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S3 licensed
Could it be possible that due to the updated LFS.exe it is running on the integrated GPU?
S3 licensed
Quote from EeekiE :The frame rate is independent of the simulation rate, but ideally you'd wanting to be getting near 60fps to have a fluid visual experience.

As LFS a single threaded application one thing is tied with the other. Ideally you would want to reach 100 fps (as it runs at physics at 100 Hz). Anything lower and you are losing visual information, anything higher and you just get duplicated frames. That is why a fresh installation comes with V-Sync off and frame limited to 100 fps Thumbs up

Besides the visual side of things, dipping below 100 fps affects your inputs and force feedback feeling. Though this may only be a problem at 60 fps or below, as the difference above that is not that big.
S3 licensed
I love this kind of explanatory posts!
S3 licensed
Did you update your graphic drivers recently? IIRC this happens when it uses low res/compressed DDS files.
S3 licensed
For me this piece of code has always been a headache.

// Create OutGauge object with the specified timeout.
using (OutGauge outgauge = new OutGauge(timeout)) {
// Attach event handler to packet-received event.
outgauge.PacketReceived += outgauge_PacketReceived;
outgauge.TimedOut += outgauge_TimedOut;

// Start listening for packets from LFS.
outgauge.Connect("", 30000);

// Stop program from exiting while listening.

I replace it with this instead:

// Create OutGauge object with the specified timeout.
OutGauge outgauge = new OutGauge(timeout)
// Attach event handler to packet-received event.
outgauge.PacketReceived += outgauge_PacketReceived;
outgauge.TimedOut += outgauge_TimedOut;

// Start listening for packets from LFS.
outgauge.Connect("", 30000);

// Stop program from exiting while listening.

By doing this you have to close the connection manually when your program exits.
S3 licensed
Quote from shimon-ifraimov :finally a simulator where you can adjust your mirrors Big grin

It is only 11 years late (at least), but yeah, we can say it's the first one to have realistic mirrors xD
S3 licensed
Quote from adammcbomb :I've only ever had a G25. Bought the day it came out and still using it. And if I'm reading you right, I think you may be incorrect. The G25 has and always has had a "soft locking position" to help denote where the rotation in-game ends. So for instance, if I set the ingame rotation to 600, I will notice a VERY STRONG force (simulating a lock) once I hit that 600 degree mark on either side. Perhaps it doesnt work as well as the newer wheels (I dont know) but it does exist as a feature on the G25.

We were speaking of a soft limit when turning the full 900 degrees. On the G25 you just hit the plastic on the end, on the G27 the force feedback actually slows you quite a bit a few degrees earlier, so you don't knock so hard.

It is the same limit as you say, but on the G25 it is only done when the wheel is limited to less than 900 degrees, on the G27 it also appears at about 890~895 no matter what you set.
S3 licensed
Have you installed both game patches (1.01 and 1.02)? RBR doesn't have a problem with modern Windows, except for the Program Files folder, AFAIK.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Correct! it is no matter what is the ms time there ( 20-250 ms is range btw ), it makes no difference!

But then again, if this is a thing, then I have to say, it is never worked anyway, or it might have, but it is never affected to my controller

It worked for me. Had to get used to downshift slow enough to not get a miss shift. Though my G25 decided to keep getting worse and I had to repair it because I ran out of range in LFS haha
S3 licensed
FBM doesn't have throttle cut-off like his bigger brothers, so you have to do it manually, but the gear shift itself is done the same way AFAIK.
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :That happens even more often, if using restricted air-intake. Change gears on lower rpm in that case.

EDIT: I did not even knew it is bug, I thought it is on purpose, but then again, thinking about that, it makes no reasonably sense, unless someone can tell one.

It doesn't make sense to be a feature. On downshifts, if your car has over-revving protection it won't try to downshift and then stay on the same gear, it would just do nothing.

I don't know why LFS does some trickery in the gearbox when our inputs are as simple as "upshift now". I understand the other bug, where H-pattern gearboxes can end in neutral gear if your inputs are timed correctly.
S3 licensed
Quote from Neilser :I've noticed something truly weird on several occasions with my G27, but it's intermittent and so I've never been able to work out a cause and have therefore never reported it. However, this post makes me wonder if it's connected...

Now and then when I pull the paddle to shift, mostly (always?) up-shifts, I get a brief raise in the revs but no up-shift - rather like a botched manual shift where the clutch wasn't down fully and the driver couldn't mechanically pull the gear lever across. The revs clearly respond so the program has noticed a button press...

