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Quote from Kirill.D :Hmmm... am i cursed or something, why does every die after i post in it ... Is this event still happening , i practiced A LOT for that. Its just strange, if i enter to some event or smth, thread dies and noone talks or gives any sign of life

Hehe don't worry, sure it's still on!
Fact that this thread is quiet at the moment just means that everyone is practising like mad!
On a more serious note, I think the thread is quiet because everyone know's how/what/where/when it's going to happen. And since the drivers list is already full there's no one applying anymore either Just make sure you're ready, I'm sure this is going to be fun!
S2 licensed
Quote from Minimaxman :One thing that perhaps needs to be made clear for those not as clued up as the rest (*cough*ME*cough*) is that when the old skins folder is renamed and placed in the new colours folder, the user still needs to copy the old skins into the new skins folder aswell.

There should be no changes in the skins folder structure if you're updating from patch X?
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Change is inevitable and change is good, but you have to draw the line somewhere.

That line will slowly fade while the current Quake-generation grows up. It doesn't matter whether words are invented on the streets or on the internet, as soon as more and more people speak and understand that language it is inevitably going to be considered official at some point.

Just to make clear; nowhere did I say I think the time is right, now... And I'm not even a supporter of the change as such. Hell, I can't help but laugh when a friend (and LFS team mate) of mine says "omg" when we talk in real-life...

But I'm 100% sure it's going to happen sooner or later.
Last edited by traxxion, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes they need work. It's very difficult for me to write computer programs that can drive as fast as you. What you see now is the result of a couple of months of making them drive as fast as I could achieve in that time. I can often work a day on AI and they will gain a tenth of a second. Some days I could work all day and gain a hundredth. There is loads more I can do but it will take months. The next thing I think I should focus on is improving their ability to understand bumpy road surfaces. But this will not be before Patch Y.

Fair enough!

Just to make this clear: I don't even want to think about how difficult it is to program AI's and I have big respect for you - for how they behave already (having a hard time keeping up with the pro FBMW's!).
I posted this to avoid the possibility that you didn't know about this big difference in speed with this particular car and tracks (at least the gap seems bigger than with other cars). Maybe there was something obvious / easy to be changed to fix it for these particular combo's. But I see you're well aware of this "problem", and am looking forward to see the improvements in the future.

PS Sorry for the signature, couldn't resist!
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :... The focus so far has been their speed and racing reliability...

This has triggered me to post here. Been trying some practise races with AI XF GTR's on South City Classic and Blackwood Grand Prix reversed. On both tracks the AI's - set to Pro level - were about 3 seconds slower than me, and not improving much over the length of a couple of 15 lap races.

Now I know I'm seriously, insanely, superduper fast (:tilt.. but 3 seconds over 1 minute-ish laps on pro level makes me think their speed really needs some work? Or is this very setup-related? Is it possible a setup makes three seconds difference for AI's?

Edit: On a side-note, why is it the AI never use the full length of qualifying to set a time?
S2 licensed
Quote from N!sse :Oh your the man

Ian's proggie didnt rename all the files, but yours did so thanks many times..

Thanks, you're welcome, and happy birthday!
S2 licensed
Good to hear you got it working Kev, and thanks for the feedback Damian_Doyle and dungbeetle!
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :W00T, a talking dictionary!


My opinion on this: internet/text message words should be considered proper words at one point. Anyone who thinks different is too conservative in my opinion. You can't live in the past, the world is moving on..

At first these changes seem stupid, but time heals all wounds... Try to dig up a medieval book from your nearest library (if you even know where to find one ) and ask yourself: do I still want to be talking like that?

Imagine a forum with "Thou shalt not drift, Thou fool, what dost thou to this game, Thou shalt know what the beauty of racing is."
S2 licensed
Quote from Ihab Abbas :hi

How can I watch pls ... I have lfstv should I use it or there is something els ???
step by step pls cuz really I want to enjoy watching the race with my big popcorne and pepsi

All you need is a Media Player like Windows Media Player, or VLC or similar apps...
Watch the stream from your browser here:

Or use the direct stream link in your media player:

Happy watching! :munching_
S2 licensed
Quote from delankster :hi all, seem to be the only one having difficulty

run your application seem'd easy enough, selected the folders but once the program had finished, all the files were in the main directory ?
so i manually cut them over to the setup folder but still nothing in the game ?
tried it a few times but still the same thing !!!
any ideas?

Hi Kev,

I can think of the following two things:
1. Make sure you select the "LFS\data\settings\" for the Old settings directory (top textbox).
2. Make sure you don't change the values for New settings directory (middle textbox) and New colours directory (bottom textbox) after it's derived from the original settings path.

Please let me know if that works


One question so you can maybe pinpoint me to the problem if it is the app that causes it:
- Are the setups and colour files renamed to the new format? I.e. has XF GTR_BlackwoodGP.set turned into XFR_BlackwoodGP.set?.
If the latter is the case, you could also just manually move all the .set files to the \setups\ folder and the .col files to the \colours\ directory.
Last edited by traxxion, .
S2 licensed
Quote from alland44 :Exactly, what did you write here ??

I maby not care so much, but when people write in code, I allways go in "curious" mode

Lol It says: "Oh my god, LFS deleted all my setups." <-- I prefer this way of writing by the way
S2 licensed
Aiii hadn't noticed the colour files have a new folder as well... updated first post
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :I still can't believe that IRL in a race car, your view would be that shakey.


How about now?

EDIT: And some newer footage:

EDIT2: Look at the movement of the head, not at the camera movement..?
S2 licensed
Thanks joen and Origamiboy!

Quote from BurnOut69 :Can you make me an insim for copz and robberz while youre at it??"/1?

Lol! How about no?

BTW, You got a pm regarding the problem/solution
S2 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :Works like a charm! I cannot thank you enough for doing this.

Hehe thanks! It's good to hear it works and I'm glad to be of service
For me it's the first time releasing software for public use, so any feedback is much appreciated
S2 licensed
Quote from mutt107 :how can u just rename them without a program?

The new format requires the three-letter-abbreviations of the cars in the filenames and the files need to be moved to the (new) \setups\ folder.
LFS Patch Y Setup Renamer
S2 licensed
I started this before I saw Ian posted his solution (nice work Ian ), but I wanted to finish it anyway

With this application you can easily rename your current setups and color schemes to the new Patch Y standards. Just select the source folder for the settings (LFS\data\settings) and click Go!

To be safe, please make sure you create a backup of your settings folder before using this application!

.NET Framework 2.0 required
Edit: Or use splattael's solution if you don't have .NET Framework installed and can't be bothered to do so.


EDIT: Updated to v1.1
- Now also transfers the colour files into the right directory.
Last edited by traxxion, .
S2 licensed
Holy shit, what a field :eye-poppi I'm actually glad I can't race that day!
S2 licensed
Congrats to all three of you
S2 licensed
Love the ...fook... Brilliant! :chairfall
S2 licensed
"Objetivo: ser los numero 1" - Realizado unokeva!! Ace movie! 11/10
S2 licensed
Stream working fine here. Great race with some awesome fights!
S2 licensed
Quote from lococost :traxxion, better look at the pics in the first post, Haven't seen that in a DTM race.

Have you actually seen the incident I refer to? I can't find a movie about it, but it was quite similar to the "bug" we're talking about here...
S2 licensed
Yep, great stuff Bas! \o/
Is it not possible to update the Stage 6 version by the way? That little bug is such a shame... Otherwise I'd remove the link if I were you; just let everyone download the Xvid version... it's well worth it!