What is all the fuss about? LFS still has brake help, so why should this brake force thing matter?
Does having a low brake force give you a competitive advantage? I don't think so. If you want to be fast, you need to modulate the brakes. If you don't, you will get locked wheels because
(a) downforce decreases when the speed drops,
(b) the car gets lighter when going over bumps in the track,
(c) engine braking is added when you shift down,
(d) tyre grip decreases when the tyres wear out or overheat.
If you set the brake force so low that you avoid locked wheels under all circumstances, you need to brake much earlier, and will be several seconds per lap slower.
If LFS would enforce a minimum brake force, it does not make a difference for the fast guys. But LFS will get harder for the others: drivers who are learning, or are less talented, or drive with mouse/kb (unless they switch on brake help, assuming it's still there). Some of those may give up on LFS, and buy a different sim.
What will you gain?