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S3 licensed
Not sure, but could it be something to do with the DirectX API after 9.0c (last XP compatible release) that causes this? Windows Vista came with DX10 integrated, and I'm not sure what Windows 7 ships with. But could maybe be with some slow backwards compatability on the newer DX APIs. Who knows.
S3 licensed
This benchmark method requires a bit of work. If LFS had this type of benchmarking built in (along with voluntary reporting of results and hardware to LFSW) the developers could have a bigger data pool of actual hardware beeing used to run LFS. It might be easier to make decisions about directions to go in with the more techincal things, like GPGPU support, etc.
S3 licensed
I guess that means the needle isn't proper geometry which can be antialised by the most common AA techinques.
Super-sampling antialiasing should however smooth it out, but it's quite costy on performance.
S3 licensed
Generally higher pressures will actually make the tyre more resistant to wear, making them last longer - despite the fact higher pressures reduces grip. This off course when using the same compund. If you switch compund as you alter the tyre pressure, the story will be different.
S3 licensed
And if the right rubber compund seems to be between two types, i.e too hot for R2 and too cold for R3, you can use tyre pressure to "fine tune" it. Lowering the tyre pressure will make the tyre generate more heat. So hot tyres can be fixed by increasing the tyre pressure, and too cold tyres can be fixed by lowering the pressure.
S3 licensed
The amount of geometry is the same. The difference I see is that LFS suspends audio rendering, networking tasks and physic simulations. Computation for AI is also suspended when the game is paused.

The biggest difference between online racing and a paused single player game is the physic calculcations beeing suspended. But for a purely graphical rendering test, it should be pretty much the same.
But if you record a SPR with yourself at the back and play it back, all the simulations should be done, and the computational load should be similar to online racing (no computation for AI).
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
I had 8800GT too when I begun racing online. Reduce AA to 4x or even 2x, and reduce AF to 8x with MIP bias adjustments to compensate if textures gets too blurry. Also there is a dynamic LOD reduction setting under the Misc tab, aswell as multiplayer car draw distance you can adjust. You can also try using compressed textures. Don't force any settings in the nVidia panel.

If you want to experiemnt with the settings you can start a new race in single player and fill the grid with AIs. Put yourself at the very back of the grid so you see all the cars ahead of you. Before the green flag comes on, pause the game and go into options. Enable the FPS counter and start playing around with settings and see how the picture quality and FPS is affected.
S3 licensed
It comes down to finding the best compromise. I normally just race with slicks, and they allow for some overheating on the inner parts of the tyre before they start giving up. In the case of R2 slicks, I can go as high as 105 degrees C on the inner parts, though the compund has a optimum temperature rating of 85 degrees.

How the load on the tyres will shift in the corners are related not only to how much the chassis can roll with the given suspension settings, but also how much the tyre deforms under stress. Higher tyre pressures will stiffen the tyre and prevent it flexing and deforming during cornering. But I haven't really noticed it having any effect on the current tyre physics. Who knows, it might be more noticable with the new tyre physics.

Higher pressures also will make the tyre more resistant to heating up. But this off course at the cost of less grip since the overal contact patch with the road surface is smaller. Another effect is the slip angle, which is the twisting of the contact patch regarding to actual direction the tyre is pointing in the corners. Slip angles generate force, which you experience as grip.
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
There is a slicksmod available if you want to mess about in single player. Road cars with slicks is actually quite fun. I wish some of them had slicks as legit option, i.e FZ5.
S3 licensed
Will the stream be made available on Youtube or for downloading?
S3 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :

Also you have ALL protections when paying directly with credit card, it's called "calling your bank".

http://safebrowsing.clients.go ... tp://

It's not that I do not believe these people feel they have been treated unjust and unfair by PayPal. But for such a big company, there will allways be some unsatisfied customers. Allways.
S3 licensed
There would still be a transaction recorded on the credit card, but I'm not sure if it would say PayPal or something else.
S3 licensed
On the other hand, those bumps in the chicane forces you to be careful. Unlike the previous version, where you could just plow right through the poles.
S3 licensed
Quote from Ikskast :I dont want paypal, my mom doesnt trust it XD
Its just basic credit card.

I can not think of any safer method of paying online than using PayPal, and I can not think of any unsafer methods of paying online than reveling your credit card details directly to any website. The site you're buying from will never know any of your credit card details when you use PayPal, and on top of that PayPal have mechanism against fraud. You won't get any of these benefits if you pay directly with a credit card.
S3 licensed
Should be easy to get a podium finish in the GT3 class. ^_^
If I had found out earlier there would only be 3 cars in GT3, maybe Cargame would have switched.
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
AI will step in for spdo? Maybe for once I can keep up with you then.
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :I believe these LFSDrift community people call all criticism 'hating'.

And asking if someone is having their period is regarded as 'constructive critism' in the other parts of the LFS community.

