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S2 licensed
Oh cool Congrats Dan & CR!
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :it's a "bruising" pain in your sitbones

That's it

Quote from xaotik :then there isn't much you can do apart from finding a saddle that provides better support and gradually building up your cycling kilometers.

Thank god, no butt creams for me!
S2 licensed
Quote from mrbogeyman :If it is that bad, then a new seat might work. On my first road bike, I got myself a Specialized BG saddle which was fine, no problems there. However, when I went to the states and started riding over there I a lot of bother. I've been through 3/4 saddles. Currently just got a Fizik Airone, which has yet to be properly tested.

Hmm ok, like said I will pick up my new bike tomorrow, let's hope that saddle suits me better then!

Quote from mrbogeyman :I use it....

Ok, that helps!
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :Haven't seen those to be honest

Should be one level up from Sora

Quote from xaotik :on my gf's bike that had a triple Sora I changed the chainset to a compact one and it's running pretty smooth (admittedly the front derailleur from the triple wasn't that good initially but since I'm a cheapskate instead of buying a new one I modded it a bit with a dremel and some creative thinking).

Haha nice one!

Quote from mrbogeyman :If done properly you should be in a world of pain after 10min into the first session

God yeah, spinning... hell! Good tip!
S2 licensed
Quote from mrbogeyman :your arse will be in a world of pain after your first ride!

You know.. I still have that, even when my first ride is a long time ago! I just don't understand how these Tour de France guys can sit on their bikes for three weeks in a row. I have quite expensive padded shorts (lycra :shy but that doesn't make much difference... Any ideas on something else I can try?
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :As long as you get it with a double chainset - the Shimano Sora triple drivetrain sucks balls.

Lol, damn right! Main reason I'm going for a Tiagra triple now! At least I hope they're a bit better!

Quote from danowat :Second hand would be good, but again, really need some sort of checklist of things I would need.

Alright Then I think xaotik has mentioned the most important points for that checklist. Just make sure you're feeling comfortable on the bike.. some basic rules there are: make sure your saddle is set to hip height, and your legs should be almost (but not completely!) stretched when the pedal is in the lowest position.. a vital point there is that your frame size should be suitable for your length. I'm 1.78 and have a frame size of 56cm... I'll try to see if there's a formula for this.
I have to say I really liked the triple deck on my Bianchi for the simple reason that it comes in very handy on steep climbs (yes, even in Holland we have a couple!). If the duathlon course doesn't contain steep climbs, a double deck should do the job

Edit: damn everyone so fast today I might as well stop posting!
Last edited by traxxion, .
S2 licensed
Depends on what you call knowledge...
I just sold my old race bike, a 2006 model Bianchi Via Nirone 7 equipped with Shimano Sora shifting and braking parts. Will pick up my new new bike tomorrow: a 2008 model Cube Aerial with Shimano Tiagra shifting parts and Sora brakes.

I'm not sure on which level you'd like to do this duathlon, but I'd say that one of the two (entry class) bikes I described above are more than good enough to pull a good pace on an amateur level (so far I've found I'm still the weakest link, rather than the bike :P). I've done two quite successful triathlons a long time ago and did them both on a mountainbike... In my opinion it all depends on the level of your competitors and the level that you're aiming to achieve for yourself.

What I know from specific triathlon bikes is that they are normally a bit more expensive. They are pretty much time-trial bikes, very stiff and aerodynamic frame (normally ful carbon), solid rims, sometimes a closed rear rim (for better aerodynamics) and most importantly: a triathlon steer (with arm rests).
Cube's cheapest (new) triathlon bike is the Aerium Pro..

What distances is the duathlon you're looking at?

[Edit] bogey wins
[Edit2] ok, cheap as possible! go for a second-hand bike?
S2 licensed
Bah, the complete Saunier Duval team didn't start this stage
S2 licensed
Only have a picture of my helmet in action

It's a Bayard SP-60 Hawk. I use it mainly for karting and for track days. Chose it because I like the matt paint and the colors made me think of Raïkkönen's helmet. Costed me €129,- excluding the silver visor.
Last edited by traxxion, .
S2 licensed
Quote from jaws99 :Oh no,

Ricco has tested positive with EPO. Come on guys, you are killing the sport!!

