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So now that the DFP is dead...
S3 licensed
Ill be buying a G25 in the near future hopefully.

The only thing i have left of my DFP is the power cables, which ill keep incase i can use them for somthing else, the "GT" emblem that i pulled off the wheel and put on my wall, and the pedals.

So the question is, what should i do with my pedals? Ive always had a problem throwing stuff away. The pedals arent in perfect condition, the gas pedal minorly spikes (not that bad), and the brake pedal doesnt spike, but the brake pedal makes a TINY click noise once you touch it (nothing bad).

So would i be able to get any money off the pedals from ebay? If not, what do you suggest i do with them? Im trying to figure out if theres any way i can somehow convert them to the handbrake axis, and conect somthing to it that would resemble a hand brake, but ive only seen that done with wheels and shifters, never pedals.

Any suggestions?
S3 licensed
K so i opened it up and there was some plastic gears and stuff inside it that were broken, so theres nothing i can do to fix it, and ill just have to save up for a G25.

In the mean time, no more LFS =(
S3 licensed
I either wanted to jump on it or sell it on ebay for whatever little money i could get
S3 licensed
Yeah, ima open it up in a sec. I guess my wheels done, and ill have to start saving for a G25 =)

Any suggestions on what to do with the DFP if it cant be fixed? Pedals are messed up as well, so....
S3 licensed
thanks =)
How to place objects in track edit
S3 licensed
When your in shift U mode, putting down cones and stuff, i can select the object i want, but i cant figure out how to place it on the track.

How do i do so?
Question for pedals and mouse
S3 licensed
Is there any way to make it so you can steer with mouse (my wheel broke) but still use pedals to accelerate and brake?
S3 licensed
Well so far, when only one light (left i think) is on, it means that its locked to 90 degrees both way. Whenever i start the DFP with my computer, when it does its auto spin around thingy, it doesnt click and turn both lights on like it does with PS2, it just stops spinning and leaves on light on.

If i hold select, R3 and right paddle for like a second or two, that click happens, and both lights turn off, and the lock goes off, so i can spin it 900 degrees.

So, both lights are blinking, it appears to be locked at 90 degrees both way, it made an awful click sound when i passed the 45 degree point the first time (doesnt happen anymore), and when its plugged in and lights are blinking, and i try holding select, R3, and right paddle, nothing happens.

Soo... should i try opening it up and seeing if anythings wrong? I wouldnt know what to look for, since i suck with this kind of stuff
My DFP randomly broke?
S3 licensed
Ok so last night i was drifting with my DFP, and it was just fine. As i exit LFS, i unclamp the DFP fromt he computer desk, and set it down on the floor by the closet, as usual.

So today, im really sick, and thats usually when i play LFS (unless its night time and im bored, or if its rainy, bla bla bla), so i decided, hey ill play some LFS!

WRONG! I touch the wheel (dont even pick it up yet) and instantly hear this nasty click. Um... that didnt sound good! So i turn the wheel to see whats up, and it keeps making this nasty clicky noise which definatley isnt right. it makes it at 45 and -45 degrees, as well as 90 and -90. Im afraid to go past that. However, if i stay within -90 through 90, and move it (cause its already clicked), then it moves without clicking. Once i hit 90 both ways, i feel resistance.

Also if this helps, the two green lights are blinking.

I tryed unplugging the USB and plugging it back in again, that didnt do anything. I dont think anything else will since it seems to be inside the wheel itself.

What do you guys think i should do? Im going to stay home from school tommarow since im really sick, should i try to open up the wheel and see what i can do? or am i better off sending it back to logitech. Btw, the wheel is like 2 and a half years old.
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :I don't think only old people like analogue guages. I prefer it because digital doesn't give you a visual of how fast you're accelerating.

Same here, i was talking about analog clocks
S3 licensed
The detail and especially the pits arent great at all, but those overhead trees are badass. Itd be nice to have an option with that autumn look. The current blackwood is boring.

I freaking love fern bay becaus not only is it (IMO) the best and most fun layout, its also got some great scenery, and isnt all gray and boring.
S3 licensed
Quote from March Hare :'oi! What's wrong with the giant squid?

I don't think engine stalling should be very high on the to-do list. First give us brake fade, tyre blowouts and fix the collision anomalies.

Brake fade and better collision would be freaking badass to have by the next patch

We already have tire blowouts though. You can either do a long ass burnout till your tires pop, or if youve been doing a ton of laps, or drifting, and your tires on the meter get REALLY red, after theyve had too much they just pop
S3 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Sketchy, the turbo boost gauge in non-turbo cars show your FPS, if you didn't know. At least, I think that is where the "FPS gauge" is.

Really? I always wondered wtf that was
S3 licensed
Quote from Leandrus :When you finnish a race in real life. Do you smash the car into a wall??
Don't think so... I think it's there for a reason.
You must have control on the car all the time. Right?

Thats true, but AFTER you cross the finish line on your final lap in a real race (or time attack or whatever) , when you knock down a cone, or do somthing minor like that, are they going to give you a time penalty?
S3 licensed
I thought of a way to REDUCE (not get rid of) some of the lag that happens when you shift. Instead of the hand moving off the shifter only when you approach redline, it could also do it once you get below the powerband, AND also, as soon as you let off the gas, and hit the clutch. Depending on how fast you shift, having the hand come off the wheel when you hit the clutch, instead of wating till you actually shift, could be a huge difference.

