Would it be posible to set circleID? This way we could program our app to always treat ID<20 as being in pit for example. And ID>200 as another range, etc. Same behavour as start postition, sequential on creation but customizable.
I'm aware of that, that's why I mentioned joker laps.
I know that a circle is not ideal for timing purposes, but my suggestion is a lot more useful than just a new custom split object. We would be able to do whatever we want, not perfect but much better than the actual system allows.
Ideally both things should be implemented, along with my /semaphore command, but for a first new packet I think the new marshall would be best.
- Custom corner cutting checks
- An easy way to do "joker laps" in custom layouts
- Make several races at one track and use this new object as custom splits
- Assigning a pit stop box to each driver and detect if they use the wrong one
Scawen, could you take a look at this suggestion? It looks quite easy to implement from my side, would like to know your opinion hehe https://www.lfs.net/forum/thread/89019
I think it may be the right time to implement it, now that we are having a new InSim version.
Currently we hace "Restricted area" (that kicks to spectator) and "Route checker" (that gives you a penalty).
I'd like to have something called "Controlled area" (yellow color), that sends an InSim packet, so the InSim applications can deal on its own with corner cutting and detect cars in special positions.
I'm aware of IS_MCI packet, but as this packet is server sided you have to deal with lag, packet per second update rate and all those nasty things. Having a simple native packet would be much better to server administrators.
Packet structure:
- Circle id/number (just as route checker have an index, to know what corner threw the packet).
- Car speed
Couldn't we create a packet sniffer/rely that always outputs IS_MSO / IS_III / IS_ACR as full size so that outdated programs still work?
It is an ugly solution, but avoid the problem of Scawen either breaking compatibility or implementing a dual InSim version with a flag as suggested by someone (was it Cargame?).
Known issue, they'll have to redo the animations to fix it (or change the car, but that would cause incompatibilities). They also have a polygon on the sides of the cockpit that is only visible from one side and small things like headlights not attached to the car xD
CityLiga is showing having an event tomorrow, but it is in fact on February 2nd, so it won't be tomorrow for 1 hour (in my timezone).
I am far more confident in Scawen not screwing us that in random users I don't know xD
My Fanaled works like a charm. In previous test patches I had a small conversation with Bose because it stopped working if filename was not LFS.net (test patches used to include the current version in file name). If it only break to 2 people, I'm inclined to think that they somehow screwed the cfg file.
McGherkin, did you install the test patch? Do you have a backup of the current official test patch? Anything that could change your setup?
I don't know what are you doing to your wheels, but you are the second one saying the same about both mods this week. Fanaleds is working on both official and test patches.
New system to reset a car at a location with or without repair
Scawen, would this improvement allow to do a pit stop changing tire compounds without being forced to repair the car? Or is it totally unrelated to that part of the code?
Ok, after reading Flame and mbutcher posts I came with an idea, related to my yesterday's post.
If car status could be preserved, we will be able to:
- restart the race (or maybe any session for that matter)
- do 1 or more warm up laps
- once everybody is in his grid slot send a RQR to everyone (to engage handbrake, put neutral and keeping tire temps and all that stuff)
- /setlaps zero
- send to the host a "raceStart" packet (would this by a IS_Tiny?), to launch the starting lights
On top of that, Flame's last post brought to my mind Le Mans style start, where each car class is spreaded along the track to avoid first lap incidentes. IS_REO would require a fixed amount of car per class to do the corresponding layout, the new packet will serve this purpose just perfect.