It does not have to be a turbulance simulation, and certainly not so computational complex it needs third party hardware (or a very fast CPU) to yield good results.
As long the smoke is efficient and somewhat accurate in terms of conditions for generating smoke, Im more than pleased.
The only "issue" I have with the smoke in LFS is the fact it takes way too long to form when using slicks. I.e, watching this clip, you will se the generation of smoke is more or less instantainiously when the wheels locks up. And the thickness of the smoke is way less progressive than it is in LFS.
I actually believe realistic smoke is an important part of the simulator, as it's often a visual cue that the guy in front of you either is breaking harder than normal, or he's in trouble and might be going off the track.
I see other allready have mentioned heel-toe. You can also try:
- Moving breaking power toward the front.
- Waiting a bit longer between shifting down.
- Putting a clutch pack at the rear and experimenting with the preload and coast settings.
To be more specific, when you have chosen a race track and is about to start the race via the green "Go" button, you should see a grey "Garage" button under the car model. Clicking this button will bring you to the car setup screen. To select a different car, click the grey "Car" button on the right side in the setup screen.
I know it has been posted number of times before, but once again I'd like to bring up the issue with choppy steering wheels in MPR.
I understand it is not possible to interpolate the wheels position while racing. But I don't see any reasons it can not be done in MPR, as the wheels position in MPR can be buffered (read ahead of time).
It's especially disturbing when making onboard videos from MPR. I often find myself setting up the custom view inside the car in such a way the arms and wheel are not visible, or disable the rendering of both entirely. But all my views looks a bit odd cause of the camera angles, and besides it would be nice to actually see some of the drivers actions.
I run the simulation at 0.5 (and even 0.25 at times) of real time speed to allow my computer 2 (or 4 at 0.25 RTS) times more time for rendering each frame when using FRAPS. Then I use VirtualDub to alter the framerate of the movie, and third party sound editing tools to speed up and resample the sound because VirtualDub can not speed up the sound.
I was just wondering if it is still possible to unlock 0.5P given I managed to redirect LFS' unlock-call to the current master server (i.e editing my hosts file).
If not, what is the oldest release that is unlockable?
Have there recently been an update to the path definitions?
I've noticed more or less all my laps at KY3 are invalidated due to leaving the path, even though none of my wheels ever touches the grass.
There is atleast 3 turns on KY3 I've noticed laps beeing invalidating without touching the grass, and a few other corners here and there on AS tracks.
I was just wondering if it is possible to have unique setups for each of the AI drivers.
I have turned off the AI using the same setup as me, but when I select a setup and add an AI, they all will have the default setup even if I try to specifically choose different setups for each AI I add. I've also tried making setups named "AI 1", "AI 2", and so forth, but with no luck. They all end up using the default setup no matter what.
My tip is trying out alot of cars and see what car (or class of cars) your good at, and which you enjoy the most. And you can always ask people for setups, most of the time they will share.
Earlier today I was playing FE3R on cargame S2, and I had a false start. When I entered the pit to complete my drive-through penality, I clearly got a message on the top of the screen that the game registered me entering the pit to complete the penality. But when I exited, the penality was not completed. I tried to enter the pit two more times the following laps, but with the same results.
I believe the reason for the documentations falsely stateing you can bind ctrl_fn to keys is because the documentation on scripting have been written by a third party, and not the developers themselves.
For the moment beeing, I'll just have to live without the indicators as I do not have the desk space for a wheel, and I recon I'll be chating more frequent than the cases I'd need the indicators.
But thanks again, especially to you JasonJ.
Well, I could always remap two other keys to Q and E "-uite +l+gantly"
The only ways to use indicators is either by (1) pressing 7, 8 and 9 on the keyboard, or (2) use script to map them to buttons on a wheel, joystick, etc.
However I'd like to remap 7 to Q and 8 to E. This is impossible, because using scripts, "ctrl_fXX" functions can not be remapped to "/key" - only "/button". I don't see any reasons why it should only work for button and not keys.
So I would suggest either make use of "ctrl_fXX" functions work for both keys and buttons, or make the indicators possible to remap in the options menu.
Another options is to open a PayPal account, and wire money to it (refilling the PayPal account with money). If your parents have a personal net bank account for the credit card, they can wire money to your PayPal account as if it was paying a regular bill. This means the credit card details will not be exposed to anybody, except for your parents bank off course.
Allthough the chances of getting ripped off by PayPal or LFS devs is less then beeing hit by lightning, the only money beeing "risked" is the amount wired to the PayPal account.
A second option is also to open a PayPal account, and then go see someone at the bank in person and have money wired to the PayPal account.
You can also ask people for setups for the car. In 98% of the cases you kindly ask if someone is willing to share their setup, you'll get it. Not that the setup alone will make you a good racer, but a proper setup is a good start.