opera. Some say this doesn't make it firefox's. My reply, "If it works, it works.)
Speed Dial (Another Opera copy. Something was said about slow time to load. I always just use Ctrl+number to pick the site I want. It loads the site without having to open speed dial)
StumbleUpon (Can't really describe it too well, but I really like it)
Yet Another Smooth Scrolling (Just makes Firefox a lot better for me to use. It feels like you are scrolling through music in the iTouch when you use the scroll wheel. It doesn't just stop automatically, but instead has like a small acceleration and decceleration.)
Basically, I think that Firefox does what it is designed to do. Be able to bend into whatever the user desires.
Oh god. Thanks for the great laugh. The amount of irony in that sentence is amazing.
1) (I aren't the one making personal attacks) Apparently you can't exactly speak.
2) Look at the first part of the sentence. You state you don't make personal attacks. Now, look at the second part.
3) Realize how retarded you sound when you say that.
4) That mod is illegal. Starting from next competition, probably make a rule not allowing mods into the screenshots. If it is against LFS rules, why should it be allowed for the competition?
Did you guys really think there would be 10000 cars at one point? Even 5000 at that level would require more gb than blu-ray can hold imo. It just isn't possible.
Also, I wonder if Ferrari will be in the game. Don't they have something against games which damage their cars of something? Really not sure about this though.
Btw, the rally in this game will probably be as realistic as the rally in dirt 2 (if not more).
I am not sure about this, but I think that since the games run through their servers, our computers don't have to be completely hi-tech. And also, I don't get how this is a video and audio they are just transferring. I can't play games on youtube. So, if they were just transferring video and audio, isn't that what it would be? Anyone care to explain?
That is another thing that I had been thinking about. Do you guys think that it would be possible for the service to be free for the gamers, and they just pay for the games?
I don't think this is lilkely, but with large companies backing them up, they would get a lot more people looking at the service if they did that. Your thoughts?
So, obviously, most of us here are into video games. And I am sure that almost all of us have a PC (if you don't, then why do you have a lfs account?). Anyway, I was reading about this new thing that is being created: OnLive.
To tell you the truth, I think that this may be the future of gaming if it really can do what it promises. Basically, it promises to let people play games through their servers without having to download anything. Also, since the game is playing through the server, computer system requirements wouldn't really matter. So, theoretically, a high-end game would work on low-end computers.
But what I think is the problem is that there will be a lot of lag. And think of the amount of bandwidth it would take.
Are you really trying to say that he was not great? So, him getting freedom for India was bad? I will accept that he is not as great as he is believed to be by many followers, but there is no way that you can possibly say that he was not great. If people were to follow his morals, I think everyone can agree that the world would be a better place.
Also, your attitude is horrible, in my opinion. "Didnt work though did it, he failed, and lots of people died." So, if you try something and it doesn't work, then that is horrible right. You suck, right? No! He did more than anyone else did. If he was not there, things could and would be worse. Also, I think that if this is the attitude you hold towards life, you need some change. I think that trying to make a change is a lot better than sitting around waiting for someone else to do it.
Wow, what the hell are you on? Gandhi, until his death, did all he could to keep India together. He was killed by a extremist. He went on fasts to keep India together and unfortunately that was not enough. I am sorry if I sound like a jerk but this is something that is dear to my heart and I think that you should probably do some research before you start talking about stuff you don't know. Really, it pisses me off because Gandhi is one of the best people to grace this earth.
Okay, sorry, but you are partly wrong. First, 5 Dollars a month is a complete hyperbole (major exageration...I am in english class). It is very little, but it is more than that. Also, people who are actually trained like doctors and engineers earn a lot more than that. Also, you have to consider that everything is cheaper in India with comparision.
Next, imo, the school's in India are the best in the world. I have studied there (I moved to USA because my dad got a job transfer). They learn algebra in the third grade and are on calculus by eight grade. And that is not the advanced classes. So, please don't say that the schools are a problem. And there are quite a lot of school's there, but you are right: More schools are never bad.
Btw, motorsports is very popular in India. Granted, no where towards the popularity of cricket, it is still very high.