That it's closing connections and trying to exit "gracefully"? It takes a while for a connection to time out I suppose if a server/servers isn't responding.
Sounds like you have an LCD monitor? It won't display higher resolution than that. I've done a workaround few times for screenshot purposes though by uninstalling the monitor driver and so on...
I think that's an indication of a cooling issue then. Might be a good idea to clean the CPU/GFX heatsink if you haven't done that lately. I guess you could try and play with opened case to see if that happens then. You could also limit your FPS to a bit lower number like 60 so that LFS doesn't use 100% of the CPU all the time. It should prevent the overheating quite nicely.
EDIT: The throttling may also happen because of power saving I guess so try putting that to "always on"
Open task manager (ctrl+alt+del), view processes and press the CPU tab twice to sort them according to cpu usage. Run LFS in a window and see if any app pops up and hogs the CPU when the slowdown occurs.
Upload a favicon.ico to the root directory of your website, that's it.
Icon must be 16*16 pixels. 16 colors will work definitely, not sure about 256. Google for a free icon editor if your paint program can't make them directly.
For example my camshaft never goes out of sync (it'd break things) due to normal wear of the cam gear. For every revolution of the camshaft the crankshaft turns twice and not 2.000001 times.
I still say that cogs are the determining factor and not the diameter I said that only because 0.000001 differences (mentioned by tristan) can't be achieved. Changing the diameter by 0.000001 doesn't change the ratio at all.
For me personally, a purist if you may, that's not the case. I approve any modification as long as it improves performance. That is usually the goal, right? That beamer makes a faster laptime than a stock one and therefore doesn't fit my idea of rice. It's handy too, I don't have to explain why a WRC car isn't rice and something else that is similar is.
I guess we both can agree though that a 37hp Daihatsu Charade 1.0L 3 cyl diesel on hybrids isn't rice? It doesn't have too much power nor too much grip
The max bechmark defaults to ellipsoid and maybe that isn't such a good idea because it doesnt affect the quality really. I might change that the next time the package gets updated because of a physics change in lfs.
Let me know if you find a way to achieve the same in an hour and a half without it being physically demanding
EDIT: Karting, oh yeah. A lesson there...We were karting as a part of bacholor party. I got pole and the fastest lap in the race but had to let 2 guys by because I had no strenght left in my arms to be able to keep up the pace. That sucked
A Wrong IP causes the bind error at least here though. It should work if you leave it empty too unless you got multiple network adapters in that machine.