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S2 licensed
Not any more, but I've owned more than one over the years. Never really had a problem with any of them [well actually almost all of them broke but that was because I abused them].

Below are a couple of photos of the last one I owned, which would sure as hell blow the doors of "Miss Fix or repair daily's" Saab
S2 licensed
It depends on how "into" your LFS [or any other game] you are.

If you play casually for short periods of time then no it's a hobby like any other.

If you're in a team,play often and for long periods of time. Read the forums more than any other page on the net, spend ages practising to improve by 0.00000001% then you obviously take your "hobby" seriously. The age old perception is that therefore you're a "geek" which is usually an insult levelled by somebody who couldn't even spell it and thinks that watching sports in the pub whilst having eleventy pints and a punch up is the epitome of entertainment.

I'm don't really fit into either category, thus I mention the game in passing to friends or people I'm introduced to in the same vein that I might talk about console gaming such as the Gran Tursimos. I don't consider gaming geeky as much as having an all consuming passion for P.Cs as an entertainment medium "geeky". Somehow console gaming seems more socially acceptable [perhaps due to extended multiplayer beer and FIFA sessions with mates on the playstation]

At the end of the day, if you enjoy playing LFS why should you give a *&^% what other people think? Maybe they like watching paint dry or collecting stamps or trainspotting or something.
S2 licensed
Speaking from the point of view of a commentator, I would like to ask everyone to use a "proper" and unique skin.

The pre-release cut of the footage which we get to make the commentary from is quite low res, and has the H.U.D info removed [so Becky doesn't have to do it twice] Since everyone has the same number plate telling the cars apart is a complete b****** as it is, and your chances of being referred to by your name rather than as "oooh lookie there goes another one" are significantly better if your skin is distinctive.

S2 licensed
I SPY A NEW TITLE SEQUENCE!!!! one eleventy twenty three.

Seriously though frame rate through fraps is a big issue since the thing is making an avi out of bitmaps. Given that the eventual net release will be use compression of some sort anyway I always drop my video settings to 1024x768 16 bit and use minimal AA/AF, which gives me quite a big boost.

If you're playing at something mentalist then try easing it off a bit when you're recording. Oh and go make another dammit!!
Your very own dancing fat kid
S2 licensed

Seriously this rocks, give it a click.
The world's fastest accelerating street legal car
S2 licensed

Is in of all places...Wolverhampton.
S2 licensed
Presuming that Derby is your uni then I'm afraid there's very little you can do. I've seen no end of threads on the UDSU boards moaning about the impossibility of gaming on the halls/uni network, and no end of work-arounds tried and failed. The answer is always the same - the network admins err on the side of caution and try to make everything as watertight as possible. Until you get out of halls and into your own place I'm afraid it's not going to be possible for you to play.
S2 licensed
I think it's perfectly obvious that all of the vehicles in that clip are accelerating hard when the bollards hit them, therefore all of the drivers knew that they were in the wrong.

Stupid lazy people who can't be bothered to park properly or use public transport deserve all they get. Pedestrianised streets are not supposed to be open to general traffic, which means folk stroll along them without worrying about watching out for vehicles. Any clown who thinks they're special enough to drive down one is arguably putting people in danger, and at the very least is behaving irresponsibly.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Provided that this doesn't have the magic "teleport a cop right in front of me" A.I that made me bin Most Wanted and go back to Underground 2 which I really enjoyed I might give this a whirl.

I need to read up on the thing to decide if it's really all that different or just another "buy go faster bits and tear arse around in free roam game." If it is I can see me digging out the old Underground 2 disc yet again.
S2 licensed
"Wind in the Willows" is the children's book by Kenneth Grahame about mole ratty and toad of toad hall. Nuclear fallout is most definitely NOT involved.

"When the wind blows" is the animated film about an elderly couple who slowly die of the after effects of a nuclear holocaust.

As for Wombles, well being 35 I can remember when the world was in black and white and there weren't no posh things like t'internet. Wombles were much more important in those simple times and I had a stuffed Wellington toy and the Wombles 33rpm vinyl. It was my favourite television show, other than Fingerbobs which I actually fell down the stairs and gave myself a great big cut above my eye in my haste to go and watch.
S2 licensed
I've always really liked the moody look of the Dante character from Devil May Cry, especially when he had long hair in the early games.

Also I'm a big fan of the ragged look of Vincent from FFVII Advent children, perhaps a mixture of Dante's brooding and Vincent's "raggedy" style wings might work as some sort of outline in B/W. Your thoughts?
S2 licensed
Nope...that's just Adobe software
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :its not a flat background, it's full of all kinds of layers, but ill try that now

Could it be that the selection would be on 2 layers?

