I'll upload a couple of replays of wheel to wheel races that I've had later but yes, the nature of F1 means that it's not as wheel to wheel as some.
After a close race I am generally sweating, shaking and totally drained due to the concentration and not blinking for 10 minutes. I guess everyone has their own idea of fun !!!
ps I am a complete F1 nutter so I suppose I find it hard to understand why everyone doesn't like the BF1 as much as me!!
I only race the F1 so my view is setup for it, I know what you mean though.
The trick to not getting rear ended is to brake late and stay really wide on entry to the corner, you should find that this keeps you out of trouble most of the time.
I dont quite understand why people think its so hard to drive.
Its the lightest car with the most grip. Ok it has a lot of power but also has traction control. I find it's actually the easiest car to drive.
I recommend using a setup that has slight understeer, its how the professionals do it and only once you are very good with throttle and brakes can try a more unstable setup that will give you the fastest laptimes. But remember to finish first, you have to finish!!!
I find a stable understeering setup wins me a lot of races even though I can be a second or so slower than the fastest lap.
Yes there a lot of crashes and idiots but thats just like the Midland drivers or the Minardis in the 90's - total menaces, reducing everyones life expectancy, drivers, spectators, marshals etc I love it!
There is a skill in avoiding accidents, thats just something that needs to be learned, if you avoid that first corner accident and stay on the track you are guaranteed great racing I promise you. I have had some classic wheel to wheel races with equally skilled drivers. I don't necessarily mean the fastest but respectfull and fair.
Why are people saying "F1 car????" Do people think its not realistic or something?
This is a true story, I was in amsterdam at the weekend and I saw a kid going vroom vroom and waving round a pack of empty malboro reds 'racing edition' he'd found on a table. His parents were not happy when they noticed.
If you can be sure that not a single kid will be influenced in any way by tobacco advertising then by all means make skins with it, if there is any doubt then surely it aint a good thing to do?
At the end of day it comes down to peoples own concience, I started this thread to maybe make a few people think and if we see a few less skins plasterd with ads then cool
yeah, thats kinda my point, there's a grey area in everyones oppinions. They have already stated what isn't allowed and if it were me I'd just add tobacco to that list.
What if I had a rear wing with child porn on it?what if I had a rear wing with porn on it?what if I had a rear wing with a pair of t!ts on it?
My point is that legality is not the issue here, its what the writers of the game (hopefully motivated by their customers) think is acceptable. Personally I think it is morally wrong to allow tobacco companies free advertisment in games played by children but that is my opinion.</p>
I'd like all that to be sent as well, it helps noobs when on a new car/setup. I wouldn't be offended if you told me you didn't wanna give me your setup.
Please can fuel load and tyre settings be saved as part of a setup? I find it hard to remember exactly what is required for every track I have a setup for and I'm always running out of fuel and getting the tyres wrong.
I have noticed problems since the S patch too. Its not as bad for me, but I have noticed other drivers jump around quite a bit more than before and I got a 'wrong size packet' error when trying to join a server yesterday.
So for me, there is definitely something not quite as good as before S.
To be fair, your whole system is rather low powered for lfs.
lfs is normally cpu bound, check out the unofficial lfs benchmark, you'll see that cpu is the most important thing.
Running with all those low detail settings, I expect your graphics card is ok, but I cannot be sure. I suspect that you probably need to upgrade both to get a decent frame rate.
I've just moved from an x800xl to 7800gt and I am very dissapointed with the image quality.
The whole background seems to 'shimmer' and its very offputting. Also the white lines on the track are quite jagged in comparison to the X800. I am running with max quality settings everwhere and 1024X960 4xAA 8xAF so I wasn't expecting this.
Is this a driver problem or software or just the nvidia hardware isn't as good?
The devs can tell me where to stick it, not you. I am a customer and paid the same money as you. I'm out of this now, you can reply and have the last word.