When they came to take the gypsies,i didnt react.I wasnt a gypsy.
When they came to take the communists,i didnt react.I wasnt a communist
When they came to take the Jews,i didnt react.I wasnt a Jew.
When they made the Romancatholics to shut up,who were opposing to fasism,i didnt do anything cause i wasnt a catholic.
When they came to take me,there was nobody there to react.
sorry if my translation is bad,i believe you get the point.
Its sad seeing the sim i loved and had so much fun with slowly fading away.
Frankly i dont even care about the so called updates.I can easilly fill my rather limited spare time with iRacing,netKarPro,BFBC2.
But imho it was wrong that the devs didnt hire or simply get help from the community,when many ppl offered to do so.Their denial brought us here.To a point where progress got slowed down and the end users left.
I dont known if LFS is dead but i surelly dont see great things happening in its future,when the opposition is clearly ahead.
If anyone is interested you chould check this out http://www.apelectrix.com/.Its really easy to install and totally transforms the brake feeling,its based on pressure and not travel.Especially for iR users,braking will be much more easier.
Even though i was against iRs pricing strategy,i saw that im willing to pay in order to be heard and have constant development-progress.
Now days for me LFS is a nice alternative,not my primary selected sim to race.Ive surelly enjoyed racing here but its getting boring.
I do understand-respect the devs point of view and slow progress pace (if you consider the every 3 month patches of the paying competitor),but that dont mean that i have to accept it,thats why i chose iR.
After all this time and when the competition is getting stronger and stronger (even though it may cost more) a nice dream simply dies.
I think they should have done more -given the time they had- and learned-undersanded better what the community wanted.If they could follow the live and kicking community a few years back today things could ve been better.
For me the urge to fire up LFS faded away and i see many ppl doing the same!
Its sad that he devs just ignore everyone here and continue to try-pretend to live in theirs developing world!
This isnt about the money but they wil charge us for what?a track and a car?
Houston we have a problem.In Win 7 64bit after i installed LFS and put Relax it gives me this screen.I ve put /insim=29999,it connects briefly but then it shows this.