You keep saying my responses are wrong with no evidence to prove it. I know you are a photographer and I also know there are 2 very different view points on colour spaces. You are obviously on the opposite side to me This guy is on my side and he used to do it for a living.
Hmmmm..... I wonder who would do such a thing? Would have to be a very immature little twa$.
Make sure to let us know if you have any ideas about who it could have been.
Some little scipt kitty with nothin to do. Likes to waste everyones time and screw with people because they have an empty life and everyone thinks he or she is a loser!!
Really? I find lots of the fastest are the least clean. They expect you to give way and not occupy their piece of the track.
The middle of the road guys are the ones I find the most clean usually.
It is the standard of the web and almost everything else. Unless you are a profesional Photographer or Graphics designer, don't let anyone talk you into getting colour profile software or or hardware. It is not needed for great results.
PS: I know all about colour profiling my monitor and all the bullshi% that goes with it. I have tried colour both ways. The easy way and the hard way, unless you are a pro selling huge commercial prints, SRGB is all anyone needs. The only people that could tell the difference are pixel detectives that troll photo forums looking for mistakes.
I challenge you to post a duplicate with SRGB and one with Adobe98 and see if anyone can tell the difference.
Yes!! They should all be the same. This is the standard colour space for the web as well. So if you order prints from an online dealer like Walmart or some other this is the colour space they will use.
You should be able to go into your Monitor settings and select SRGB. If your monitor doesn't have the SRGB profile already you will be able to download it off the web easy enough.
Then go into your Graphics card colour settings and change it to SRGB as well.
And finally change photoshop to SRGB as well.
You will find that everything looks dark and dull to begin with. This is normal!! Most monitors come from the factory over saturated and overly bright so when you colour balance them they look shi%. Don't worry you will get used to it.
edit: PS Try to post jpegs instead of png as attachments. png's are horribly big and clumsy.:-)
What are you talking about? I have a Dell 4600 with a 200watt and something power supply and it runs my:
-1gig of ram
-2 hard drives (internal)
-1 usb hard drive (external)
-and a 256 ati agp graphics card just fine.
Also something to think of is lots of older Dell comp. will not except a regular ATX power supply. You need special connctors and stuff. These Dell power supplies cost more as well.
Thanks swishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh<<<<<Thats what you guys are talking about going right over my head
I'll just enjoy the game and drive what is given to me.
I'm curious what is wrong with the tires?
I keep seeing this brought up but never explained. I see a glaring problem with the collision detection but the tires feel fine.
If someone could explain I would appreciate it.
I like it the way it is. If you change it to multi class it will only have the effect of moving the people that race the TBO's to race 3.
Race 1 is there for a reason. To learn enough race craft to move up with others of your level.
This is why Race3 works so well. Silver and above have learned enough about how to drive in a crowd without crashing to race multi class.
Most on Race1 have not learned this yet.
I don't know about the short tracks being bad for GT's! We have had some awsome battles at SO3 and other short tracks. Race 3 with its multi class racing is the best on short tracks where you have to lap slower cars and get lapped.
This is where the real racers are separated from the Hotlappers. If you can't be patient and wait for an opportunity to get around you end up in the wall or making a brilliant pass on the outside.
Also a long race on a short track is the best for you to work on tire preservation and saving the car until others are dropping out because they crash or their tires are shot.
So bring on the short tracks and more of them!!