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S3 licensed
I'm not able to reproduce it. I tried a bunch of times and it opened correctly.
S3 licensed
Quote from Töki (HUN) :Ernie and Bert go BRUTAL


Me too. I LOL'd back at 2009 (so hard that I still remember that post xD), and now this is still funny as hell hahaha

S3 licensed
I liked the demo, though it's a shame they didn't include a cockpit camera yet.

I found the map a bit too limited compared to the old one, but overall I like the hadling, it has not that much of steering delay it previously had
S3 licensed
This is the link to download the demo:

I'm downloading at good speed right now.
S3 licensed

I've always found the RSRBR installation process a bit messy, but at least the readme help guessing the correct installation order
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :But then they wouldn't break and they couldn't sell so much new ones... :dunce:

I guess you could be right.

Obsolescence was a great idea when no other brand made wheels, but now that Logitech has some real competence all these failures are just harming their reputation.

I loved Logitech products, but after having a broken gamepad (they sent me a new one on warranty, but it broke the same way), a broken mouse, a keyboard that is failling (ok, it has almost 6 year, no blame) and the long repair history with my G25....

The only thing that is worth about Logitech is the driver. Either the keyboard/mouse one or the Profiler has a bunch of interesting options. This is the only reason I could consider buying any Logitech product in the future.
S3 licensed
Maybe you installed the cars before the updates?
S3 licensed
Quote from david989898 :IPV4-Adress:

If you open (forward) all the ports in the router to that IP, the server should work. But remember that you will still have to connect using the specific host name or local IP (

If you are the only one using torrent and creating servers nobody at your home will notice any diference if your forward ports from 1 to 65535 (both TCP and UDP).

If you are not the only one, you could add exceptions, so some ports are forwarded to other computer, so they can use those posrts in torrent and programs that need them.
S3 licensed
Quote from U4IK ST8 :Is there a reason you have Seems odd to have a 0 there.

How is that odd? It is the default IP range for most ISP that I know.
S3 licensed
Just a thought from the top of my head.

If you calculate the center line from the right edge too, and then do the "average" of the 2 center lines, would that be ok?

I guess it will be better, but I don't know if it could give good enough results.

Beeing able to watch those calculations in a graphical enviroment is really nice
S3 licensed
Quote from CheerioDM :I am from Georgia and have S2.

Georgia as in the country Georgia?
S3 licensed
To acces your own server you can't search it from LFS itself. You may use server's name or IP.

You can check if it listed correctly throught LFSworld.
S3 licensed
The "mpr out of stash" thing is when LFS knows it has some vital packet of info missing, so it pauses the mpr recording until that packet arrives. When that packet arrives and it can resume the recording you'll see a green message telling you so.

That is obviously related to a conection issue (or a server issue), but if that only happens once is not a problem at all.
S3 licensed
I own a G25 since December 2007.

- Reverse button broken. A simple soldering job fixed it.
- Pedals spiking. Just open them and clean.
- Shifter behaves weird. Full dissasembly and cleaning, working well.
- More pedal spiking. 20% of death zone to avoid issues as cleaning didn't solve it.
- Even more spiking. Bought new pots, working ok, not as good as originals.
- Shifter went nuts. Another dissasembly to fix it.

The wheel itself has a very disturbing slack/noise, but I'm afraid to open it and find an awful sight
S3 licensed
Today is the 19th anniversary of his death, and he's still teaching us how to overtake

Good guy Senna hehe
S3 licensed
Quote from NitroNitrous :Any suggestions with the force feedback settings with a T500RS? Decided to give it a go and to be honest I'm kinda dissappointed. I don't feel when the car is losing traction in the rear like I do with LFS (best FF ever IMO) or even GT5, and when it does, the second countersteering is just as bad as GT5, or even worst, while in LFS is lovely, extremelly intuitive and precise... help?

That's exactly what I get on the G25, tried many settings and all of them felt way disconected from the car reactions.
S3 licensed
If the car sink in a non normally driveable are it's not a bug. It's just that the track needs an update, but they won't do it because it requires to delete all the pb/hotlaps. So this will probably be done when the new physics get released.
S3 licensed
The last "official" answer on that topic is from 2010:

Quote from Victor :I know 'new technologies' (smartphones / consoles) are having trouble with lfsworld, but i'm not going to fix that in the current version. I hope to make a new lfsworld instead that will take advantage of new browser features and with a bit of luck it will have specific layouts for non-standard browsers. Don't count on this any time soon though.
I just wanted to let people know with this post that the current lfsworld is not about to change to make it work with these browsers on non-pc hardware.

S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Not really correct as you need entry in registry too to have LFS unlocked.

I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

AFAIK the only keys that are stored are file type associations (and install path if you used the installer, but it is not mandatory).
S3 licensed
I find more interesting the 'story' being told by a participant than by the TV broadcast

Congrats on what you've won so far and good luck on that simulator thing
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :You are aware it's a computer game. You can go outside.

It's a game in this case, but DDoS'ing is the "crime" here, so I can understand c00kie being that upset.
I'm also waiting for the day these attacks are ilegal, even when they come from countries that do not ban them.
S3 licensed
Quote from CodeLyoko1 :I fixed it

Right, I'm also on the group that believe that.
S3 licensed
Quote from Myffe :I doubt its someone who plays/knows lfs, maybe they just picked the target randomly or something?

Nah, this all began with attacks to cruise servers, cargame, etc. And now the attack is aimed at the master server itself, it can not be a coincidence.
S3 licensed
Another suggestion:

Could you set up a new website (obviously on another IP) just for info?

A plain HTML site is enough, so we can get live info of the status of maitenance operations and DDoS attacks. Twitter would be ideal, but you already told us that won't happen....

This site will be more oriented to league/communities admins than the general public.
S3 licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Thats only for LAN

E:If you choose not to connect to master server, then only people from your local network will be able to join that server

Oh, didn't knew that.

Any sugestions for a way to bypass these attacks and play while master server is offline? (this would also help if it brokes again as did few months ago)