I'm sure a lot of you have missed me...
.. well.. maybe not haha
(if you really don't want to read all of this [i'm sure you dont haha] scroll down to the 'So' part)
Anyways I'm halfway through college getting my art degree now (sorry, had to give up with the engineering I couldn't cut the math!) it's actually quite depressing I'm halfway through college too, scary!
Anyways so I used to drive my father's good old '95 GMC Jimmy 4wd senior year of high school just because there was nothing else.
I hardly ever ask my parents of anything, except this time around I felt it was a good time to get something good for my first own car. Except.. my mother wanted me to get a truck, if you had ever seen my garage, I HATE trucks, all anyone drives in my family is trucks just about, in the garage besides my car, my mother has a new Tahoe, my dad has a I believe an '03 GMC Sierra, one of my sisters has a like '98 Chevy Silverado 1500, my other sister however was the only person with a small car, she started with a '93 Acura Legend, and then got a 2000 Honda Accord (and now wants the new model)
Anyways, I figured I would fight my cause this time, and I think my dad (since he used to race plenty of street cars in his day) could sympathize with me in this case. So my criteria was something that isn't a truck, gets over 25 mpg, yet has enough space to be able to deal with college life and afterwords. So basically you can figure out now I was looking at 4 doors and hatches, I typically like some hatches depending on how tall they are, I'm sure none of you are reading to the story anyways so lets get down to this excitement mrodgers can't handle anymore lol
So this is what I got, 4 doors, 26-30 mpg estimate, hot hatch, and finally got the talk with my dad about getting a manual, the last time this family saw a manual car (besides the ferrari daytona) or any other race car, was probably back in the 70s
Now my mother complains she won't be able to drive my car (I don't know why she ever would though?!) and now my sister with the truck can't either (which is a +5000)
I'm sure you are all dying now so this is it, MY first car, a 2006 Mazda3 hatchback
from a honda dealership lol
64k miles, super clean, hardly any visible damage or anything, previous owner was great to this car!
And I haven't stalled it yet! (somehow!) Honestly though this is the EASIEST manual car I have EVER driven, among the list of manual cars i've driven if you're curious is two VW Golf Mk2s (one hatch the other the cabrio), 02 Diesel Jetta, 02 mercedes SLK 350
(for those wondering why I was looking the other way is because my neighbor said something.. and we don't really talk to that neighbor lol)
I won't get the title to the car until I turn 25 so.. 4 more years here in a month! until then, no engine modifications or such until then sorry!