He's English. If the game's not going too badly it's the responsibility of senior English players to endeavour to completely **** it up before the end of the first half.
I like Shotglass's logic on the SSD question, but I am from Yorkshire and we're not allowed to spend extra money on things that are better than other things, even if we have a decent excuse.
Pro tip: If you decide you're going to keep playing the guitar, don't ignore music theory, learn as much of it as you can as soon as you can. Get a teacher if you don't know any music theory at all.
Most people who buy guitars learn to play some songs from tab, learn a couple of scales and some blues licks and that's it. They all sound the same because they don't really understand what they're doing, they're just repeating music they've heard before. If you learn even just the basics of music theory you will understand why chords and intervals sound the way they do, and you will be able to use them creatively. It will also make it easier to play what's in your head without having to peck all over the neck trying to find the right notes.
Understanding the theory behind music will stop you getting stuck in a rut where you get bored of playing because you've run out of ideas. It's what separates musicians from mere 'guitarists'.
I don't know how old yours is but the current Squiers are good guitars. They would benefit from replacing the hardware with higher quality parts but you could say the same about Fenders.
The Squier Jazz Bass I've got at the moment is a much better guitar than the USA Fender Jazz Bass I had in the '90s.
I am tempted by SSDs like anybody else is, but I don't want one - I'm after a cheap enough gaming PC that can run Skyrim, BF3, Civ 5, and then I can complain that they're all the same old crap warmed up and go back to sulking.
What would be so bad about telling kids the truth?
Tell kids the truth and they will be able to judge the risks. Tell them lies and they'll have to either abstain completely or experiment to find out the truth. Kids are naturally curious (and that is a GOOD thing), by lying to them you're putting them in more danger.
The truth is that weed isn't particularly bad for you, certainly not in moderation, it's considerably better for you than tobacco and it's safer than alcohol. LSD is not addictive. Mushrooms are not addictive. Ecstasy is not addictive. All of them might cause you to behave in unusual ways and so you'd be well advised to take them in a safe environment, but they do not cause any long-term ill effects. At all. Amphetamines are habit-forming when used regularly and can cause minor problems in your life because they mess up your daily routine. Heroin and other opiates are habit-forming when used regularly and withdrawal is extremely unpleasant and physically painful, so it's best to avoid heroin.
Of course you'd want to give more detailed information than that, but I don't see why it would be wrong to tell kids this stuff. It's all true. What's wrong with telling the truth?
I'm not too bothered about getting 'years' from a CPU, this is the first time I've upgraded just parts of a computer and this one is 4/5 years old now, normally I replace the whole thing every 4 years. Something that is fast enough to play current games is fine. Cheaper the better, really.
So I'm tempted to upgrade my PC to play both of the half-way-decent games that have been released in the last four years. But I can't be bothered to understand everything about current-gen PC parts so I want someone else to work it out for me.
I guess I need:
CPU + a quiet fan
GPU with a quiet fan
HDD (I don't want an SSD)
I guess a Windows license unless I want to really have a laugh and install Windows XP again like I did in 2008.
I think all the other parts I can keep (I have a pretty good 600W CPU and a nice case). I don't really want to spend over £500. I guess I'd be buying from Aria.co.uk or Ebuyer.
Not really. The Romans had an empire 2000 years ago that covered nearly all of Europe, conquered Europeans became Romans, native-Romans bred with conquered Europeans, etc. We have some far-right political parties here in the UK who will blabber on at great length about ethnicity and 'native' British people, but apparently the first settlers here were from the Basque country. Then of course we got invaded by a succession of foreign forces (Romans, Vikings, Normans [who archaeologists think were probably Vikings who'd previously settled in northern France]) - all that was only 1000 years ago. Then of course more recently we had our own empire and that brought successive influxes of immigrants from all over the world.
I'm white and there is a village only 10 miles from here that shares my last name (and several more within a 50 miles radius) which you'd think would make me pretty English, but etymology tells us that this town name would've been a viking name, so am I originally Norwegian? Danish? Basque-and-Danish? Saxon-and-Swedish? Roman/Swedish/Basque/Celtic?
European genealogy is way too complicated to make racism practical.
That's where racism really ****s up peoples' lives. And I think a lot of the 'not a big deal' respondents in this thread don't really understand what a fundamental destructive effect discrimination has on the lives of minorities, whether that's blacks, muslims, LGBT, whatever.
He wasn't given much opportunity to do anything else. There were only two or three times that the whole Barca attack managed to combine without getting snuffed out, and each time it wasn't Messi at the spearhead because he had to go so deep into midfield to get a touch of the ball. Chelsea excelled by forcing the play out wide and Barca had no targets in the middle, all they could do was win corners and bring Puyol up.
It will be different in the second leg but Chelsea really played a smart game at home, great teamwork, and they didn't even have to foul Messi every five minutes like everybody else does.
That Terry/Puyol moment got GIFfed in record time.
As much as I dislike them Chelsea were excellent tonight, not often you see a team completely shut Messi down without leaking goals from either side. Cole particularly was excellent, and Drogba under Di Matteo is playing like he was in his 20s.
I've now got two of these. It was never intended for bass guitar but it's the best bass effect Boss ever made. I'm planning to mod the one I bought today to bypass its filter section and output a pure square wave for feeding into my outboard filters.