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S3 licensed
Go into Options - Display - Show pedals - and turn it on. In the lower right corner of the screen you should now see three bars; clutch, brake and throttle.
As you enter T1, the brake is not pressed, but suddenly there seems to be just a few, short taps on the brake button. To me this seems like a problem with your mouse - not LFS. LFS just isn't reciving any brake commands from your controller.

Hypothesis: The buttons on your mouse is an electrical switch (basically). You press the button down, and short circuit a switch. But on my mouse I have noticed the buttons will have trouble registering my clicks after 6-12 months. Instead of one click, I get many short one with really fast intervals. Turns out the two metal pices that thouch and connect to short circuit the switch had oxidized, and formed a non-conductive layer on the surfaces. I just open the switches and brushed the metal pieces that touch each other with something sharp to remove the oxidized layer. An voila; my mouse buttons work just as new!

If you scroll a bit down on this page, you will see some pictures of the switches on my mouse. Your mouse will have something similar.

PS. I take no responsibility if you break your mouse.
S3 licensed
I'm curious what the goal of a lap time requirement would be. Fast racers does not automatically equal to clean and fair racers that make sure not to crash you.
S3 licensed
Quote from rediske :As the Scirocco delay is already beyond ridiculous there is no need to worry about this little brain teaser imho...

It's the sum off all the small distractions, they can quickly become a bigger time consumer than you would ever guess.
S3 licensed
Quote from AnakinSkywalker :I will teach you the dark side of the force when you gonna release S3. So, probably in 2030, 2040 ... or even 2050 ?

You only delay things further now that Scawen has to focus on figuring out this exploit.
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed

Ikke la deg skremme av elitismen og drittsekkeriet til disse folkene. Det er mange hyggelige mennesker du møter mens du kjører.
S3 licensed

while(jedi) {

Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
- Ask fast racers for their setups. Most of them will share it. With alot of different setups, you can start picking out the ones that suits your driving style and allows you to pace as fast as possible.

- Read up on some racing theory aswell as some mechanical theory. All though some of the literature can be quite difficult to grasp, if you understand some of it, you will soon be alot more analytical to both racing and car setups.
By mechanical theory I mean how different parts on the car works, and how they affect handling. For instance, differential locking and how the different types of differentials works. A good place to start is the advanced setup guide.
You can also google "Vehicle Handling and Performance Analyzer" for software to play around with handling. Even some knowledge about handling can be of great value if you have a setup that you are mostly pleased with, but there are a few things you wish knew how to improve.

- Practice alot. Theoretics alone won't make you fast, there is a physical hand-feet-eye-coordination aspect you also will need to be good at.

PS. Var det deg jeg snakket med her om dagen?
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
I can not stand mouse acceleration in any games, or in Windows in general. Instead I use 0.5 steer center reduction in LFS and 6.0 button rate. Seems to be working.
S3 licensed
Looking at what The Revolution Pack can achive visually by just changing the textures, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that LFS could be a considerably better looking game by just updating the default textures. The Revolution Pack has such outstanding car shine effects you would think it was using simple pixel shaders.

But for starters I think increasing the car skin textures would help alot. With 512x512 you can easily spot out individual pixels, even when the texture is filtered and smoothed. At 1024x1024 the individual pixels are just 1/4th the size of pixels at 512x512, and you therefor also get 4 times the detail by such simple means.
S3 licensed
Try doing a fresh install of LFS, preferably to another directory so that you can easily move over car skins, setups, etc. if the new installation turns out to work correctly.

