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I used to like Balotelli but after that attempted stamp on Scott Parker's face I changed my mind. He has a real nasty streak.
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Quote from MadCatX :I guess it's quite logical for a PHP developer to use a Mac. Chances are that his code will run on some kind of LAMP server so developing on a UNIX based system makes sense. The other things like multitouch, fully integrated auto updates etc. are just a bonus.

Exactly. All my stuff ends up on Linux servers but Linux on the desktop is still rubbish, when you compare it to Mac OS you would have to be stupid to pick Linux. Windows doesn't get considered because I would have to run Linux in a VM to do any work, making Windows a worse choice than simply choosing Linux in the first place.

Honestly it's a simple enough decision for me to use a Mac, and easy to explain, and it's only weird people with tribal behaviour about operating systems who would even bother to argue otherwise.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Did you just prefer a Mac because of the multi-touch stuff? Since when is Apple the only company using them in their products?

They were the first to do it and their implementation is really good. Why go looking for other computers that do it when I've already got one that does it really well?

No that wasn't the only draw, but it's one advantage of the same company producing both the hardware and software - it all works quite slickly. I think it's worth paying more for a UI that doesn't get in the way. Time Machine is also really nice to have - never having to think about backups again is a nice feature that saves time. Spotlight works really well and also saves time, smart folders again are very useful and time-saving.

Quote from Bose321 :I'm wondering which SVN you're talking about specifically. Last time I checked everywhere I worked and at most places around the internet proper programmers avoid the Mac...

A lot of 'proper' programmers avoid SVN too but the company I'm contracting to use it, so I have to use it.

Have you ever asked them why they avoid Macs? I think that's a better question to ask than asking me why I use one. You might get an answer that makes me look uninformed, or you might find that there's a lot of silly snobbery amongst programmers. Would it be more manly for me to waste a week trying to set up a Linux box to work like this, and failing? Perhaps. But I've got work to do.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :What the hell does productivity really have to do with your OS? Can you copy pasta faster or something? I do know that you're a musician, so am I, so PLEASE don't tell me you're one of those latte sipping pastel turtle "T" sporting crapple eaters that give technology the sour taste of idiocy? For the love of God Kev they haven't gotten to you have they? Point out on the doll where they stuffed the apple seeds...

I can't tell if you're serious.

I'm not a professional musician and to be honest I use a Windows computer for recording/mixing just as much as I use the Mac. I use ProTools and Reaper on both platforms.

I work as a PHP developer. The Mac is great for productivity because the multi-touch pad means less mousing around for stuff, it also means my lousy musician wrist tendons don't get so much aggro at work and I can play more when I get home. Also my favourite editor is a Mac application, Versions is also better than any Windows SVN client (I have no choice but to use SVN at work), various open-source projects I use daily work better and are easier to configure on the Mac than on Windows (Apache, PHP, OpenVPN, etc.), I can also run a development environment on my desktop that is much closer to the production environment, tail console logs on my local box, etc. It's much, much more convenient to use a Mac for my work than a Windows computer, trust me.

For the record my work computer is the only bit of Apple hardware I own. I have an Android phone, no iPads, no iPods, no Airports, no Time Capsule, although I could find a use for an iPad in my studio and I will probably get one this year. So I'm not an Apple fanboy by any stretch I just try to use the best tools for the job and for work that's a Mac.

Oh I have also never been in a Starbucks and refuse to go into one until they offer a product called 'Just normal-sized normal coffee'.
Last edited by thisnameistaken, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Crashgate3 :overpriced child's toy

TBH I'm way more productive with my current Macbook Pro than I ever have been with a windows box. If you need a *nix desktop machine you can't get a better one than a Mac.

If Ubuntu was good enough I'd be as happy as a dog with two dicks, but it isn't.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :My favorite example, the third Lord of The Rings. Right before the witch king dies, he laughs and says "No man can kill me" to which Eowyn replies "I am no man!" and stabs him in the face. Yes, a similar scene occurred in the books, but the way it was portrayed in the movie ruined it. It felt like something out of a film made by elementary school students. Really, one of the best film trilogies ever made, and they throw this crap in?

I think Legolas surfing down a flight of stairs on a shield while headshotting people with his bow was the biggest shark-jumping moment in those movies.
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :Read the whole post, or at least watch the trailer if you haven't seen the movie. They are NOT the real actors. That's why i didn't went to see it with pen and paper, writing down all the bad acting i saw, because i knew they were the real SEAL's. And like i said, action scenes are better and more realistic to me just because the real actors didn't over-act them, it felt more real..

