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S3 licensed
I often drive a 2012 Fiesta 1.4, and the pedals are pretty unlike every other vehicle I drive. The throttle is fly-by-wire - like most modern cars, but doesn't feel linear to use. And the clutch (Even when new) sits so far high up that I sometimes hit my knee on the wheel.

You get used to it though And they're nice cars to drive really, just different..
S3 licensed
Damn, after seeing this thread I think thats my evening planned tonight
S3 licensed
GSC 2013 is a lot of fun But its very rare to find a public server with more than 3 people in.

AC with the RSR timing app is a lot of fun actually, lost a few hours to that this week getting a feel for some of the different cars.
Online Racing - Non-LFS
S3 licensed
So LFS is the king of online racing - casual drop in/out but deadly serious physics and well thought out controls with a minimum of fuss, and a good standard of most online participants. Its also aged very well.

What's everybody's "Go-To" sim for online racing? A discussion on the best of the rest would be enlightening.

Pcars is too inconsistent online still. To be expected in alpha.

AC is at least a month away from multiplayer.

iRacing is competitive, but very non-casual.

S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :+1

Muscle cars are top class entertainment in FM4

Another +1, never got into these beasts till now, too addictive.

FPVaaron - Are you pad or wheel? Struggling to get into the - you pull away from me on the exit of every corner in the last sector, but I will get it!!!

I went back to the world tour mode yesterday for something different, and really noticed the drop in AA, poor Xbox platform getting old (4x MSAA in less demanding conditions - hotlapping, 1vs1 rivals mode etc, but only 2xMSAA when it needs the cpu cycles for AI/models).

But..the lighting is amazing

Edit: Beat! Now to work on FinerElf64's time..where did that come from?!?!?

Have shared a 2011 WRX STi in the club garage, its the game/gamestation pre-order car...hope it lets people who didn't get it drive it. Will work on a tune soon..anyone have a different pre-order car?
Last edited by Rtsbasic, .
S3 licensed
Quote from FPVaaron :RTS basic and I seem to be switching around the Mustang rival challenge.

awesome fun, never really liked Laguna seca before I don't really have time for proper online racing at the mo but this rivals mode is perfect. Still plenty of time to find though, had a 1:49:2xx but invalidated it on the last corner.
S3 licensed
brilliant game, still getting used to the steering feel, not as natural as PC sims but still cracking fun Request sent to the lfs club, couple of farmilar names there.
S3 licensed
First time I've pre-ordered a game since GTA4 Looks like a lot of fun, thoroughly enjoyed the last 3 over the years.
S3 licensed
Control is definitely best with a gamepad, I'm using a PS2 controller and it works nicely. There's a good pad config on the TDU forums. The physics aren't deep but they can be more subtle than it first seems once you get a feel for them. Feels better driving with the bumper cam as well.

Its not perfect but its a very impressive game IMO. Over 1,800 miles of road and plenty to do. The driving model in the 1st one was better in most ways, but its not bad, and the offroad's fun.
S3 licensed
if you withhold the rent, you forfeit a lot of your legal rights, its the worst thing you can do from that point of view.

Document everything, take photo's, make notes, keep a record of any contact with the landlord or agent, and take it to the council. They won't take long to put the boot in.
S3 licensed
Your first call should be to the council, its not your concern if the landlord is annoyed or not, you NEED to get the environmental health officer involved. The environmental officer will issue the landlord 28 days notice to rectify the issues that he identifies. Failure to do so will void any tenancy agreement as it will be declared unlawful, giving you automatic entitlement to your deposit back. If your living conditions are seen as unsafe by him or in violation of any basic rights, he can order the landlord to foot the bill for alternative accommodation for you until such a time the property is fit for the purpose again. This can vary from county to county as its a civil matter.

Not read the whole thread, but a couple of basic points,

Every rented accomodation must have a smoke alarm, which is both mains powered and has a battery backup

A gas safety inspection must be carried out every 12 months

There are strict standards all the wiring has to conform to, sounds like most of the house is in violation of these standard in one way or another

Most tenancy agreements will have a clause in, where if any emergency repairs are required, which are defined as the landlord's responsibility, you can get it done, pay for it, and invoice the landlord for it, which they are lawfully required to pay.

