I think the most I could ask for in the graphics upgrades would be cars with a higher polly count. Nothing extreme really, just better than what it currently is
Yeah, you're right. You can change the way they look on the outside of the car. The inside view technically has no windows though. Also, other people online won't see anything different unless they also have the changes on that car as well.
I've caught myself resting my chin on my wheel a couple times only to think "Gee, if someone wrecked me right now, it might actually hurt..." Well, now I know thanks to you guys
I've somehow managed to avoid any injury while sitting stationary at my desk. I've had the occasional scratch on the toe from the underside of the pedals, but that's really about it so far. I guess a migrane in the morning after an entire day of racing would rank as the worst for me. Though I'm not sure if that counts as a physical injury.
Well, I didn't mean to jump down your throat about it or anything. You know, if you just enter through our southern border, you really don't need much more skill than knowing how to jump a fence
You need to try harder on insults. Care to try again? I'm not about to explain myself after that type of response, but needless to say, I have 'skills' that would get me a job in just about any country. The point I was making is, because I'd be comming from the US, they would rather hire a Canadian over me, even if I have the appropriate skills.
I was considering moving to Canada a couple years back, but I was told by a wife and husband that had attempted moving there then came back, and some Canadians that I knew online, that it's incredibly difficult to find work in Canada as an American. They simply don't want to hire you over a 'native' Canadian. I suppose if your skillset is somewhat rare, you shouldn't have any issues, but I wasn't about to risk the move and then have no work when I got there due to discrimination.
I think that's exactly what you need to do. LAN games don't contact the master server, IIRC, therefore the skin won't be sent to other racers. If you do host a passworded server, it will be indexed and connected to LFSW and your skin will be sent to whoever joins the server as long as it is on LFSW.
Of course, you could always manually send the skin over the network, use a USB thumbdrive or whatever else just as easily.
This is already the principal behind many, MANY privatized networks. I don't see why anyone would want to rely on their ISP for this type of service though. It would be much more ideal for certain companies to supply the software from their own servers over the web to clients (Adobe Graphics Suite anyone?), maybe in a remote desktop style invironment or similar. But as much as I see people complain about their ISP, I certainly wouldn't want to see them in charge of all my apps, even if that is just games.
Honestly, you would of been much better off making a backup of your texture folder before updating any textures. That way, if you don't like a specific pack, you can just "roll back" to your previous textures.
I believe the city textures all start with "CITY". Not sure if that's all of them, but someone else should be able to clarify if I'm wrong
And that's basically what the media here has done. Twist it (our voice) and contort it until it suits the larger picture they want to display to the rest of the world. Free press is anything but, in the States
I saw that episode and have to agree with it. It's just a shame that most of the citizens of this country have been stripped of their rights and tools to manage such a revolt. If anything, it'd just turn into another masacre of innocent civilians ala The Orangeburg Massacre of 1968. Either way, the government is out of control. Unfortunately, unlike what we're claiming to do, we have no outside countries willing to help the citizens of this country overcome our oppression. Nope, we usually just get criticized as if every American agrees with the current situation
I would of thought it to be easier to just raise the point goal to next license to a higher amount of points, then raise the point payout for the winners and top 5, but still be able to give something like 1-2 points from spots 5-10. That way at least SOME progress is made, consistancy still counts at least on larger grids, and people feel like they're making some progress in the system. Much like the previous system, except less generous. As is, it's usually the same 5 people in the top 5 each race.
I did the math though. I have 6 points (I KNOW, RIGHT!!) and that puts me at 2% till the next license. So, only 294 more points to go! That means 294 races at 5th place, and even less if I can manage to get to a higher position. I dunno, but that seems like a hell of a lot of work. I know it's not supposed to be easy, but I wouldn't think that I should have to relive my days of MMORPG grinding in a racing sim either