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S2 licensed
First and Lastname: James Peace
LFSW Username: vipex123
Teamname: Team Vires
Team Tag: v\
Desired-Carnumber: 54
Date-of-Birth: 01.02.1994
Nationality: England
S2 licensed
Could someone do a render of this for me please?

Thank you
S2 licensed
I think it is best if we all let Tommy and Walter get on with what they want to do.

Good luck TRR - see you out there soon
S2 licensed
Good luck Rubén !
S2 licensed
Not wishing to "troll" or "jump on the bandwagon" or join in with any of this nonsense above, I just wish to ask a question.

With so many new drivers being signed on an almost daily basis - why does TRR struggle to attend leagues and fill seats of cars still? Why do you have to seek help from other drivers outside your own team to fill those seats?

From this observation I would offer the advice of really choosing who you sign before you sign them. This is not an attack on any person(s) I just think it isn't wise signing people who can't stay active enough to fulfil the task in the team they were given let alone jump to another ship and compete.

Meh, Good luck. Won't be posting again.
S2 licensed
Good set of guys there all good fun to mess around with!

See you around and good luck
S2 licensed
Rest in peace Prof Sid
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Why have you put the helmet onto the end of a dildo?

Anyway grats and looks good.
S2 licensed
Quote from vipex123 :manager: {vipex123, James Peace}
viceManager: {hahmo, Miro Rauti}
teamName: Team Vires
class: Pro
car: FZR
number: 06
- {vipex123, James Peace, England}
- {xtraction, Sean Lyddon, England}
- {hahmo, Miro Rauti, Finland}
- {Matias-, Matias Pikkarainen, Finland}
- {theodinho29, Pierre Peron, France}
- {xaxax123, Matias Mäki-Hoimela, Finland}
- {MoMo92i, Morgan Trollé, France}
- {MARUS, Marek Jagiełło, Poland}

manager: {hahmo, Miro Rauti}
viceManager: {przemek21061995, Przemek Wdowiarz}
teamName: Team Vires
class: Am
car: FZR
number: 16
- {luki97, Łukasz Paszczyk, Poland}
- {orchideus, Beniamin Kalicki, Poland}
- {Pietter, Piotrek Krzyzanowski, Poland}
- {JMH1984, Jere Heiskanen, Finland}
- {Nicce, Niclas Malmgren, Sweden}
- {[Sativa], Thiago Cardoso, Brazil}
- {RenvoN, Lucas Araújo, Brazil}
- {Silverfang, Joel Villa, Finland}
- {jwardy, Jack Ward, England}
- {aobrien, Andy O'Brien, Ireland}
- {n-murray, Niall Murray, Ireland}
- {przemek21061995, Przemek Wdowiarz, Poland}

S2 licensed
Ooo thats nice!
S2 licensed
Welcome Moo !
S2 licensed
Kubica for Lotus Monza seat.
S2 licensed
Second that, should be a good hard race!

Ready to win.
S2 licensed
Extrakid, feel free to PM me when you will be online and I will coach you a little and give you some pointers when I watch you. I'm not too shabby behind the wheel and have coached people in karting before with some degree of success - anyhow I guess you've learned venturing onto the forum will only create an egotistic sh*t storm.

Anyway the offer is there.
S2 licensed
teamName: Team Vires
class: GT2-Pro
car: FZR
number: 06
- {vipex123, James Peace, England}
- {hahmo, Miro Rauti, Finland}
- {matias-, Matias Pikkarainen, Finland}
- {xtraction, Sean Lyddon, England}

teamName: Team Vires
class: GT2-Am
car: FZR
number: 16
- {MARUS, Marek Jagiełło, Poland}
- {orchideus, Ben Kalicki, Poland}
- {Pietter, Piotrek Krzyzanowski, Poland}
- {JMH1984, Jere Heiskanen, Finland}
S2 licensed
Quote from vipex123 :

manager: {hahmo, Miro Rauti}
viceManager: {przemek21061995, Przemek Wdowiarz}
teamName: Team Vires
class: Am
car: FZR
number: 16
- {luki97, Łukasz Paszczyk, Poland}
- {orchideus, Beniamin Kalicki, Poland}
- {Pietter, Piotrek Krzyzanowski, Poland}
- {JMH1984, Jere Heiskanen, Finland}
- {Nicce, Niclas Malmgren, Sweden}
- {[Sativa], Thiago Cardoso, Brazil}
- {RenvoN, Lucas Araújo, Brazil}
- {Silverfang, Joel Villa, Finland}
- {jwardy, Jack Ward, England}
- {aobrien, Andy O'Brien, Ireland}
- {n-murray, Niall Murray, Ireland}
- {MARUS, Marek Jagiełło, Poland}

Removed Arco.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Frunze118 :
Don't see reasons to drive online.

S1 licensed

Online at: [MRc] Rallyx
S2 licensed
You talk in a format that makes me think you are bi-polar, switching between theories and concepts - communicating these poorly across to the other people on the forum and then accuse them of being idiotic and stupid? Look at yourself man.
S2 licensed
FZR @ SO4r Like Tomek said, one mistake and you are gone - makes you focus so intensely and none of the other tracks do that to me I'm afraid.

FOX @ WE1 Some seriously good close races there in previous years, with Darkone, Joe, Maunokasa others etc especially in close pack racing the racing can get pretty ferocious but I love it!

FBM @ SO6 The first combo I started racing on when I joined LFS, all the big names used to race there on Redline Racing 4 and some races there were better than real life races I have had!

FOX @ AS4 Finally this combo.. just because you can attack so much and there is so much time to be found by attacking and being perfect.
S2 licensed
Not sure about abroad rules, but in the UK an assault on another driver is 6 points on license, a fine and an exclusion from the meeting. But as it takes 12 points to have a license taken away I think it's a little wrong that you can effectively attack another driver and have no serious consequences, as it has been said above - assault is a criminal offence. Plus these guys are meant to be at the top of karting.. God am I happy I got out of Karting when I did.
S2 licensed
Quote from undertaker00 :
did he get some kind of ban from internet by his father ?

Hehe, we know there are some issues but he is young so it is to be expected! I'm sure he will be back within no time
Last edited by vipex123, .
S2 licensed
We use Facebook more than LFS Forum now Joonas, a whole welcome and write up was there

Less trolls on Facebook.