So if we combine

1: once we get NEAR the optimal shift point (so theres some flexibility) the hand comes off the wheel and to the shifter, but doesnt shift till we actually shift

2: Once we get below to the powerband, and close to the "optimal downshift point?", the hand comes off wheel blablabla

3: As soon as we clutch, hand comes off wheel, bla bla bla

Combine those three, and it wouldnt be too laggy.

The only way though to do it perfectly, would be when your using an automatic transmission. But then if thats the case, why would your hand come off the wheel, unless your shifting to reverse or neutral, which then the computer wouldnt be able to know ahead of time anyways.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :+1 It would also be nice to change the fps meter in some cars to digital too.

S3 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :ok, I'm not using shift F all the time but even when I don't use it, I'd like to see just time, not a line of text that contains year, month, day and time and all other useless data which ends in the middle of the screen

I'm just supporting this suggestion

When i hit ctrl and shift (when i have it to show FPS default), it only shows the time.

Anyways, this thread turned out really wired lol

basically all im suggesting is to have a digital clock in the space of the analog clock inside the cars. And then we could have an option to chose.
S3 licensed
Hmmm, i know its been a while, and i never really formally resigned from the team, but according to Frenchy, i was removed due to my inactivity, which makes sence. I havnt really checked the first Moo thread to see if its true, but i doubt Frenchy would be lying, so ill just take his word for that.

Frenchy was telling me that you guys were trying to get in contact with me to see where i have been, and he said he sent me 3 PM's, but i checked my PM inbox which dates back to February 28th, 2007, which was way before i started becoming inactive, and theres no PM's from anyone about Moo.

I havnt gotten any IM's or emails either, which apparently, he said they have sent.

But anyways, that aside, it looks like Moo is starting to become active, and it looks like I'm starting to become more active too

My wrist isnt broken anymore (though it healed a long time ago), and schools started again, so im not away from home as much, and im usually on for about 2 (somtimes way more) hours a night, somtimes during the day.

I enjoyed being on Moo the couple times were we actually got to get together as a team, and im usually down for endurance races, auto-x events, drift days, etc. :wave2:

So anyways, any chance i could get back on?
S3 licensed
^ good point, but windows are perfectly transparent so it wouldnt be eye candy at all unless your looking from outside.

It would be cool though to be able to turn your headlights on, and have the taillights turn on but not as bright as brake lights, and then we could have a third brake light

Hopefully this will come at the end of S2 when night and/or rain driving is hopefully introduced =)
S3 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :For some (different) reason you tend to "look through" it in sims to. In GTR2, when I'm focussed I don't really notice it a lot at all except for certain circumstances - but it's there (dirt etc). The trick is just to find the balance to make it subtle enough. Just because things can't be done perfectly doesn't mean they shouldn't be done at all. I imagine you play LFS with no sound and no graphics then right? :rolleyes:

Anything to at least mimick things that happen IRL are worthwhile in a sim.

Clocks in cars
S3 licensed
So we have the option to change the Speedo from analog to digital. Pretty cool i guess, some people prefer digital, i prefer analog.

Clocks are the same way, some people (mostly older people) prefer analog, and most younger people (and some older people) prefer digital (in a car atleast).

It would be nice to have the option to change the clock inside the cars to be digital, anyone else think so?

Im sure it wouldnt be much work at all, and it would be somthing small, yet so big.
S3 licensed
Quote from frokki :It's a good (although really old and discussed) suggestion, but I don't agree with this part. Even just in damage modelling there are lots of more important things to do first - eye candy is just eye candy.

Not quite only eye candy. If a body pannel falls off, it can affect the racers behind the car. Also, if your front bumper crumbles off after hitting a curb for the final time, and you run over it, that could affect you too.

Although, yes, it would mostly be eye candy, Its also realistic, and thats what were shooting for, right?
S3 licensed
This should be done before S2 is complete. New cars and tracks wont be till S3.

Anyways, id like to add, when your car gets smashed, all the body panels stay in one piece. The doors look fine, theres no gaps between body panels, hood wont get crumbled separate of fenders, when your front end is smashed, your bumper doesnt hang off a little, etc. It would be cool to fix this as well =)
Things for damage
S3 licensed
This shouldnt be to hard, but simply when our cars get hit, instead of only being dented, mabey we could also get some scuffs and scratches on our cars, so the paint isnt so pretty.

So like if we hit somthing hard, mabey some paint could chip, or if a car passes us and trades paint, the paint trading would actually happen.

Sort of like this:

Also mabey if like we get side swiped, our side mirrors would get knocked off, not perfectly, as well. And then if hit hard enough, in the area of damage, the tail lights or turn signals could break (not work anymore) and mabey the class casing could be cracked. Then we could have a third brake light, which would be very usefull when both brake lights are gone.

Anyone else think these realistic changes would be cool?
Last edited by Sketchyrollin564, .
S3 licensed
This would be a cool idea, especially the windshield wipers, which would somtimes smear the dirt on the window. Realistic!

And it would be cool to have an option in the pitstop to clean the windows =P

Mabey when S3 is along, LFS will be so far in technolagy that we will see the little pit crew members actually clean the windsheild. Now THAT would be freaking cool