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S3 licensed
What's your camera setting for that car? It seems to me like you once set it to use a custom position and then forgot about it.
S3 licensed
10 minutes later your license status shows that you have the S2 license. It's good forms to inform that you problem is solved when you ask for help in a forum Wink
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :As far as I know oil pressure gauge isn't actually oil pressure, but it's a fake gauge meaning it's at 100% when engine is on and 0% when engine is off. I believe the reason behind that is due to pressure (in OutGauge) always being zero.

It actually depends on engine RPM, just as in real cars. Though the value is not reported or simulated in any way, just have some animation to make it a bit more realistic.
S3 licensed
Quote from biggal76 :Thanks for your reply, Troy. I am running DirectX11

No, you are not. LFS uses DX9.
S3 licensed
Quote from S.E.T.H :what will happen when your car is in a certain path and you press shift+U and look at other areas? or say watch other cars.

Nothing special. Shift+U would still use the path information (or ignore it completely) as it does now.
S3 licensed
That would not work. People have 4:3 monitors, and 16:9, 16:10, 5:4...
S3 licensed
Insim buttons are placed in a grid (was it 200 by 200? I can't remember the exact figures). So their position depends on window aspect ratio.
S3 licensed
Quote from hansonator69 :What has changed since 0.6E that would cause this and how could I correct this issue?

DirectX. Scawen kinda forgot to apply anisotropic filtering to car textures before launching the official patch xD It's probably fixed in his own version since a few days later, but I think he never confirmed it.
S3 licensed
60 fps are 60 fps in Oculus. This is not shitty 3D shutter glasses Smile Though DK2 works at 75 Hz, so you better aim for that. As I said earlier, 2 frames are rendered and then merged into one that outputs to the Rift, so getting half of the frames is the normal behaviour.
S3 licensed
Games do have to render two frames, at 960x1080, ant output only one with the images side by side. At 75 Hz that delay is almost non existant.
Not having a Rift I can be sure about CPU impact due to the positional tracking, but I'd guess that it is very little in any modern multi core CPU (specially bearing in mind that LFS only uses one core).
S3 licensed
The Rift shouldn't affect your CPU load. Splitting the image in two eyes is probably a bit less efficient than just rendering a single monitor at 720p at 75fps, but you are way above that figure, so I don't think you have anything to worry about.
S3 licensed
You can hide the driver and the steering wheel if that's more confortable to you.
S3 licensed
Quote from storm11 :what is ISP

Your internet service provider. The people you pay for having a decent internet connection hehe.
S3 licensed
Change its resolution...

LFS downloads skins 512, unles you pay for "hi-res skins".
S3 licensed
Does your card support DirectX 9? Are you using Linux?
S3 licensed
I think this is what you are looking for:

They are shared among LX, RB4 and FZ5 cars.
S3 licensed
Quote from k_badam :wait so S3 will cost money??? I thought the original idea was that S3 content was free S2 users. Maybe i'm just stupid

It was never planned to be free, don't know why you thought so hehe.
S3 licensed
Just press the clutch or put the car in neutral while starting it. Though if you are using a gamepad I'd use automatic clutch assist.
S3 licensed
Uninstall your Profiler and download the 5.10.127 version. The latest one is flawed and causes a lot of headaches in Win8. This will probably solve most of your issues.
S3 licensed
Quote from edzhjus :
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :S1<S2<S3
logic Big grin

Logic is fine just need to understand humor. I was just thinking maybe we can get S3 key prior to S3 release somehow.

You can pay 36 british pounds, so you spend 24 on the S2 and then buy the S3 when it is available.
S3 licensed
S3 will cost the same as buying (and enjoying) the S2 now and then upgrading to S3 license.
S3 licensed
LFS does not have any adjustable setting for dead zone and sensitivity, you'd need an external program to emodify that (your driver or DXTweak for example).
S3 licensed
1) You probably need to set LFS throttle/brake pedal to separate instead of combined. And you may need to invert them in the "Axes/FF" tab.

2) That's right, just as a real automatic car has Neutral, D and R gears.
S3 licensed
Do you have your FPS capped at 44? Maybe the driver is limiting it while on battery.
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :how old are we again, guys?

regarding CPUs, I still only have an Phenom II X2, and never got the dreaded CPU Warning. if AC lags its always down to graphic card (Simtraxx Pikes Peak and Post Processing = 2 fps at starting area)

Phenom II X3 here that can do a whole race with that warning on screen
Though it is true that is shown when 4+ AI cars are loaded and not an usual thing on multiplayer races. Anyway, I refuse to play much while I have to run it very minimum graphic settings due to my card, but the game (when they don't screw an update) runs fine.