You don't do much, maybe poo yourself? I generally try to hold onto the wheel and try to make the corner at the end of the straight. It's great fun and I think that is the point that many people are missing.
As you say, watching F1 cars going through Eau Rouge or Beckets in real life is just shocking and one of the best things ever!! Don't knock A1 until you've tried it though, it's a different thing entirely, as someone said, the cars look heavy and slow compared to F1 but watching them going sideways round Paddock Hill is very very cool and have you heard the noise they make on overrun????? It's only bettered by the Ferarri TC .I love em both but for different reasons..
That is very interesting, I didn't know that. However, there must be a point where a slow enough cpu will not be able to manage that amount of physics cyles. I would have thought that a good way to improve physics is to increase the cyles per second and might be done in S3.I never asked for the physics to be improved!!!!! Please understand that!I asked just 1 question. 'Please allow the car reset speed to be configurable' that's it.
I know, I was just getting a bit annoyed with people saying it's a stupid idea and it wont work like they know the code inside out. Dumass's point about collision dection is the only sensible suggestion as to why there must be a reset speed and he made it without sounding like a know-it-all. Personally I think it might be there to stop cars flying off at stupid speeds when collisions cause the physics engine to break down and produce crazy forces, we've all had one of those where the car is sent flying.
You can do 718 at Blackwood and easily make the corner at the end of the straight.
Thrust SSC has broken the sound barrier. I will say again, I'm not asking for the physics to be changed!!! They actually seem to cope very well at 718 which is a credit to the engine. If anyone has actually tried messing around with these things they will know that the cars break before the physics does and it is great fun to see all that happen as a demo of how good the car modelling and physics really are.
"we'd also need to...." Are you a dev? I think your statement imples that an FX-57 runs the same amount of physics cycles per second as a Pentium3. If you have the source code, I'd really like a copy I'm not requesting physics improvements, simply configurability of the reset speed. If Scawen doesn't reply, fine, I posted this as a request and if they read it then cool.
I'm not asking for physics to be improved, please read the original post. If there are reasons 718 is the max speed because the physics and game engine breaks down, then fine. I see what you're saying but you aren't a dev, its just speculation.
You aren't doing the coding so I don't think you can decide what a waste of time is. I'm absolutely sure the devs have tried it for fun, I would like to as well.
No worries, been there, done that and posted the replay - which unfortunately doesn't work, get some wierd OOS error. Download the setups and try for yourself. You can go round the corners of the oval at 550 before the suspension buckles under the loading. You can do at least 2 laps of blackwood before the suspension and tyres give up.
Note that I asked it to be configurable not removed. Chances are this is a very easy thing to do, just read the value from a text file. If I was a programmer (which I am) I would think it was a cool idea. It's not my program so all I can do is request that they do it and hope they agree. It's not your lots game either so unless you speak for the devs, please shut up. Thanks
I am hooked on the 718km/h car with Mechanik, which really needs downforce Are tyre sizes one of the things that will not ever be able to be edited with Mechanik? Should I assume that if it's not in Mechanik now (ie engine pos & tyres) that it is impossible?
I am going to post an enhancement request for LFS so that I can go faster than 718!
I have a couple of questions (sorry if these are answered elsewhere).
Will the final version allow modification of all the S2 cars?
Will it be possible to access the downforce menu like in the old lfs tweak. I expected to see it after changing the car type to Forumla but it doesn't appear.
It seems you can't view any replays you do with mechanik tweak after you have shutdown LFS. I have tried loading mechanik and the correct ct4 file and no joy.
Its a real shame, I have done some great replays of 550km/h round the oval until the suspension buckles under the load resulting in a huge accident etc etc
Would you like me to post the mecanik file and setup?
I wonder if LFS devs would consider making the 'reset speed' configurable so I can attempt to hit 1000km/h. There's quite a bit of straight left there.....
I have been having a 'discussion' with ATI support about this as it is not mentioned in the release notes as being fixed or as a known issue.
Have a look:
I have seen that the Cat 6.2 release notes do not mention this problem as fixed or as a known issue.
Please can you tell me if 6.2 has fixed this problem or which future version you expect will.
Things like this usually take a while to address with driver updates. It should be soon but I don't think that it is in 6.2 or it would have said in the release notes.
Errrr if this really is fixed in 6.2 then GREAT!! but it would be slightly worrying too