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S3 licensed
Quote from morpha :No, not steering to the left just means going straight, it doesn't mean steering to the right... at least not if your car is mechanically sound.

Quite good sir, quite good

When they came to take the gypsies,i didnt react.I wasnt a gypsy.
When they came to take the communists,i didnt react.I wasnt a communist
When they came to take the Jews,i didnt react.I wasnt a Jew.
When they made the Romancatholics to shut up,who were opposing to fasism,i didnt do anything cause i wasnt a catholic.
When they came to take me,there was nobody there to react.


sorry if my translation is bad,i believe you get the point.
S3 licensed
Quote from tinvek :must admit i was real surprised to see this post by eric, whilst i can understand his frustration at some of the posts on this and other forums and i agree with intrepid's views, it does seem to be rather self destructive for a dev of a game to say if you don't like the delays go away, maybe he should just think how many S3 licences they would sell if by the time it's released the only people still playing are the demo users.

as devil says it's not on to lump everyone together like that, i've supported the devs and the time it takes to come out with something as complicated as a new tyre model (look how long its taking dave at iracing to do the same thing) and have always intended to buy S3 as soon as it comes out but now i'm not so sure, if eric's post is a true guide as to how the devs feel about their customers then i don't particularly feel any urge to give them any more business.

hopefully future posts will prove my past feelings about the devs were correct but only time will show

S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :@DarwinAce: I suggest you read the entire topic so that you have at least a basic idea about the subject. If you already did understand the topic you probably wouldn't have posted what you just posted. You wouldn't have needed to post it and you most likely wouldn't have wanted to either.

@ all other dissenters:
All LFS license holders have got exactly what they paid for, and the vast majority of us got a whole lot more.

People are frustrated/emotional/upset because they aren't getting what they want. I am most certain that the LFS devs can not ever give us all that we want. What the LFS devs have already created and continue to refine and to build on is very good indeed (otherwise all these people wouldn't be here getting frustrated and angry and demanding more). None of us would be here if we didn't already respect this sim, and none of us needed to be here in the first place.

LFS isn't all you want it to be? Can't seem to do anything about it? No crisis line to call? Can't find any community help groups? Running low on your medication? Then go and enjoy something else, because you certainly aren't enjoying yourself here. And if by chance your original goal was only to be miserable and drag others down with you - you've succeeded.


Its nice to feel smart isnt it?

Its harder to be one though!
S3 licensed
Quote from Macfox :Semantics. Ignoring customers = lost sales = no revenue. Those that have been around long enough know that customer engagement was regular and key to attracting the masses to the game early on.

No one disagrees with the complex nature of the physics. However there has been NO explanation regarding the explicit point about the lack of track development, let alone before any physics update plans/announcements.

That argument might have held true in the past when regular updates were released, but development has effectively stalled (by Scawen own admission). By definition you can't kill something that is dead. It really pains me to see this argument peddled over and over, when clearly it can't get any worse, given there's no promises, dates or deadlines.

There has been calls for extra man power for years, way before this current crisis. Each time its been strongly rejected, sighting code complexity, lack of documentation and handover time. And to a point that's accepted by the community when it applies to the code base. Yet these arguments are hardly valid where tracks are concerned. 3 or 4 years have past without a single track addition.

Unfortunately it's poor management, planning and foresight, that's allowed the game community to reach a state where it's crying out for content (paid or free) and being ignored.

If you're the glass half full type of guy, maybe? Personally it's a travesty and disservice to a game and community. So much opportunity and potential has been wasted. It's reached a point where ideology, ego and contempt for community and customers is a complete joke.

This is just one of 100's of threads of discontent over the years. The Dev's assurance is surely misplaced if they get any comfort from such threads. They only represent human desire to see what was, has or could have been.

Great post.

Its sad seeing the sim i loved and had so much fun with slowly fading away.

Frankly i dont even care about the so called updates.I can easilly fill my rather limited spare time with iRacing,netKarPro,BFBC2.

But imho it was wrong that the devs didnt hire or simply get help from the community,when many ppl offered to do so.Their denial brought us here.To a point where progress got slowed down and the end users left.

I dont known if LFS is dead but i surelly dont see great things happening in its future,when the opposition is clearly ahead.
S3 licensed
Guys i wont be able to attend the event.

Sorry for my late notice but something came up.

I hope you all have fun!

ps:also thanks for organizing this.

S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Sort of

The basic layout is done, and can be found on NDR|Easter Event 2010. I might need to jiggle a few barriers around here and there, but the route around the course won't change much. Go on and have a go

where exactly?
S3 licensed
LFS Username:sosna
Real Name:Nasos Charalampou
S3 licensed
If anyone is interested you chould check this out really easy to install and totally transforms the brake feeling,its based on pressure and not travel.Especially for iR users,braking will be much more easier.

About it in iR forum ... adID=28939&tstart=175
S3 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :Personally i think its already too late - the racing is cleaner there, the userbase has grown to a decent size, out doing LFS's online numbers more often than not, and progress happens there. For those willing to spend the money (the main gripe for many with iRacing, though its not affecting online numbers despite the protests of its pricing), its damn hard to beat.