Holy shit, not Ricco!
S2 licensed
My guess is you have to try and polish your lines so that you have less tyre rub.

Have a look at the world record replays to see if there's any difference between your and their lines: ... ;controller=&country=

Or maybe even better: try uploading a hotlap and use the hotlap analyzer to see the differences in detail: ... =zeltsonne_KY1_FOX_045510
S2 licensed
I think that too much information about setups is available. Fact is that all the setup information is freely available in any raf file anyway, so the Hotlap Analyzer does nothing new in that aspect, just makes the information more accessible.

In my opinion setups should be encrypted in the future.
S2 licensed
Nope, fastest laps aren't specifically displayed on LFS World.
What you could do is manually check the lap times on the Race details page, ie.: ... racing&raceId=2746336
Very time-consuming though...

Edit: just re-read your post and realized that my advise wasn't really necessary.. :X
Last edited by traxxion, .
S2 licensed
Whehe fiiinaaaallllyyyy a team Kaw?!

Congrats all!
S2 licensed
Updated the first post with a working version for patch Z!
EDIT: And re-uploaded with a small fix for the use of capitals in license names.
Last edited by traxxion, .
S2 licensed
At the moment I'm listening to the liveset of DJ Laidback Luke on Sensation White 2008 that I attended last night! :wow:
S2 licensed
That's a fantastic story Dan, congratulations!
S2 licensed
Quote from wien :That's really something that sucks about being a programmer. Most people really have no idea how much work goes into the stuff you do. Something that seems easy and trivial to them (because the visible impact is minimal) may be days/weeks/months of work behind the scenes.

Damn that's right yeah! Sometimes I can explain what I've done in literally one sentence, while it's taken me a week to actually program it! Makes me feel stupid
S2 licensed
Quote from Victor :You can pay with iDeal directly on our website

Hmm, that's interesting! But I can't seem to find the page for that? Do you have a direct-link please? Thanks!
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :Wait wait wait.... you mean to tell me, after all this fsckin time.. Eric _STILL_ hasn't managed to create new interiors for all cars!?

Without wanting to sound as offensive, I really do agree with what Ian says here.

I really can't believe the only reason for Eric not to have finished all interiors is just "that it takes time"... There must be something else going on? Is he secretly working on something big that we're not supposed to know about yet? Or is my assumption that Eric is a full-time employee for LFS incorrect?

In the Miscellaneous Addons section on this forum I see very nice interiors being produced with the same pace rabbits produce posterity.. Of course I understand Eric will have to be smarter in his designs to minimize GFX stress, and that changes in his design have to be synchronized with Scawen's physics calculations, etc. but is that really that big a factor? Do we all underestimate the work that needs to be done? Where is the bottle neck that we don't see? If that could be explained it would take away a lot disbelieve.

Don't get me wrong though, the new interiors for the cars that are done look incredible and the background image is simply beautiful. But I share Ian's dissapointment / astonishment about the production rate.

I hope I don't sound like a big whiner here, and hope even more that some of my honest questions can be answered
S2 licensed
FXO league, cool! Saturday night, not cool!
S2 licensed
Really can't believe that very wrong main menu background image made it to an official patch!

Anyway, dashboards look nice! Looking forward to see the rest updated.

Edit: loving the background!
S2 licensed
Quote from Oxygene :Go back to work now or i'll call your boss.

Haha ok, phone number sent in pm
S2 licensed
Quote from Oxygene :Looks like iRacing added an additional bonus if you take the whole 1 year subscription, so the total bonus is 60$+15$. Not much anymore.

I think there's too many bonusses in that sentence
S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :The length might not be correct depending on if the first part of the other header works for both files. Maybe the player just recognizes the length and corrects it. Anyway, here it is:

Woooohoooo it works Thanks so much!!!


[E] How's that for a miracle Lible?
Last edited by traxxion, .