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That's a name from the past, Paddi!
S2 licensed
Quest to find Pio and Lord Blaster....

However, the first person I remember driving on a server with and thinking WoW, that guys nuts, was SpankyDave...... actually it's sparkyDave but I thought he was called SpankyDave!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from nathan246 :Nice website guys

thanks Nathan
Who do you miss from LFS old days?
S2 licensed
So I was thinking the other day (yes, rare I know!!!) and remembering some of the old characters that used to play loads of LFS.

Who do you miss and what are they doing now?


I'll start it off. The driver I miss racing against with the best attitude in LFS for me was:

Lord Blaster

what is he doing now? no idea but I'd like to know!

Also PIO, the XRR king!
S2 licensed
Quote from anttt69 :Did you know that Lime Rock was resurfaced & upgraded nearly two & a half years ago yet iRacing have neglected to bring us that update.

Tony Gardner addressed that issue though. He said that once Limerock had completed their work they'd go back. I don't think Limerock have absolutely completed stuff yet..... like Silverstone.
S2 licensed
Great scott Batman!!! I'll delay my dinner for that
S2 licensed
can we choose numbers?
S2 licensed
A really good production and the clarity is excellent!
S2 licensed
I made it to my 50th country this year, Australia!
S2 licensed
Sometimes, I can see why Eric doesn't get involved in te LFS community

(only sometimes!!!)
S2 licensed
Quote from spanks :Where did you get that screenshot :O

iRacing's facebook page.
S2 licensed
sem nadšený a těším se na tu další sezónu GTAL. Trať výběry vypadají v pořádku pro mě
S2 licensed
I think an AS track too or an FE..... However, I'd prefer to do two test races on different tracks
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :WTF with iRacing seriosuly.
My connection is superfine all the race except for the starts, lag lag lag lag and more lag. And really is killing me, getting 10+ positions after 5th start place.

Sounds like a graphics issue Mr Chano. Try reducing the settings a little then trying again.
S2 licensed
Nothing to do with that Philip. Quite simply, I read Deko's post:

Quote from dekojester :

Now, let's put away any grudges, or opinions of the person supplying the information, and let's have a civilized discussion.

and accepted that instead of carrying on as you seem to want to do....
S2 licensed
Quote from racer hero :I could have gotten top 3 if I was old enough to compete.... And because he isn't really an open wheel guy, and he could have gotten top 5, just shows how good he is in the cars he likes

Pity you couldn't go Ken. You'd have done well...
S2 licensed
Based on what you've said Deko, what needs to happen is that one or two people that are generally regarded as the faster drivers, drive all 3 cars at a few different tracks and go by that. People like myself and a lot of the middle of the pack racers aren't much use to setting the restrictions.

As long as they're not FZR aficionados, then you should get an idea of what the quick guys can do though as it's amateur league, it needs amateurs that would drive in it to do the testing, in my view.
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Meh, I am not really an openwheel guy anyways, so it don't bother me at all.

Considering you're not an open wheel guy amazing you're instantly able to get top 5 EASY! Shame iRacing doesn't have the calibre for you
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :But if i look at last years championship, it comes down to the final round where 7k in a fxr could have won the championship so maybe they shouldn't be changed at all is what you are saying! . If you are just tellin me to look at last years times then you definitely won't be getting 22% as the fxr had much more potential to be fast. I used those times from last year, and that's how my restrictions were created. If you think that 22% is even, then I want whatever it is you are drinking!

Bring some proper data please, because your 'data' is just your opinion with no support.

I'm talking averages Phil..... not one car that was way better than the general load of drivers! Now who doesn't get it... geez! You'll do what you will anyway. you're obviously right, as always so no point discussing it...
S2 licensed
Just look at last years timings overall and you'll see it's clear. It's pretty self evident without needing my figuers!
S2 licensed
When looking at average times I did two things. Firstly look at average times from previous season to see what the overall spread was based on the averages and restrictions used and had a quick look at the stats from when I was on the server too.....
S2 licensed
I understood before. It's your comprehension of what I understand that is wrong!

Quote from PMD9409 :
Once again, TEST, don't go by what you think you "know" because trust me, you will find out you know less than you thought.

Check logs... was there last night with people from my team which is why I posted what I did! Please try not to comprehend that there is only one answer here and it has to be yours

I'm just going on the testing we did last night. I also drove some laps on some of the other tracks and the results were what I expected, which is why I said what I did in my last post above. There will always be one team that drives a particular car better than the general cohort but to really analyse whether restrictions are right, use averages and I think you'll see if you look at averages, the results are a little different from what you've tried to explain. That's what I've looked in to and what results I found to be right. If I'm wrong on that, so be it but right now I just still think the same after finding out what I know to be what I expected.

I'm sorry if you feel I am not comprehending anything of what is going on. However, sometimes you are equally wrong with comprehension "iRacing Mazda competition!!".
Last edited by StableX, .
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :Oh, I see I totally misunderstood how it worked.

This is the race I watched.

Okay well maybe I should have done some more laps, but college has started back up and taken up most of my time.

yeah, great opportunity missed there I think...... pity. Would have been nice to see more LFS'ers to get behind and follow to the final!
S2 licensed
Going by the times, the FXR should have 1% taken off the test limits still. If the goal is to still keep the FXR under powered compared to the RWD cars then its brilliant as it is!

One has to remember that this is supposed to be an "amateur" event and not for the super fast like happened last year. If that's the case I still think the FXR is slower than its rivals and should be allowed to be a little closer.

Some people say that the FXR should be slower as it's easier to drive. I don't buy that as an amateur league. The object [to me] should be about getting the cars pretty close, irrespective of ease of driving. That's what creates better competition overall.....
Last edited by StableX, .
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :I believe the race was a couple nights ago? I'm not a big fan of the Mazda tbh so I didn't really put in any laps (was running 20s after like 5 laps on track). Saw the regional finals or whatever for US and Canada, I could have easily finished in top 5 there sadly, some of those drivers were going WAY off pace.

I'm not sure you'd EASILY finish top 5... or you'd probably have tried to get there, especially considering its a free trip to NY and as you'd finish EASILY< a good chance of the $10,000 prize!

you missed out big time!