With LFS its simply a matter of accepting it is what it is now, because a new track and car and some tweaked physics (all of which we dont know when is coming) isnt going to change the basis and direction of what LFS is..
LFS is already set in its ways, good or bad, and thats the end of story. Its either reached its peak, had its day, and now is on a downhill run (my personal view), or your still interested in it and find reasons to enjoy it. Its as simple as that, and talk of more (and/or wanting more) is pointless.

great post.

Even though i was against iRs pricing strategy,i saw that im willing to pay in order to be heard and have constant development-progress.

Now days for me LFS is a nice alternative,not my primary selected sim to race.Ive surelly enjoyed racing here but its getting boring.

I do understand-respect the devs point of view and slow progress pace (if you consider the every 3 month patches of the paying competitor),but that dont mean that i have to accept it,thats why i chose iR.

ps:sorry for my english!
S3 licensed
Sometimes its hard to understand that it was your fault.But if i can see that the one to blame is me,i ofcourse let the ''victim'' pass.

Thats the only way sim racing should-could work i think!

Its more important for me to be respected rather than to gain 1 position.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
The race was long and tiring for my LX4.

I couldnt pass the esses decently but all in all it was a nice race!

Thanks for putting this all together.

ps:could anyone post a link with the broadcast?
S3 licensed
Guys i ve done some laps in the server but my time nor my name is appearing?

Any ideas?

I ve got a replay of my qual session if its needed!

edit:nevermind i typed !top NDC and i was there.Sorry!
Last edited by sosna, .
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :^ Is that you? In that case you're in Did you get my e-mail?

Υes thats me.Thanks.
S3 licensed
Guys even though ive registered im not shown in the entry list.The same happens for Mike_R.Is there somethig else that i must do?

S3 licensed
Thanks guys for putting all this together.Just like last year im in also.

And nice for choosing xars not so widelly used!

Good luck all!
S3 licensed
Quote from skstibi :I have been looking through this thread. it is 20 pages long and about 15 pages worth is people complaining and others complaining about complaining. I know my post does not help much but hey...

LFS Developers cannot make everyone happy. Take any game and you will have people that buy it and are not happy with it, there is no way to help that.
If you are not happy with LFS, then set it aside and go play something else for a while. You will probably come back fairly soon.

Let me ask you this. Would you rather pay the extra $24 or whatever it is to upgrade or would you rather quit and try your luck on another game? Games are expensive, the last two games I bought I played for 5 minutes before I uninstalled and put them on my shelf. That was $80 down the hole. (That was the last NFS I ever bought and Toca 3 SUCKED)

Sorry if some of us are happy with LFS and we are happy things are getting fixed as well as things getting added in.
I don't see why people are moaning about the new content. Adding the VWS will bring fixed tires, fixed suspension, along with a few other things that are getting FIXED.

Sorry if you see the added content and think that nothing is getting fixed. Just think about it.

I dont think that someone who set it aside is easilly going to return though.At least that happened to me.

Thats what you (in general) dont understand!
S3 licensed
+1 @ scipy!

After all this time and when the competition is getting stronger and stronger (even though it may cost more) a nice dream simply dies.

I think they should have done more -given the time they had- and learned-undersanded better what the community wanted.If they could follow the live and kicking community a few years back today things could ve been better.

For me the urge to fire up LFS faded away and i see many ppl doing the same!

Its sad that he devs just ignore everyone here and continue to try-pretend to live in theirs developing world!

This isnt about the money but they wil charge us for what?a track and a car?

They should try more!
S3 licensed
Quote from garph :I was spreading the hack all Saturday, must have been something I ate.

Masks and gloves everyone.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :I had horrible stuttering under Win7 64bit (using G25), never did find the cause.

For me it was the exact opossite.Maybe it was the fresh install,idk.
S3 licensed
Quote from Turbo Dad :Nice welcome guys?? what's your problem? Loads of people have there rig specs in their sig's

Bboy-MassUK - Welcome to LFS , and dont let a few people give you the wrong idea about the rest of the community, mostly a friendly bunch round here

Have fun

+1 welcome mate!Have a nice time here!
S3 licensed
Houston we have a problem.In Win 7 64bit after i installed LFS and put Relax it gives me this screen.I ve put /insim=29999,it connects briefly but then it shows this.

Any help would be welcomed.
S3 licensed
Guys has anyone tried Relax with Win 7 64bit?
S3 licensed
Nice work guys.I ll definatelly pay european server a visit next time i fire LFS.

A very positive move.Realism is key factor in a driving sim when the needed equipment is present.

The thing i dont understand is why ppl have to whine for only 2-3 servers in which they cant participate when there are a bunch of others inlisted.

ps1:it would be great if the devs helped so that 720 degrees could be enforced-checked also.Maybe im dreaming while awake.

ps2:thank you for offering those servers for us realism junkies.
S3 licensed
Quote from jinxboy :

He's nuts!!

I think he is a Garry Mccoy fan!

Unbelievable driving!