Keyboard and text prediction, maybe. In Android it is just a matter of seconds to have one that you like and don't lead to yor SMS/Whatsapp ending in websites making fun of the error it makes
Probably your graphic memory is full, and it starts to mess the textures.
Have you changed the settings or used a HiRes texture pack recently?
BTW, as LFS is a single threaded program, LFS can only use 3GHz.
Plus, you better say 3GHz x2 than 6GHz, because these things does really matter as you can see to know what your computer can do.
AFAIK current tire physics run at 20.000 Hz (the rest of the simulation runs at 1.000 Hz). It's quite an impresive figure with that low CPU usage. Scawen may be having a tough time achieving this again with the new model.
Also I've seen people saying that the main problem was moving your body and the camera don't moving. You get so inmersed with the rotation and 3D that your brain gets quite confused when you move on your chair and the game stays on the same position.
Iv'e been watching many videos lately. It has 3 lenses so people can use it without glasses on, but I've seen a lot of people using it with glasses without any problem (perfect 3D and confortable).
If people are so happy with the dev kit, I can only hope that the production one is gonna be at least as good as now.
You have to bear in mind that the cars are pretty much the same that got released on 2002/2003, in those days they had an acceptable level of detail. Nowadays they are totally outdated, nobody could argue that hehe
Your graphic card messed up the DDS textures. It's usually due to temperature. It could be also just a random error at the memory that won't repeat over the time.
Years of using it while playing LFS are enough to know how it works. If Norton's firewall block the conection LFS says that it was unable to reach master server.
I've been using Norton for several years now and everything works fine. Except the other day that somehow the AV was closed and the firewall prevented every game from connecting to internet xD
I guess that people who critisize Norton haven't used it never. For me is a great software, with easy menus but keeping advanced functions.
The only way to use/change the horn is sending a keypress to LFS' window, and I guess that this can't be done throught another device not running Windows.