If a fresh installation doesn't correct this problem, it probably has something to do with faulty graphics drivers or hardware. In that case, try to upgrade or even downgrade your graphics drivers. If it is faulty graphics hardware, there's nothing else to do than getting a new graphics card.
S3 licensed
Yes, bandwidth and storage still cost money. But lets face it, the units of storage and bandwidth you get per unit of money increases along with the overall development in hardware and connectivity. Assuming Moore's Law - atleast to some extent - holds water, in the 7 years since LFS World went online, the amount of storage space and bandwidth available should have increased without the cost doing so. We do get free storage and bandwidth services today for the 512x512 skins, but according to my arguments, at some point it should be possible to increase the skin sizes without an increase in service costs. And I'm hoping this point in time is about now.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :I think it depends more on the server storage/bandwidth. That means when hi-res skins would be introduced, the bandwidth would be much bigger and more data would be stored, so that has to be considered as well.

I like the idea, though.

Yes, in fact, data size - if uncompressed - quadrouples. I don't know when LFS World went online, but I am assuming in 2005. It's 7 years ago, and things have happened also for server side connectivity and storage capabilities in that time.

My point is that all the technicalities have followed Moore's Law (or development in similar fashion) in the past 7 years, but the skin sizes have been at status quo ever since. I was hoping for at least 1024x1024 as a default/standard skin size because the difference from 512x512 is quite noticable, and the technicalities with storage and bandwidth are hopefully ready for this step.
Increase skin sizes on LFS World
S3 licensed

With the ongoing development in computer hardware and broad band connectivity, I think it is only natural for LFS to pace along and at some point offer higher resolution skins.

I know many racers still have old hardware, so I'd suggest to double the skin sizes, and at the same time add an option for low resolution skins (512x512):

- Low resolution (512x512)
- Default/standard resolution, selected as default (1024x1024)
- High resolution, for a LFSW Credit fee (2048x2048)
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :HDD partitioning and process affinity shouldn't have any effect on this.

I've fixed a couple of games that had sudden slow time dips before by setting affinity, most notably games using the EGO engine. I'd give it a shot.
S3 licensed
I actually read the walls reply with the voice of HAL9000
S3 licensed
Have you tried setting the affinity to just one core for LFS?
S3 licensed

Should be a breeze getting it of Youtube. I tried plucking out the flash video from, but my plugins can't find the video stream for some reason.
S3 licensed
I can't believe we won our class! Good racing to everyone!

PS. Is there any way for me to download or get my hands on the .flv or .mp4 video from the stream? I want to use parts of it in a video.
S3 licensed
#59 Team K&S

It is a WIP submitted for qualifying, so I hope I can update the skin before the race tomorrow. :--)
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
I have no experience with FWD setups, but you can try to add more locking to the diff, and even try a fully locked diff. But it might cause power-understeer if you are too hard on the throttle.
S3 licensed
According to FireBug, the error is because the PHP document declaring some of the JavaScript functions don't have the correct character encoding, the content is read as garbage by the browser. This causes the browser to not declaring the JavaScript functions it need to properly display LFSW.
S3 licensed
Nice! How many points to unlock BF1??!??
Last edited by Skagen, .
S3 licensed
You can study some fast laps in detail here:

There are also replay analyzers that allows you to compare a replay of your singleplayer lap to replays you can download from LFSworld, such as WR laps. You can then directly compare your lap against theirs. You will see how your line, braking and acceleration might be different, aswell as entry and exit speed in the corners.
S3 licensed
LFS distinguishes between different types of surface (concrete, asphalt, grass, etc), but I don't think it distinguishes age and condition of asphalt. I'd guess all asphalt surfaces are of the same asphalt class with the same grip properties.

But it would be nice if it did have difference between dirty and clean parts of the track, and parts of the track with different temperatures (in sunlight or in shadows). Who knows, might be part of S3 some day.
S3 licensed
Quote from kappa007 :no need to tell, look post when Fail talk

Since I can not find any posts by you where the content reveals your license status, so I assume you mean the license status text underneath your post? In that case, your previous post will still show you as a demo user. The reason for this is your license status will not be attached to your individual posts here on the forum. If your license status change, so will the license status text change for all the posts you have ever made on this forum.
Last edited by Skagen, .