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S2 licensed
Sorry but in the CD sleeve of 'Discovery', Daft Punk clearly state they used samples from other songs with permission. AFAIK this goes for Human After All and Homework too.
S2 licensed
I picked up the PC version today and I've gone from an F grade Audi TT (awful) to E standard 350Z Nismo (good fun, a bit tail happy but controllable) so far.

TDU offers a great experience- cruising round, drawing up next to another player and racing him down the coast to rock music/dramatic classical/jaunty jazz or swearing at the git in the Mercedes who overtook you when you were enjoying a quiet drive.

My specs are AMD 3200+, 1GB RAM, 256MB 7600GS O/C. I get playable framerates (don't know what they are but it's good enough) at 1024x768 High Detail with no AA/AF/HDR. In fact, the graphics start corrupting if I turn HDR on so .

(Btw, I've also played someone else's PS2 version and although the looks aren't as hot and some bits have been stripped out eg clothes/picking your player/Ferraris it's still quite fun).
S2 licensed
Watched the intro on YouTube, incredible so far. That should be the official intro.
S2 licensed

Seriously though, cool toy.
S2 licensed
Set your LFS FF to 25% and your Profiler to 100% for RWD at 900 degrees.

For FWD, 45% in LFS.

For Formula, 65% in LFS as far as I can remember.

That's what I read and use.
S2 licensed usually has F1 and you can watch in a browser. Easier and better than torrents, IMO.
S2 licensed
180? Could be worse, might still be worth buying.
S2 licensed
Quote : I have my wheel set to 720deg

I've probably ranted about this before, but the in-game wheel not being linear or turning to anywhere near 720deg would piss me off.

How many degrees does the in-game cockpit wheel have?
S2 licensed
Quote :You may think I have gone mental within the space of a day, but I watched 'An Inconvenient Truth' for the first time at it really hit home.If your a sceptic, I would just say watch the film and be ready to change your mind.

I watched it. I wasn't convinced.

That graph at the start showing the CO2/temp correlation? He showed the CO2 rise at the end but didn't show a temp to match it.

Also, that graph was on a large scale and the later ones were on a smaller scale, so the spikes seen at the end of the later small-scale graphs probably work out to just another minor peak/cycle in the big-scale scheme of things.
S2 licensed
Love the song, can't work out what some of the lyrics are though

Can someone post the words?
S2 licensed
I have an AMD 64 3200+, 1GB RAM and a 7600GS overclocked.

Will it run decently at a good detail at 800x600? Or should I use the money to buy a gearknob for my car?
S2 licensed
I like the cutting/syncing with the music. Everything else was average, mind.
S2 licensed
Uninstall the Logitech drivers, then reinstall them THEN plug in your DFP when prompted to make sure everything is set up. Restart PC. Then calibrate and set your rotation settings etc in the Profiler followed by calibration in LFS.

That's the ideal way to do it AFAIK and starting from scratch has worked for me in the past.
S2 licensed
Ahh, a speed limit debate.

Yeah, sometimes they're too low, sometimes they're too high but all in all they're right a lot of the time. Yes, you can drive down a motorway at 140mph at 3am but not a 5pm rush-hour. The speed limit is designed to cater for all conditions.

The physical roads themselves may be safe at higher than legal speeds, but the environment they are in which is full of people crossing the road, overtaking, parking, pulling out of junctions etc is not, which is why the speed limit down a straight piece of road is sometimes 40mph.

That's just my 2p. Generally, I stick to speed limits (never more than 5mph above as that's where the speed cameras are set) and always use my digital dash speedo which is more reliable than the analog one above it.
S2 licensed
Devastation was great, but I only ever had the demo.

Post-apocalyptic isn't my thing, it's all too generic and games/movies are better at it IMO.
S2 licensed
I've been off reading for a while as the books for A level English are pretentious shite.

However, I got the book A Clockwork Orange with The Independent last week and it is brilliant. Well worth a read. The film is good too but misses out detail.
S2 licensed
Clearly, as they're both in different countries. But he makes a good point.

If someone wants to pass me, I let them pass because if they're driving like an idiot I don't want them near me and odds are they'll wrap their car round a tree a mile up the road anyways. I can't be bothered to race mostly.
S2 licensed
I'd suggest the basics of oversteer, understeer and how to correct them, as well as why a car rolls (which is much easier to do than Joe Average thinks).
S2 licensed
Quote :
"Now I make a point of doing little things to help the environment," he revealed. "I always switch off my television rather than leave it on stand-by….""

Only cos it makes the electric bill cheaper, the tight git.
S2 licensed

I own this shirt because I couldn't find one that says "Global warming is part of the earth's natural cycle and the difference we make is insignificant".
S2 licensed
It would be kind of cool if someone did it as a concept render, but it's not what an F1 car should be.

"Let's race fast cars... And save the environment!"

Nooo! Keep the two separate, Honda. You don't see packages of paper emblazoned with "Save The Trees".
S2 licensed
It was still quite funny though. "Jezza 4 Kristen"
S2 licensed
I like the detail!

When I saw the thread title, I thought of this (I didn't create it):
S2 licensed
Ugh, the 05/06 Honda was one of the best lookers on the grid. This one is lazy.