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S2 licensed
There's a girl Anabelle who has a lovely pink car, I used to race her a lot in the early S1 days.

Bernie Ecclestone on Danica Patrick:

"Women should be dressed in white like all the other domestic appliances."

You gotta laugh.
S2 licensed
6.1 doesn't fix the problem for me.

I've had this response from ATI after raising a ticket:

Solution: We have seen this issue in our labs and it will be fixed
in a future driver release. In the meantime, please use Catalyst 5.11.

I will ask them which future version of the drivers they expect to include a fix for this problem, but everyone who has this problem should raise a ticket, hopefully it will bump it up in their priority list.
Last edited by southamptonfc, .
S2 licensed
P4 EE 3.4
X800XL 256MB AGP
Win XP Pro SP1

I used to get 130+ fps with 5.11 drivers. With 5.13 I get 15-20fps!!!!

Turning mirrors off may increase the fps a little, but it is still not playable.
Last edited by southamptonfc, .
S2 licensed
I have tried turning mirrors off. Unfortunately it did not fix the problem

I was getting 130 fps+ with 5.11 drivers, with 5.13 I get 15-20fps!

I have a x800 XL 256MB AGP. I have opened a ticket with ATI, I urge everyone to do so too. I just wish there was a severity rating that I could set to critical