Nice video, and welcome to LFS.
S3 licensed
Didn't he say that Rockingham in particular isn't released due to the new physics? I recall him saying the real cars in the game should be able to do real laptimes on the real track before anything gets released. Damn you, realism.
S3 licensed
It's his mother tongue/first language. Do you remember how long it took you to learn your mother tongue?
S3 licensed
Quote from MotEgni :Så har jeg ikke gjort noe (ihvertfall ikke bevisst) som skal skjule noe, men hvis dette er inne på desktopen ( og jeg kan endre det, så fortell meg gjerne hvordan.

Logg inn på og gå til: My LFSW settings - Privatisations - Hide your online statistics from public - denne skal være avslått.

Jeg er ikke sikker på om det er av- eller påslått som er standard, men når LFSW-dataene er offentlig tilgjenglig vil du få en høyere LFSEI siden Airio har mer data tilgjengelig om din profil.
S3 licensed
Quote from MotEgni :Heisann, så deg igår innpå der ja, eller hørte mer svisshhh når du føk forbi meg, tenkte det kunne være en nordmann utfra navnet.

Lurer egentlig bare på en ting, hvordan fungere serveren mtp. hvilke biler du får kjøre. Går det på "safety" nivået mitt på serveren. Digg å kjøre "mini'en", men ikke så digg med inntaksrestriksjonen som kveler den til 80 hester, går veldig treeeeeeeeegt hehe. Når forsvinner denne? Ikke det at jeg trenger å kjøre grom bilene enda, men den restriksjonen er litt kjip.

Snakkes sikkert på serveren en dag.

Det finnes tre poengsystemer på serveren.

Race points: Dette er poeng du tjener kun på Cargame-serverne. Dersom du kjører på andre servere (f.eks AMG) vil du begynne på scratch med 0 race points hos dem. Race points tjener du opp ved å vinne over andre biler i din egen klasse. Dersom du vinner over en som har masse race points, slik at differansen i poengene mellom deg og han er stor, tjener du enda flere race points. Du kan se hvor mange slike poeng du har ved å skrive "!rank me"

LFS Experience Index: Dette kan ligne litt på race points, men er en slags sum av flere poeng som gjelder på alle Airio-servere. Kjører du f.eks på AMG sine servere og tjener LFSEI, så vil du få med deg disse poengene også når du spiller på Cargame.
Jeg lurer på om du har satt opp LFSworld til å skjule dine statistikker, fordi jeg får ikke opp noe LFSEI på deg:

Bytter du ut det som er etter "U=" med andre brukernavn, vil du kunne se LFSEI til andre førere.

Safety rating: Du tjener opp raten ved å fullføre løp, kjøre raske rundetider, og kjøre runder som ansees av Airio å være "rene" (ikke kjører på gress, kræsjer i objekter, o.l.) Generelt vil du tjene opp rate så lenge du ikke får meldingen om at du har forårsaket det gule flagget, eller at Airio rapporterer med rød tekst at du er utenfor banen.

Hvis du skriver "!mycars" vil du få opp en liste over hvilke biler som er tilgjenglig for deg ut ifra hvilke kriterier du oppfyller. Du finner også informasjon om restriksjoner og krav med "!infos".

Hvis du vil raskest mulig låse opp nye biler vil jeg anbefale å finne en bil som du kan kjøre raskt i forhold til gjeldende verdensrekord (f.eks at du kjører great eller top laps), og som du makter å håndtere uten at du kræsjer mye og mister mye safety rating. Jeg kjørte hele veien opp til klasse 5 i UFB da jeg begynte på Cargame. UFB er også en bil som er lett å kjøre great og top laps med, men ikke vær redd for å prøve de andre bilene du har tilgjenglig.

Airio vil rapportere mellomtider (splits) og rundetider som good, great og top. Dette er tider som er innenfor henholdsvis 2%, 1% og 0.5% (mener jeg å huske) av den gjeldende verdensrekorden. For biler som bruker restriksjoner og ikke er standard i LFS, har Airio et slags system med rundetider som ligner LFSworld. Den beste rundetiden som er ansett som "ren" av Airio er også den gjeldende verdensrekorden. Du finner lister og filter for å sjekke rene rundetider her:
S3 licensed
Kult å se flere nordmenn som spiller LFS, spesielt på Jeg er en av de eldste gutta på Cargame, har vært med nesten siden oppstarten.

Håper å se deg på S2-serveren en dag, og ta gjerne kontakt dersom du lurer på noe med LFS, Cargame eller Airio
S3 licensed
Quote from Si Mclaren :So you guys want to say that im awesome and can be a new WR holder if i get a better PC?

I never had any problem driving with <16 FPS, so the problem is not about the FPS... Also, just to remember: Movies, both on cinemas or Youtube, are just 24 FPS...

Any difference over this CAN'T BE NOTICED BY NAKED EYES...

But real life cameras have exposure time which will "smear" any motion in the frame, thus creating the effect we call motion blur. With this motion blur effect, the animation appears to be running smoother than it actually is. It really just is an optical illusion.

In digital animation this effect is simulated, just to create smoother animation at limited framerates. However, not all games support motion blur effect, LFS beeing one of those which doesn't.

Idealy, there should not need to be motion blur in animation and films because your eyes will naturally make "motion blur" of fast motion. If you ever watched out the side window of your car at speed without focusing on anything in particular, you will see that everything gets smeared in the same way as with motion blur.