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Is this the most unfriendly forum you know?
S2 licensed
As the title says, do you know of another forum where the flaming is so hot and noobs are slapped as hard?

Is this the most unfriendly forum you know of?
S2 licensed
This is DEFINITELY a hardware problem, that image corruption cannot come from anything else.

It sounds like the game continues to play but the graphics are screwed. This means that it is either being caused by your gfx card, ram or motherboard.

Overheating is the likely cause as already mentioned. You should find a program that can log the gpu temperature so you see what it gets to when this problem occurs.

Open up the case and check that all fans are running and give it a good clean out.

Download Orthos and run a test for at least 12hours. If it passes, your mobo, cpu and ram are ok which leaves the graphics card as culprit.

If Orthos fails we'll need to do other stuff to work out which component is failing.
S2 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Got to say I agree with you there mate. In the recent IGTC (FZR) race my teamate got hit, tried to recover, clutch burnt out. 6 Laps he had to wait on the side. He didn't do anything crazy when recovering. I have heard from alot of real life racers that there is no way a real clutch would overheat in less than 1 second..... It has seriously ruined alot of GTR races. I would be interested to hear from anyone who drives these cars for real if I am wrong. It's also the same with the SS cars. One spin and your clutch is gone.

I agree with this, you can pull away in 5th gear in a road car and still change gear without the clutch slipping like crazy, in lfs you can't
S2 licensed
You obviously have a better right foot than me I just can't get the car sliding how I'd like to. Having said that, from looking at the stats, I don't think you drive the BF1 nearly as much as me.

I know it's a 2006 car but if you are worried about realism.. Engines haven't developed much since then. You really notice how they have changed the engine maps this season when you see onboard - the renaults especially - I think because they have always had good low down torque. I know that driver ability and style also comes into it.

So as the teams have more or less the same engines as 2006 but mapped differently to allow the drivers to control them, I think it's a valid addition to lfs. Maybe it's easier to release a new BF1, I would be happy with either
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :But he wants the ability to choose (and configure?) different maps to make it more driveable.

But as it takes a few hours to perfect each map, and there might be several to choose from, and it's not a simple thing that 99% of LFS's userbase could cope with, then I think it's silly.

Also, I doubt LFS's engine models takes ignition advance into account anyway, so this would be achievable without a lengthy and somewhat pointless rewrite of a large part of LFS.

Yes but it doesn't have to be that complicated, the end result is just a shift of where the engine develops torque and I could do something similar in lfs tweak It would be cool to have a few different maps for use with tc on or off and for different types of circuit.
BF1 Adujstable Engine Map
S2 licensed
It would be good if there was a way of changing the engine mapping for the BF1. It would make it possible to drive the BF1 without TC like in F1 this season.
S2 licensed
Quote from gezmoor :I'm begining to get disilusioned with the attitude of some drivers on the S2 servers. There seems to be pretty much the same ignorance of the meaning of racing etiquete and most people still drive like they would a PS3 etc. ie I'm fast and im going to stick to my line no matter what, (irrespective of if it causes a crash with a slower less experienced driver), and everyone should just damn well get out of my way.

Anyone else get this feeling?

I sometimes think I might as well have not bothered paying for an S2 and just stuck with the demo

Life is full of aholes, same with lfs. The cream always rises to the top, you just need some more experience in how to race round these problems and take it with a pinch of salt when some fool takes you out
S2 licensed
Quote from RAM0011 :Hello

I have decided to buy a licence S2 but I have Buy a DFP wheel

So I don't have money anymore

So I ask if anyone can give hes account Just if he don't play anymore .

And please don't delete this post please

Thank you

Get a job!
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :After learning to drive your real-life car, I strongly recommend reading this book:

It's British (written by Don Palmer, one of the top driving experts in the UK, tyre engineer, and former gate-keeper for the exclusive High Performance Club), but the concepts are applicable everywhere.

You've taken the first steps into a very dangerous world. Good luck.

Screw that, this is what you need: ... d=one-book-with-thumbnail

Page 21 is what you need I think
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :. (You cannot left foot brake, and heel+toe is a bad idea)

although I have the usual teenage symptom of paying attention to the bit of road that's 5 feet in front of you, rather than looking far ahead.

LOL - left foot braking and heel and toe in your first driving lesson.

To left foot brake and heel and toe requires footwork like Bruce Foresyth but it can be done. The only person I've ever seen do it is a bloke called Andy Walsh and he's an ex F1 driver.

If you're in an auto then practice left foot braking. If you're in a manual, heel and toe but not both Maybe after you've passed your test too!

Not looking far enough down the road is a mistake that nearly all road users make and probably a lot of racing drivers too!

Bruce Forsyth:
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Interesting stuff but it sounds like the real time simulation is simply being based off non-realtime computing that's refined with the real telemetry, much like I suspected. So the product in discussion producing useful outputs wouldn't just be a real time simulation, but a full array of commercial (and privately developed) highly specialised CAE programs requiring a good understanding of physics and with a huge learning curve, definitely not a couple of hours of work or within reach of the home enthusiast.

Agreed, but it's hard to say when a computer program become a 'real time' simulation, not just rule based - when it's modelling atoms etc? It's something that can be debated forever.

Don't forget that you're reading this on what would probably be considered a super computer 10-15 years ago. There's a bit of freeware software called Space Simulator which NASA would've killed for in the 60's and they had a budget 10's of thousands time larger than any F1 team. If you look at AGI's Satellite toolkit you'll see what kind of thing is available now commercially.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Do they actually use the data analysis from the real car to drive the simulation, surely the computer models offer a more detailed view of what's going on and the real life outputs simply show the accuracy of the model?