This was originally going to be shot with an actor playing Wayne Rooney but I think it's a lot more believable with him doing it:
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :why oh why do yoy have to pay attention to their acting? That's just 'modern' and 'hipster' way of watching movies,

The skill of acting is that you take on the role of your character transparently, that the character is so believable you cannot see the actor. If you can see the actor his performance will ruin the scene, and no amount of explosions is going to make up for it.
S2 licensed
Can we make col the official ruler of the forum please. And grant him regulatory powers including but not limited to abduction, sterilisation and maiming.

Quote from col :Scawen has explained many times why this is not going to happen.
conclusion: you are either very lazy, a troll, or an idiot!


@OP: If you are bored with LFS, you need to find something more fulfilling to do than video games. Then when you come back to LFS, you will enjoy it again. The problem isn't LFS, it's you - same goes for all whiners - get a life. LFS is just a video game - it cannot make you happy. You need to get your 5 a day of wholesome real life experience.

LFS should be enjoyed as part of a healthy balanced diet.

S2 licensed
Quote from Might :Sorry for your loss. It is exhiliriating to drive a car in its limits, but sometimes it comes with a cost..

But i disagree on one thing, if you are on public roads, you are never alone on the road. So just by not taking anyone with you, it doesn't mean you will only be risking your own life.

Yeah come on guys show some respect for your fellow road users, save your fun for the track.
S2 licensed
Quote from dadge :I had to fix that bit sorry. Do you guys have anything online at the minute? I'd love to hear some of it.

I don't really like that word for whatever reason, I try to avoid using it.

No nothing online yet, it's been a bit tricky to get everyone together lately, mostly because our sax/keys player is really flaky. Had a chat about him last night and he might have to go, which is a shame because he adds a pretty authentic jazzy feel to stuff, but he's just too much effort to organise.
S2 licensed
When Barca are playing well they are a joy to watch. I didn't think they played especially well last night.
S2 licensed
I thought it was pretty funny tbh. Would like to see you corner on it.
So you turn on the TV...
S2 licensed
And there's a show on that you never watch, and the only time you've seen it before it was the same episode that's on now.

How often does that happen to you?
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :I never pictured you listening to good music like this. So does this mean you finally became a nicer person and grew up a little (no offense)?


Hey I might have found myself a scratch DJ by the way. Haven't had a chance to meet up with him yet but he's based here in York and in principle is up for doing some live band stuff. So with any luck it will be full steam ahead for my hip-hop soundsystem project.
S2 licensed
I like the Swedish Chef a lot, but I'm not changing my avatar every month. Hell I haven't changed it for five years or so, why start now.
S2 licensed
Quote from jwardy :Muchooo updates.. 1.7gb in total -.- loving life on a 2mb connection

Aw I remember back when I had a 2mb line, those were the days, petrol was still under £1 a litre, you could leave your front door open, it was all fields, etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Same here. I support McLaren, and yes I prefer when they win, but I don't hate other teams / drivers and I certainly don't get a hissy fit when they come out at top.

Actually I forgot how much I enjoy seeing Ferrari struggle. Whoops, there goes my whole point...

If I 'support' any F1 team it's Williams, always like to see them do well, but I'm happy so long as Ferrari are struggling. Same way I don't really mind who wins the premier league so long as it isn't Man United.
S2 licensed
Am I the only person here who doesn't completely despise one or more F1 drivers?

I mean there's Schumacher of course, but he doesn't count, everybody thinks he's a dick.
S2 licensed
It's actually got much smaller - I got tired of needing two people to lift them. I do still have room for one more on my live board though.

TBH I play double bass much more than bass guitar these days so it seemed silly to have a massive amount of effects.
S2 licensed
I'm the same with effects pedals although I do use them all. If it works out on ebay today I'll make a post of my own.

Edit: Some bastard outbid me.

It was a Seppuku FX Digital Pitch Modulator.
Last edited by thisnameistaken, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Btoryo :Sold my Eclipse and now I have a 2005 MINI Cooper
Not a BMW, but owned my BMW

I didn't know you were a girl. A/S/L?
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :The contact with Button was clearly not their fault, though, and it seems most people agree the Vettel contact was a racing incident of one kind or another.

FWIW I do think the collision with Vettel was 100% Narain's fault, but I imagine it was quite a mentally taxing day at work to be driving such a shitty car on such a shitty day. Anyway I'm sure Vettel will be more careful lapping cars in future.
S2 licensed
4Gb a month is a lot of data, you won't get through that unless you're watching movies or streaming music a lot. Just remember to use your wifi when at home and you won't get anywhere near that 4Gb limit.
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Quote from DeadWolfBones :I don't think you know anything.
