The 55mph limit is PDX which is .. kinda parade like where you got a lot of normal cars going 'round at the same time, no passing, etc.
But they always enforce speed limits on the track, always have, always will... safety/lawsuit issue... i dunno.. lol (of course not during actual races..) but with the racing school there they have speed limits then too of course for safety reasons.
But like I said, this is just Road Atlanta, of course not all tracks are the same.
Oh yeh? Compaq beat you to it then, they were giving out stupid laptops for over $600 with intel integrated graphics (whatever the worst integrated was at the time), weren't even dual cores, just Celeron processors that clocked at 1.6ghz, 512MB of RAM, and Vista.... these laptops were sold last summer.. wtf.
With that kind of price it makes you wonder who fell for it, well.. after seeing so many of them, looks like someone did!
I laugh at my neighbor at college who had one of these, once I saw 512mb of ram I freaked out, when I saw the clock speed I was ripping my hair out.... it had a virus, I gave up after accomplishing nothing after 30 minutes just because the virus was RAILING the core.
I laughed because my Dell Mini 9 running Leopard is faster than it, and it cost me under $200 for 1.8ghz, 32GB SSD, 2GB RAM, web cam, bluetooth.. etc. etc.
Love my Mini 9.. it has ZERO moving parts! it fascinates me!
Well I mean it depends on what they're doing, but usually they limit the speeds on the track to some extent.
Remember this is the real race track I live near so.. not all are like this
I think with the racing class they offer up there the speed limit isn't 55, somewhere more like 80 or so, but who goes 55 on the highway even really people go down the front straight going like 65-70mph honestly.
I can't imagine it is very different here where I live, up at Road Atlanta to do a track day they limit the speeds to 55mph, no passing, behind a pace car (sometimes.. if anyone gets out of control), and it's usually about $100 and a month ahead of time.
And yes of course you have to have a drivers license.
RA Also has a class you can take, either a two day or one day but either way you're looking at it you have to have a drivers license and be 18+ or older (or have parent's signature)
But yea, just google race track and google maps will come up with some near where you live and just look through the websites, no one here can give you the right information
To add to this bug, it happened to me again today at LR Racing server.
~30 cars on track, all XFGs and XRGs, one guy came out in an RB4 and there were no textures loaded on it.
At end of race I went in to pits and changed car to RB4 and they loaded, left pits again in GTi and the other guy's RB4 had loaded textures.
@logitek, if you don't have anything to add to the bug details wise, do not post please.
These threads are meant to give insight as to what could be causing them, not if you're having the issue or not.
Well.. for being DDR2 I think it's a tid bit to much...
I'm trying to figure out what i'm going to get next, my E1705 mocked up as M1710 isn't going to last forever, I'm stuck between laptop or desktop because I want something quad core (for rendering), 64 bit (what isn't these days?) and a good graphics card, but not insanely priced.. I mean I could get an awesome desktop for half the price it would cost to get same laptop, just.. depends on how much portability means to me.. dunno yet! Will see in next two years or so.
Met Patrese online about 3 hours ago, was very friendly, we got talking for about 2 or 3 minutes, it was at the LR Racing server.
Anyways, the race restarted and we were off (i believe patrese was a spectator at the time). T1 and the straight was a clean good start for a good race. We got down to the turn at the end of the long straightaway, looked around....
and thought...
Oh the irony...
I was in the EXACT same spot as Ring was, someone else was in a similar spot to where Rising was, and there was an XRG similar to where Patrese was.
I figured I wasn't going to let this happen, so I slowly put on the brakes around 150 meters to show everyone behind to slow down, then got on my brakes for real around 120 meters.
The XRG got halfway in my line about a half car length ahead of me, and my front end was about halfway down the side of the XFG on my left, but he was pulling ahead as I was already braking.
I figured hah! Solution.. problem solved.
Then the inevitable happened, someone rear ended me.. distinctly hard for entering that turn, and then.. instead of just myself and one XRG going into the sand, I landed up taking out the other XFG, the XRG, and myself.
There is only so much you can do I suppose!
@patrese, I never was attempting to insult you, but use you as a learning tool for future drivers so they know what to expect at times like this. If that was me in the XRG instead of you I would've been saying just about the same thing, so no offense to you.
Well.. I'm just saying, no one reeeeeally needs 6GB of ram, nor should the upgrade cost that much money in the first place, you can live longer with 4GB of RAM than with a slower graphics card.
I promise you, it's far easier and cheaper to have the factory install a graphics card, than to do it yourself, to upgrade my graphics card to the top of the line of what I could've had STILL costs $499 to buy it from a parts store, it would've cost $350 for the factory to install it 3 years ago.
RAM is always getting cheaper, those graphics cards may never.
I put the heatsink from an XPS M1710 on my Ati X1400 (X1400 comes standard with a single copper pipe, the XPS higher end cards have two copper pipes; however I'm using a pipe from an older XPS so I didn't get to upgrade my graphics card and I don't feel like spending $500 on the fastest one for my laptop if they keep having severe issues) in my E1705 and can O/C my card by almost 35%, get a few artifacts during break in periods but only for about 3 minutes until the card warms up.
Take apart your laptop and put on some Arctic Silver 5, then get a cooling pad or build your own and you won't have any issues.
Enlighten me.. how is an autocross/track day car 'in the wrong direction'?
Personally I think I want to see LFS head in an autocross direction for a little while, I really would love to do autocross in my car but I don't have the knowledge, no how.. nor really anywhere in the area to do it, but AutoX in LFS has been looked over for SOooooooOOO long!
The last time AutoX mattered was when the MRT came out, that was really the only time it mattered... but ... I don't think I ever came across a bunch of guys racing the MRT on an AutoX, but rather on the race tracks..
Question is though Dan, how .. "random" do most people want this to be?
On one side you have the people that want 100% random, aka tires or whatever can.. 'just stop working'
On the other end of the spectrum you have the side that I'm on where, randoms would be nice, but stress should be the final determination; aka if you run your tires very hard and slide all over the place, chances are they will pop
So you have.. completely random, as we like to call in the real world "Factory Defects", and then you have the not.. quite as realistic, stress level damaging (which should be in LFS either way by the end at least)
It's harder to do it on tires, lets talk about engines, if you're going over the limiter when downshifting, or hit someone, in real life chanses are you'll blow your engine up or it will overheat etc etc.
In the real world, a cylinder head could just fly out of your engine for a completely (well.. not completely, but just from defects of wear and tear) out of the engine.
The high stress level damage is what should be in LFS.. randoms would be nice, but the races are so short in LFS for the most part.. who would want to see their tire pop 3 laps in at FE Club?! That would piss a lot of people off.
It's just here to show you who's fault it is in any case of whoever it is
Yes stuff like this happens all the time, that is why there are threads like this to get down to the nitty gritty of what went wrong to prevent it from happening next time!
See lol that's why I'm putting blame on him for endangering others like that.. just saying
I mean if you want to get real, everyone was playing chicken on that turn by not braking though, if I was in that position I would've been on the brakes earlier than them, there is no way anyone would survive going 3 wide in that turn
Ahh that's a verrrrry old video, still quite funny!
That's what happened to me when I shot my first shotgun at some skeet over at my cousins in Mississippi
unfortunately it was a semi auto shotgun, so the first shot pushed me back enough to where my balance was on my rear leg, shot again up like 45 degrees (VERY BAD ACCIDENTTT!!!!!!) which almost took me to the ground!
That was something along the lines of 5 or 6 years ago.