Matrixi: I don't have any special feelings for the skyline even though I'm a Nissan driver myself like you. Then again if it were a Ferrari I'd even pay for tickets to see it
I got my last ticket over ten years ago so I wouldn't have to worry I think and hopefully you neither
For repeated offenses (like 10 or so in a short period of time) that'd be fine imo. Some people drive without a license, sometimes drunk and nothing seems to stop them for repeating it over and over again. This could help
EDIT: that wasn't it. However if you change the prefs, click ok and reload the page then it works. Strange bug
EDIT: apparently even this doesnt work always
Classic theme (barebone w2k style) uses 2MB less memory than the "bloated one". (mem usage 353 vs 355 here) Displaying few bitmaps don't really use the processor either so I don't see the problem really Menus and and such may use the cpu a bit more but then again that's why the cpu is there. And it doesn't matter if youre gaming.
3rd party theme programs and such are different thing though.
In 1821, J. T. Seebeck (1770-1831) discovered that dissimilar metals that are connected at two different locations (junctions) will develop a micro-voltage if the two junctions are held at different temperatures. This effect is known as the "Seebeck effect"; it is the basis for thermocouple thermometers.
In 1834, a scientist called Peltier discovered the inverse of the Seebeck effect, now known as the "Peltier effect": He found that if you take a thermocouple and apply a voltage, this causes a temperature difference between the junctions. This results in a small heat pump.