It has probably happened maybe 20 times in total, spread over many months.

My previous wheel had a switch bounce problem (fixed by replacing a faulty switch) on down-shifts (lethal to engine) but I was able to mitigate that somewhat by using the debounce delay option. Very clearly a wheel issue, unlike the weirdness on my current wheel.

This problem is weird and I have no clue about what could be causing it other than a bug...? Surely the game doesn't produce bad shifts if the button isn't down for long enough?

I am not sure it has ever happened in single player or the SPR would perhaps be enlightening. Not certain I ever checked an MPR for it but I guess it would be useless anyway.

Don't worry, this bug has been in LFS since forever, it has been reported many years ago with no official answer...

You can reproduce it very easily using the FO8, upshifting to 3rd gear while on rev-limiter. It has something to do with the torque the engine produces and the air resistance, you can also see it on Kyoto oval trying to upshift to the car's top gear.

It is also quite related to your driving style, I can get it several times in a row (specially useful at race start when you get passed by everyone...) while other people hardly ever hit the required conditions.
S3 licensed
Quote from :N also makes the mouse cursor visible/invisible... at least it has for almost as long as I've played LFS. You have to press it a few times...

Open more than one LFS window, with car running... and try to move the mouse back and forth between them, you will see what I mean, the mouse is invisible when "racing". It is only visible while toggling N in some cases, and when the menus are visible.

Isn't that what Shift+Z do? Keeping the mouse visible all the time or just when there are buttons on screen.
S3 licensed
Quote from gigapouch :With American Truck and Euro Truck Sim, I can at least configure the dead zones to compensate for the gas pedal being a little bit down, but I can't in LFS.

You can, in the Axis menu you can set the range from 0 to 1000, just set it to e.g. 5-1000 or 0-995, whatever fits your case.
S3 licensed
Quote from jujek :Driving Force Pro dont have this protecion so You always have full 900 degress i dont know how G25 works but i think is behave same as G27. Sorry about bad english

Just a quick note: G25 did not have this "soft hard lock", it was introduced with the G27, I guess too many wheels broke apart during the years, it sure sounded/felt bad during the calibration and extreme counter steers.
S3 licensed
Discord is a great app, there is no doubt about that. Being able too use it thought your web browser, without need to install any program/plugin/extensions is awesome.

The permission system looks strong, though a bit complicated at first (not that TS3 is any better, in fact is a mess to tinker with it).

But it lacks a feature IMO is needed before it can replace TS in a community/league environment:
- No whispers, I need to be able to talk to other admins despite being in a different channel.
S3 licensed
Still the same error Frown
Can't login to LFSWorld
S3 licensed
I changed my WEBPassword a few days ago (and just checked again that it is correct), but it seems to be too secure to the input field in LFSWorld's page, as it always says it is incorrect.
S3 licensed
A small typo I just noticed in help_Castellano.txt file: "Aunqeu" should be "Aunque".
S3 licensed
It would be nice to have a camera set up relative to the car in LFS, not just following it. Because it would allow to record proper audio.

All your camera suggestions are covered by LFS Record, though in-game improvements are always nice to have.
S3 licensed
Does it go above 60 when using the monitor? Maybe you are forcing V-Sync through GPU driver?

You could try a fresh install of LFS (no need to spend an unlock just to try if it works), or try deleting the config files.
S3 licensed
You can send them an email asking for an extra unlock
S3 licensed
This is the guide they posted with 0.6K patch:

TIPS on using Live for Speed with a VR headset :
NOTE : For Oculus, Runtime 0.7 (or later) is required

1) How to enter VR mode in LFS :
- Start LFS and click 3D on the View Options Screen
- Select VR headset and click OK

2) To reset your seating position, the text command /rift reset is assigned by default to the F8 key.
- When a new driver takes over, ask them to look straight ahead then press F8
- Key assignments can be edited in Options - Game - F1 to F8

3) Accessing your desktop while LFS is in VR mode.
- You will find that your mouse cursor is confined to the LFS window
- Press CTRL+C to free the mouse and now the mouse can go onto the desktop
S3 licensed
If you are using a sequential shifter you have to assign it to gear up/gear down. It looks to me that you assigned it to the shifter positions, and that's why you can only select those 2 gears.
S3 licensed
If you can't use ANY of the allowed content on the server you are kicked out. So you'll need to disallow any S2 cars if you want S1 users on the server.