He had one this race, Premier Live shows it. I have a complete race coverage with onboard footage only, but it switches to Räikkönen just a tad too late; when the damage is already done..
I'm not sure if this is what you mean with the term hypermiling, but I managed to get 18% more mileage in my Peugeot 306 1.4 (petrol). Went from an average 850km on a (~64L) tank to a - to me -astonishing 1100,8 km. Was well surprised by what driving-by-head instead of by-heart can do! I made a list for a similar discussion on our team forum, thought I might as well post it here. With the crazy fuel prizes these days I think everyone will be interested in trying to get a better mileage our of a fuel tank...
Please note that some of the applied methods of course have negative effects on other parts of the vehicle or my money (ie. drive through the red light (€130) on an empty crossing, just to avoid having to speed up again, or take a 90 degree left turn with 80 km/h for the same reason... (suspension and tyre wear: €€€), etc.)
Just for the record I'd like to put a little disclaimer here: if you try some of these (potentiall dangerous) methods and something goes wrong, please don't blame me!
You seem to have an immense urge to post your opinion whether or not it has anything to do with the discussed topic.
I think the .NET suggestion by BurnOut is a very logical one, looking at the OP's question (ie. regardless of what you think about "M$" or ".NOT").