Definitely, although you ought be be able to nudge as many layers as you want to. provided that they are not a mixture of vector lines and raster graphics, PS doesn't seem to like doing that for some reason.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :When i try to move a part of a skin down, i get that error in CS2

The skin i have is a converted FXO, and i need to move one part down slightly, so i use the box tool, highlight the area, and as i press "down" to nudge it down i get that error

If it's a flat background jpg with only one layer, CS2 doesn't always regard it as editable [note little padlock symbol in the layers palatte]

Try duplicating the layer first and then making a selection and nudging it.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :Very nice job again, although I'm still missing a proper intro... Just one thing that nearly ruined the whole experience was Mike... He HAS to make sure that he ONLY records the signal from his microphone... I heard echoes of Tristan several times, which lets the whole broadcast down... I hope this will be fixed till next time...

I apologise for spoiling your fun. However I feel I must point out that since my speakers were not connected [Tristan and I were both on headsets] the echoes you refer to were most probably caused by a combination of momentary connection lag and the use of Team speak as the medium for making the recording, rather then feedback at my end. I suspect the same problem would have occured had it been Tristan rather than me who was making the local recording.

Tristan and I were both very short of time, and thus did not have the opportunity to experiment with recording methods, we just had to get on and do it. The "echoes" were far more common in the un-edited version I can assure you. The reason that some are still present after editing is that I couldn't cut all of them out without leaving great big holes in the commentary.

For round three the situation will improve considerably since Team Speak will not be used again, and unless I can find the time to get a better microphone with a better high frequency response so that I can bring both the pitch and quality of my voice closer to Tristan's, it is unlikely that it will be me commentating. The STCC has a pool of commentators available, and like anything else which is new and on a very tight timescale, results will be patchy at first and will steadily show improvement as time progresses.
S2 licensed
I'm 35...still a kid...we're all just kids
S2 licensed
There's already a version of the Renown RX7 for the XRG. It was painted by Mikebyzdine and you can get it here. ... bydzine/XRG_Mazda787T.jpg
S2 licensed
Comprehension is such a wonderful thing. Open your mouth a little wider, you might be able to fit both feet in
S2 licensed
If I might be cheeky and tell you your job I would have thought you'd be dealing with matters related more to demographics than sociology/politics.

The question of takes no account of the fact that our somewhat quaint and pointless notion of class can be a transient matter. Take me for instance, My Father's parents were farm labourers, my mother's were a Royal Marine sergeant and a factory worker.
That might suggest I come from a working class background. However my father was an architect and my mother was a P.R/Marketing executive and they defined themselves as firmly in the middle.
I am a self employed professional with a public school / university education, and yet I have a part time job working on Tesco's nightshift to help makes ends meet, so where exactly do I fit?

I appreciate statistics only work if people can be squeezed into one category or another, but essentially you've been stiffed with a "silly" question, since not only have I arguably moved up and down the social scale, but many of my friends have as well, by becoming better educated/getting better jobs or indeed by losing their jobs. I'm sure me and my friends are not unusual when compared against the population as a whole.
S2 licensed
Oh don't take me seriously Jack, I'm just jealous because Kev didn't show any interest in my back straight, I dunno maybe I was wearing the wrong aftershave...either that or he was put off by my monotonal seismic rumbling.
S2 licensed
There wasn't much to see really, just Tristan sliding off the right hander at the bottom of Blackwood's straight shouting "lookit me's a sick dorfito kid innit?!!!" as he less than gracefully parked it in the gravel or in the back of my car or something. I mean ffs the noob even thought that the XRG was the thing to be seen going sideways in. At least JakG spelt his name backwards and made more effort - no more results mind but more effort
S2 licensed
Just make sure you set the record source correctly in the soundcard options and provided you've connected the hifi properly then any of the aformentioned utilities should do the job.

As for splitting them into tracks, well the easiest although somewhat laborious way of doing that is probably to make seperate recordings for each track, so that they exist as seperate files.
S2 licensed
Suggesting that a mod should not ban one person without banning another comes under my definition of a challenge to their authority.

Attacking another member whose opinions and actions you are strongly opposed to is skating up to the line of the T.O.S for this forum, I don't think you've crossed it yet but I do think you need to be careful what you write.
S2 licensed
Discussion about the decisions that moderators make is one thing, in my view it's acceptable or even healthy.

However if we are permitted to challenge the authority of the moderation team then the moderation team has no authority, therefore any decision made by a moderator must be upheld as a matter of course.