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S3 licensed
Are you refering to this post?

Anyways, you could always ask other racers for their sets. Usally they will share.
S3 licensed
So, what was the problem? Clutch overheating?

Quote from Whiskey :not possible since many versions ago

Ah, didn't know that.
S3 licensed
And if that don't work, you can try right clicking the exe file, choosing "Properties" and go to "Compatability". Enable "Run as administrator" and play around with the settings, i.e Windows XP SP2 emulation.
S3 licensed
But the Sauber has automatically ignition cutting, and does perfect shifts. How do you burn the clutch then? Well, besides using a H-shifter and manually clutching, or reving the engine so low the auto-clutch trys to avoid it stalling.
S3 licensed
As long the shaking doesn't upset the car, it's always possible to turn off the wheel and the driver in the game if it is disturbing to watch.
S3 licensed
I just watched the replay, and from the looks of it, there seems to be some sort of noise on the steering wheel axis signal. The wheel is shaking rather than wiggling. And the shaking seems to increase with higher steering angles.
Im guessing the problem could be within the mechanism that detects the steering angles on the (physical) wheel, and not LFS.

Have you tested the wheel in any other games to see if it is shaking there aswell?
S3 licensed
Just changing the middleware without also making changes to the content (geometry, textures, shaders, etc) won't make any difference to how the game looks. So it would not just require time consuming programming to update the look of the simulator.

The car reflections from The Revolution Pack is a good illustration of what difference the content can make, even if it is something as simple as just textures.
S3 licensed
Can you post a replay of it?
S3 licensed
It does not have to be a turbulance simulation, and certainly not so computational complex it needs third party hardware (or a very fast CPU) to yield good results.

As long the smoke is efficient and somewhat accurate in terms of conditions for generating smoke, Im more than pleased.
S3 licensed
The only "issue" I have with the smoke in LFS is the fact it takes way too long to form when using slicks. I.e, watching this clip, you will se the generation of smoke is more or less instantainiously when the wheels locks up. And the thickness of the smoke is way less progressive than it is in LFS.

I actually believe realistic smoke is an important part of the simulator, as it's often a visual cue that the guy in front of you either is breaking harder than normal, or he's in trouble and might be going off the track.
S3 licensed
I see other allready have mentioned heel-toe. You can also try:

- Moving breaking power toward the front.
- Waiting a bit longer between shifting down.
- Putting a clutch pack at the rear and experimenting with the preload and coast settings.
S3 licensed
Not a gray car, but a grey button that says "Car".

In the attached pictures below I've made red circles around the buttons. These buttons are at the same positions in multiplayer as in singleplayer.

S3 licensed
To be more specific, when you have chosen a race track and is about to start the race via the green "Go" button, you should see a grey "Garage" button under the car model. Clicking this button will bring you to the car setup screen. To select a different car, click the grey "Car" button on the right side in the setup screen.
Steering wheel interpolation in multiplayer replays
S3 licensed

I know it has been posted number of times before, but once again I'd like to bring up the issue with choppy steering wheels in MPR.
I understand it is not possible to interpolate the wheels position while racing. But I don't see any reasons it can not be done in MPR, as the wheels position in MPR can be buffered (read ahead of time).

It's especially disturbing when making onboard videos from MPR. I often find myself setting up the custom view inside the car in such a way the arms and wheel are not visible, or disable the rendering of both entirely. But all my views looks a bit odd cause of the camera angles, and besides it would be nice to actually see some of the drivers actions.
S3 licensed
I run the simulation at 0.5 (and even 0.25 at times) of real time speed to allow my computer 2 (or 4 at 0.25 RTS) times more time for rendering each frame when using FRAPS. Then I use VirtualDub to alter the framerate of the movie, and third party sound editing tools to speed up and resample the sound because VirtualDub can not speed up the sound.
Unlocking 0.5P (june 2005) for nostalgic reasons
S3 licensed

I was just wondering if it is still possible to unlock 0.5P given I managed to redirect LFS' unlock-call to the current master server (i.e editing my hosts file).

If not, what is the oldest release that is unlockable?
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
Have there recently been an update to the path definitions?

I've noticed more or less all my laps at KY3 are invalidated due to leaving the path, even though none of my wheels ever touches the grass.
There is atleast 3 turns on KY3 I've noticed laps beeing invalidating without touching the grass, and a few other corners here and there on AS tracks.
S3 licensed
If it is a rear wheel driven car, you can try downshifting more slowly to avoid the engine breaking too much on the rear wheels.
S3 licensed
You just have to experiment with the settings and see what works best for you.
S3 licensed
Doh, why didn't I think of that? Works like a charm now, thanks.
(Solved) Unique setup for each AI driver
S3 licensed

I was just wondering if it is possible to have unique setups for each of the AI drivers.
I have turned off the AI using the same setup as me, but when I select a setup and add an AI, they all will have the default setup even if I try to specifically choose different setups for each AI I add. I've also tried making setups named "AI 1", "AI 2", and so forth, but with no luck. They all end up using the default setup no matter what.

Any tips?
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
A shot in the dark: If you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7 you could try running LFS in compatability mode for Windows XP.

Also you can try manually downloading the latest DirectX: DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer

Im not sure thou if that web installer will update DirectX 10 and later. Might be for 9.0c and earlier.
S3 licensed
How would I handle this? I'd go to another server, that hopefully would have more skilled opponents
S3 licensed
The AI don't care where you are on the track. They will crash you if you get into their way.

As already mentioned, you should instead try racing online with other humans. Much more fun!
S3 licensed
My tip is trying out alot of cars and see what car (or class of cars) your good at, and which you enjoy the most. And you can always ask people for setups, most of the time they will share.