Yes they do. It's an iterative process. Real life data is fed into the computer program. By comparing results of the model to measured real life data, the model is improved. It's similar to an AI neural net.

In this way don't need to know every detail about the materials and structures down to atomic level to produce a highly accurate model. The model continuously improves by simply running the simulation and driving the real car and processing the data. Sure, there has to be a starting point for the software which involves in depth modelling but if you have enough modelling points (telemetry sensors), the computer models can create themselves with relatively simple starting points.

Aircraft autopilots use this method to learn how to fly aircraft. They are able to cope with changes in their environment, not simply because of a set of human designed rules. They have brains of their own - quite scary really!
S2 licensed
Quote from horrgakx :Not having much luck. I don't suppose anyone has the settings for the 8800GTS control panel do they? I've tried loads of different combinations and it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Here are the setttings for the un-modified control panel settings;

Here you go, where your settings need to be changed:

Anisotropic Filtering - 16X
Anitaliasing Mode - Don't know the options here - what have you got?
Antialiasing Setting - 8X
Antialiasing Transparency - On
Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias - Clamp
Texture Filtering - High Quality
Texture Filtering - Tiliniear optimization - OFF
Vertical Synx - OFF (unless you always ALWAYS have and fps above your monitors refresh rate, ie 60hz, 100hz etc)

That will give you great image quality.
S2 licensed
apology accepted I take back what I said.

I didn't get the job but that was because they didn't think I'd stick it out in Cologne for more than a couple of years before going to get a job with a team in the UK. I blitzed the technical interview

I'm not interested in an argument, all I said was, quote:

"F1 teams test components and setups in simulators. I don't see why consumer sims can't or wont eventually be used in the same way."

Sometimes it's not what people write but they way others interpret them that is the problem. I will say this, when a ford fiesta has as much telemetry gathering capability as a modern f1 car, consumer sims will allow simulations. It will happen, that's my opinion and that's the last post from me.
Last edited by southamptonfc, .
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :The systems real teams use will not be real time, the real time motion simulators they use for driver training will be fairly similar to commercial simulators, still bound by current hardware restrictions but with massive budgets and access to information. The non-real time simulations, which is what you're suggesting generate multiple full time jobs to simulate and develop one car. It isn't realistic to try and do this on your own and would not be a few hours work, the basic principles and results of radical setup changes can be easily read in books or seen in any vaguely similar car in a current real time simulation. Tristan has far more knowledge in this area than either of you and even I can see you haven't got a clue so I'd read his posts if I were you

Well I went for a job interview at Toyota F1 to write their realtime F1 simulation system - described as being 'like a playstation game'. Drivers use it to learn circuits. Engineers use it to test new components, systems and setups etc etc. Data is constantly fed into the sim from the car telemetry which is used to improve the sim, it's a cyclic process. I don't know or care if Tristan has more knowledge in this area but we both clearly have more than you.

F1 technology filters through to the consumer market and happens quicker than 1 lifetime. That was simply the point I was making, don't know why everyone on these boards feels the need to have petty arguments about every tiny comment. The words 'get a life' spring to mind....
Last edited by southamptonfc, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :From a simple person too, to maintain the theme.

GO **** YOURSELF TRISTAN - and I'm sure I speak for most people on this board, probably everyone you have ever met and worked with and your mother too.
S2 licensed
F1 teams test components and setups in simulators. I don't see why consumer sims can't or wont eventually be used in the same way.
S2 licensed
Quote from PLAYLIFE :Yeah, cos you = majority, we should ditch AI. Especially, as Scawen has spent so much time on it now.

I have no idea what you are trying to imply by that. I suggest you go have a w@nk and de-angry. You sound like an AI-fanboy hahaha
S2 licensed
Ok, so some people want AI but surely it's a question of whether the majority of users want AI?

For me, AI is pointless. Like playing BF2 with AI, it would be no fun after playing the real thing....
S2 licensed
Quote from Hallen :
To whoever mentioned they were getting 100+fps. Why? What is your refresh rate on your monitor? Getting higher FPS than your refresh rate does not do you much good. Bump up the quality settings to the max until you start dropping below 60 FPS.

That's not the whole story. Minimum framerate is the key, not average. A completely hypothetical example, if you have average 60fps, occasionally it might drop to 20fps. If you had average 100fps, it might only drop to 45 which will make all the difference in the middle of a race.

Also, I really notice the difference between 60 and 100 fps Glad I have a monitor that does 100hz. It definitely improves my laptimes. 60 seems almost jerky.
Last edited by southamptonfc, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Personally i can't tell the difference between 4xAA and 8xAA, and it won't use 8xAA over 1024*1280, which makes it crap for my screen

I use 1600x1000, I find a big difference between 8x and 4x. I have an Nvidia 7900gt card though which is quite frankly poor at anti-aliasing compared to say a 1900xt, up until the very latest generation of cards ATI 4X = NVIDIA 8X imo.
S2 licensed
If you can, 8XAA and 16AF gives great image quality.
S2 licensed
With the BF1, like in real life, the blue flag should mean get out of the way pretty much immediately. That's realistic with the BF1 and different to the traditional blue flag in racing.

In other forms of motorsport, it is normally a polite and sensible thing to let people past. You waste time racing people who aren't on the same lap and while people aren't obliged by the rules, people who hold up the leaders are generally less than popular with fans and fellow racers.
Last edited by southamptonfc, .
S2 licensed
No add-ons ever. Either for all or not at all, this is what kills rfactor.
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Jeezuz, do you own a sherman tank? My exige does 9l / 100km when I'm driving like a maniac!!

Anyway, I beat you in lfs, I get 35.7l / 100km.

21135 litres in total, or bp or shell