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S3 licensed
Are you using a modified .dll? (ENBseries and such things)
S3 licensed
People have been doing that for years now Wink

Very useful to review an action without disconnecting or stopping the mpr recording.
S3 licensed
That's a tricky question. I am probably not the right person to answer that.

For our leagues we usually try to have 40 slot grids, and later we decide how much cars it is safe/fun to have on track. The grid is ideally placed in the track, to avoid doing a weird first lap route.

The pitlane depends on our rules for that tournament. We may not need more than a few (4~6) box positions . So sometimes we just throw them somewhere safe in the track. But when we need to have 20+ box positions it's probably easier to take a detour and use the existing ones.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Well, seems no one else is interested, but I am. here is Westhill National pack!

I find the official track names/maps very useful when it's time to prepare a league whole schedule. It is very useful having an standarised naming scheme and track maps. Though we usually make our own layouts to customize them to our liking.

Thanks for putting effort on updating them!
S3 licensed
I wonder why AMD cards seem to test more than twice frames than the nVidia cards :S
S3 licensed
Quote from sinanju :For those whose computer failed the Oculus Rift test, as mine did with i7-3770 CPU / 12 Gb memory / GTX 580 (due to poor processor and graphix card), my pc passed the ValveVR test as 'Ready' (with caveat).

I was pretty sure my PC won't even run the demo Razz

According to Steam's own fps counter the demo ran at 45 fps (hey, I could render one eye at 90fps!) though the result says that it was at steady 90+.
S3 licensed
I bet you don't want to increase Stage 2 times if (stage==0) and if(Msg1 != "").

You keep avoiding telling any useful information, we don't even know what your problem is.
S3 licensed
You are missing the curly brackets in the else.

That's the only weird thing I see without knowing any details about the issue.
S3 licensed
It looks like a InfraRed sensor or similar pointed at the tire to see its temperature. It is usually mounted on the front wing, but they are probably testing the front aero. Or maybe it is just a normal camera to see if the rain tires are worn out.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :what's up with the little arms sticking straight up at the front wheel area? The haas doesn't have it but the others do?

Those are the antenas for radio and telemetry. I'm pretty sure it won't be too long before they realize that they realize their reception is crap xD
S3 licensed
The project may be on hold for some time because Victor started working on the official setup database, but Flash is going to be gone forever from LFS sites in not too long from now Big grin
S3 licensed
You'd have to do yourself, using this API

There you have some examples. In LFS' folder, you have a InSim.txt file, that contains everything available in InSim protocol.
S3 licensed
Quote from OTone :Is this supposed to mean we can have multiple races at the same time, in the same server?

Please enlighten me Big grin lol

YES! That's one of the new changes to InSim.
S3 licensed
Logitech Profiler to emulate the mouse.

You can use the commands LFS provides, but it isn't enough, as you can't change car, select setups, etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Are there any completely different lesson types that should be added? Or types of lesson that would be good but the current modes do not support?

Would it be a crazy idea to suggest having a database of lessons and save the times in LFS website? A combination of the LFSWorld hotlap charts and the new setup database.

Each lesson has a unique hash, that then we could use in the leagues section, the game would download that lesson list, and save your runs.

I'm not sure how many people would use this mode, but it would allow to create small 'offline' tournaments. And may I say that I miss the official LX month we had several years ago?
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :Solved by launching LFS as administrator Uhmm

Do not install it in Program files folder Thumbs up
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :K20 is now available in the first post.

There is a new packet IS_OCO that can be used to switch all or specific start lights objects.

I love you haha
Thanks for allowing us to control the start lights!
S3 licensed
Quote from Nilex :While you wait for answer check here in the meantime:
I remember using LFSStat years ago so I don' know if it is updated or compatible with newest LFS version. Anyway, it was capable of exporting ton of stuff from race or replays into a .html file. Maybe you could omit unneeded stuff to display only race finish order, can't recall exactly.
Good luck finding what you are looking for.

It is, I use it every week, it supports 40 drivers races, Rockingham, etc.
S3 licensed
Sure, this packet already allows to do some magic with new racing modes. Overlapping would just improve them a bit, but not bring a lot of extra functionality to them, don't worry about it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Neilser :OK, but then is it clear what LFS will/should do if a car is in more than one of them?

Of course, no special case there. One packet on entry and another on exit. It is the InSim app that handles how to keep track of car actions.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gutholz :All circles (red,green,insim) circles have the restriction not to overlap.
For the green routechecker circles it makes kinda sense, but is it nessecary for the others?

I agree, it'd be better if we have total freedom where to place them.
S3 licensed
Gutholz, Scawen already squished the index into the Heading byte because there was no more bits available.

As you'll still need and InSim app to control all those things you propose, you don't need any text string inside the layout object. Just use an array/dictionary with all the additional information you need.
S3 licensed
We've yet to test this, but the packet and interface in the game looks fine. Thanks for doing it so fast!
S3 licensed
Ah, right, I've misread a bit of your previous post. We'd really like to be able to set a custom ID to the circles, that doesn't change if deleting/adding other circles. Would be a lot more versatile and cause less headaches if a layout has to be modified (adapting an older one to an open circuit for example).
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :The circles do have an ID, but at the moment they follow a pattern like the route checkers. So you can set the ID but only in a continuous sequence.

That may be convenient but I suppose it could cause issues, when you delete a circle the ones above it drop an ID. Would it be better to drop the route checker style sequence?

By the way, the checkpoints do not have an ID, because that space is used up for the Heading. Checkpoints must be identified in the normal way by X, Y, Zbyte, Index.

AFAIK circles don't have any heading xD

This circle is going to be used only by InSim applications, I think that an ID is way better than coordinates for identification, and having non-consecutive IDs don't cause any problem at all.