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S2 licensed
[flame]biggie knows only to hotlap, other cars disturb him[/flame]

S2 licensed
well, then he should better check first what he's talking about and what we are talking about Still strange that an irish carmech doesnt know about the BMW M6 V10 engine which is the same as in the M5, but a bit other charateristics in "M-mode".

Edit: Or he prolly only read the first paragraph of wiki: ... ries/m6/introduction.html
Last edited by Vykos69, .
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :the motor is the motor out of the bmw m1 ( which you guys know from its old gt days ) they just adjusted the motor , which peaks out that 501 hp with 52.3 fpt

its got a few slight changes done to it but its the same motor :

see dont mess with a bmw tech geek

LOL, I'd call this selfownage.
S2 licensed
The good thing about LFS is, it has both. National teams and leagues and also international events and leagues. And through the time we saw different championships internationally, from World Championship to nationscup OLFSL champs etc. etc.
S2 licensed
My wife accepted it the moment I brought home the first winning cheque and we have the compromise, that I only play evenings/late at night, when the sound of the wheel turn doesnt interfere with her TV My parents will prolly never understand it and still think, I loose money in cashgames. Whenever I approach anyone new and tell him/her about it, it's more like some: "What? Huh? Gaming? Simracing? wheel on PC? You're grown up, arent you?"

Anyway, best I can think of was "she who must be obeyed" in terms of things that have to be changed due to LFS/Simracing. Anyone remember tat famous thread?
S2 licensed
+1 for most ridiculous thread 2007
S2 licensed
Quote from axus :Just out of curiosity, did the realism of LFS come up while you were talking to Nick Heidfeld? It'd be interesting to hear his thoughts on it.

He hadnt time to test it, I just told him about it, and he respects it. More interesting was Vettels quote on his rfactor experience in Melbourne:

Quote from S.Vettel :Well, rfactor was kind of....

than his face went a bit and his hands were waving around. He didnt want to say sh*t, but lets say, it was a bit "floaty" :P
S2 licensed
well, some more infos and stats on the event:

This first intel racing tour ran for more than a year, with:

- ~ 170 days opened
- ~ 25000 participants.
- ~ 10 finalists, place 2-9 won PCs (different stuff in it)
- ~ Place 1: BMW M6, used, ~worth 60-80k euros. And driven once by Nick Heidfeld

The final was done in a short warmup, a qualifying of 10 minutes and a race of 15 laps (including 2times 2 laps of pacecar, do give spun out guys a chance again). Danny was slow throughout whole warmup and qualifying, nils nailed pole until last minute of Q, then Danny ensured the pole. Through the race, nils wasnt more than 2 secs away from Danny, and simon stange was all the time right behind them, up to last 2laps, when first simon spun out (comment by Nick Heidfeld: "Oooooh, that was close, a shame, now he spun, but he's not in your team, right?" - Me: "No" - N.H.:"Well, then it's not that bad" ) and then Nils attacked with all his skill he could give to get Danny. Out of last corner Danny had enough room and went for the win. Hell break loose and the rest is just a big Hollywoodmovieparty

Anything else? Hmm, the champagne this evening spent was prolly more expensive than the M6, nils ate a glass of beer, we had one hell of a good party and I'm a full time Nick Heidfeld fan now, knowing that he's a racer from head to toe, watched our LFS guys racing with full interest, he even put me to situations: "Watch, now they are side by side". After the first two minutes of talking he fastly realised that we have some kind of idea of what he's doing out there really. All respect to him for also giving Danny the ride of his Life.
And the BMW M6 goes to...
S2 licensed
Danny "SK|Husky" Engels!

In a thrilling last race, the intel Racing tour came to an end, and Nick heidfeld himself delivered the price: A real BMW M6. V10, 507hp.... Congrats Danny!

some info on the event in my blog
S2 licensed
mmmmjummmy, finally a new dose of don-vid for me. I LOVE it! Good shit!
S2 licensed
Quote from Burnzoire :great stuff scawen, and good luck!

And thank you, for delivering the perfect example for spam and why test patch forum got closed
S2 licensed
Quote from ATHome :A bit unrelated, but does anyone else thinks that 200kg extra weight in the MRT is just plain impossible ?

if lefty fits in mrt, that's no problem at all then
S2 licensed
Quote from DanneDA :The penalty system needs to be track-combo specific to be good.

No, and just rethink a bit, then you also know why.
S2 licensed
I bet a zillion dollars, that the performance on the Oval is _NOT_ deciding for the balance of the cars. If there's one car a bit faster on oval, then it should be it. More important is the more equal performance on the tracks where you actually have to know how to brake, overtake and turn right.
S2 licensed
Quote from zockmachine :i think the start lights are still shown almost at the same time each race... there should be a period of maybe 1-3 seconds until the green lights appear

or even more. 2-5 or 2-7 seconds, so it's more obvious.
S2 licensed
Quote from al heeley :i don't know if its my lack of familiarity with the more powerful rwd cars but I seem to get a huge amount of understeer under braking when entering a corner, far more than before. Maybe the new clutch settings need something dialled back out, or I have to learn to drive better...

I bet on both of it Sure, braking and setups has to be tuned from locked diff to clutch pack
S2 licensed
Quote from sinbad :Are the global handicaps the same for every track? I ask because handicapping the XRT against the RB4 somewhere like Blackwood makes sense, but the handicap should work the other way somewhere like Aston Cadet.

No. And I know, you'll figure out why, cause I know you as a smart guy
S2 licensed
Quote from mr_x :I've noticed 1 thing with the handicap weight thing.

with the FXO the weight can be shifted forward/back even if the handicap weight is set to 0 and it seems to have an effect on the car too.

Cause there is already a weight balance from overall balance system. And that you can move.
S2 licensed
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :Eniway boys to make up for my sins which i have suppost to have done i will have S2 in the next week.

Good choice and good luck then beating that 52.1 by maccie
S2 licensed
Quote from --==Gogo==-- :Why is it always the guys with the fewest miles driven that cry for more content??

I don't get it.

Why on earth is Raikkonen in a F1 car? I dont get it, i drive more miles a year than he does (ON GERMAN AUTOBAHN EVEN!!)...

if you find irony, keep it
S2 licensed
Just my 2 cents:

About 99.9% of all skins use non licensed textures, logos etc. itself, you want to license them? And who's gonna pay the lawsuits from the big companies then?

The moment, you upload the skin, you give it free to everyone to use, and should be proud, if people use them. It's one of the coolest way to show that you like something, if you use it.
S2 licensed
Quote from matze54564 :And i think thats my suggestion.

sorry, to disapoint you, but you're wrong. It's an old feature which was in S1 days there already in LFS world. And now it's back!
S2 licensed
nice comeback of that feature. Missed it a lot since lfsw1...
S2 licensed
didnt Bush wanted to start a "internet users license"? That you have to get b4 using the internetz? *scnr*
S2 licensed