Well out of the few options I had.. it came down to either a civic or a mazda 3. And honestly.. I like the looks over a civic any day, and the handling when stock was WAY better than any civic I had ever sat in.
Besides, it was a to and fro for college car.. and if you believe me; I could fit everything in my dorm rooms in that car and go home with no problem. I could actually probably fit a lot more now with all the missing seats etc.
lol my buddy traded me that damn tow hook for some helper springs so I'm glad I had it! Fair trade... nooooooooooooottttt hahahaha; hook was like $40 and I got springs that are like $200 (which .. why the hell do helper springs cost so much anyway?!)
No, going down heavily congested street roads I drive the limit; highway (depending on distance and whatnot) I usually go under the limit just to save on gas.. I usually care less about when I get somewhere if it's a long trip as opposed to how much money I have to spend at the other end.
To me there is a difference between driving hard, fast, and.. just being an ****.
By hard I mean there are turns I take that no one would ever consider on a normal drive.. and.. probably would be dangerous in a mini van or truck or whatever lol. By hard I mean I push the suspension and the engine; not hard as in I go 100 mph EVVVVERYWHERE BLAHHHHHRRRGGGGG I WINNNNN.. no, while I do take turns hard and push the engine every now and again depending on road conditions, I'm not an **** and try not to do to many illegal things; although I'm pretty sure the turn I took heading up to work yesterday was probably illegal; drop into 2nd, floored it, got up to probably 60+ in a 45 zone and took a hard turn across a 2 lane intersection.. no rubbing, that was nice. Still need to stiffen my rear sway bar though.
My limits right now are my stocker's tires. High mileage, pretty sporty looking things though; Riken Raptors. They're junk LOL! But I know what they can handle for the most part, so I stay within my limits.
I'm just not one of those plonks in their brand new BMW they spent $50k on and go blazing up the highways at 90mph swerving in and out being an ****.
I may drive hard at some points; but on streets with traffic I'm usually as polite as possible, but do have fun every once in a while.
@homeless.. no, I could afford them, but I'm happier I spent $100 less than I would have if I went with Falkens over the Proxies. But if I did get the "right" size.. whatever the right size is; I can promise you my rear fenders and front fenders would not be alive anymore.
My rears really don't have that much stretch.
You want to see ugly stretch? Check these out; this guy just bought some rotiforms and got the ugliest stretch ever. I'm all for a little bit of stretch like mine, but.. stretching tires to.. stretch them? .. ew.
The tires don't even FIT!
This is way beyond what stretching should ever be. If you're going to stretch, at least let the sidewall come near the lip. There's like a freaking inch gap between sidewall and wheel lip! WTF!
That is ugly.
lol you wanna talk about buying the right size? I'm only off by a few mm... this guy is off by like a foot.