Doesn't show I've had a dodgy landlord before, no?
S3 licensed
Good idea. I brought my Focus to learn in a couple of years ago (and passed my test in, 16 months ago) and still love it. Its a 3dr 2000 plate 1.8 Zetec, insurance group 7, cheap as chips to run (brought for £1,600). I'm 22 with 2yrs no-claims and my insurance renewal this month is £460 fully comp with £200 excess and 15,000 milage limit (Swiftcover).

Get one in a nice colour and they stand out, I get a lot of comments about mine.

If you find a private seller near you that has one you like just go and have a look, and ask for a test-drive. Or pop down a forecourt and act interested in one.

Quote from Jakg :I'm being dragged into the realms of reality now, yes I can buy a 3-series or a c-class but it'll be a long wait before the perfect one comes up somewhere near me, and i'm not sure how long the p-wagon will last (now the power steering seems to eat fluid).

The Ford Focus is sort of growing on me - I am not massively keen on the idea of a hatchback, but it's cheap and supposedly very good handling, plus a 1.8 Zetec gives me slightly better economy plus a little more MPG and a little more performance.

Anything I should be thinking about? I really need to test drive one first but I have no idea how I actually get to try one...!

S3 licensed
Nothing down here except a bitter wind. Bit of a let down really, but nevermind.
S3 licensed
On the topic of being asked for ID, we use the "Think 25" policy, which can be annoying for the odd customer, but its a pretty idiot proof way of ensuring a 16 year old isn't going to walk out the shop with booze. The penalties for sale assistants, and retailers are quite substantial. And when you have the same people walking in day after day its not really much hassle.

And carrier bags, we charge 2p for a disposable carrier bag, to encourage people to put a value on them and re-use them. It works, we give away less than half what we were 12 months ago. And the money goes in the charity tin, in front of the customer, not in the till. Had nothing but positive comments so far. This would only work in a small shop though (2 tills, 800-900 customers a day).

And scan rates, we don't actively monitor them, but as we have 4 different machines for types of transactions (lotto, paypoint etc), its not relevant. There's a lot more to shoving customers through the till and out the door than whether you can scan 4 or 6 bars of confectionery in 10 seconds.

I am the assistant manager in a newsagents though, so no doubt have a different perspective.
S3 licensed
Looks nice, boots quickly, but on my netbook (eee pc 1000, Atom/SSD), it feels a bit unresponsive compared to XP. But otherwise its nice if your not trying to actually do anything.
S3 licensed
I always used Firefox on my desktop, but since I got a netbook, I find Chrome to be the best suited browser.

Its faster than anything else (except maybe Opera), has the cleanest interface, wastes the least screenspace, and has proven itself to be very stable.

Firefox has come a long way from where it started. I switched to it from Mozilla, because it had a cleaner interface, was a lot faster, lighter, and rendered everything equally as well. For the same reasons, I now use Chrome.
S3 licensed
Sold to anttt69. Could a mod please lock this thread as its no longer necessary? Thanks.
S3 licensed
I've had it about 18 months now, this was my 2nd G25. I got one at launch but the shifter stopped working. Its been sat gathering dust under my bed since I last moved though, which was about 10 months ago, so its not worn.

If your interested please send me a PM.
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I think £80 would be a fair price..

Considering a new one is some £150, which comes with a 2 year warranty...

You are of course quite welcome to your own opinion, but I think £110 is a fair price, given the average selling value of a 2nd hand one on Ebay (£120-£130), which is more than I'm asking for.

But please, feel free to place a bid for £80 if you'd like to try, the auction was started at 99p.
S3 licensed
Quote from [plidex] mateo :well, i don't know how much the postage costs, but here a new G25 costs USD 360, i think that £110 are like 160 dollars

$360, thats pretty expensive. I could look into international postage if you like, but I expect it'd be about £20, at a guess.
S3 licensed
I made the original post a few hours before I listed an auction. Clicky

Quote :And what's wrong with posting a link to this auction you speak of?

S3 licensed
International postage would be expensive, as the box weighs approx 6KG, and is quite big. I'm sure once you added the postage on-top, it'd probably be cheaper to get one locally.
S3 licensed
Sorry but I don't honestly think you'll find one cheaper than £110, which after postage is only really £100 anyway.
S3 licensed
Its now on Ebay but I will still offer it to anyone here at £110 inc postage till the auction ends.
Logitech G25 for sale
S3 licensed
Having given up PC racing and sold my PC, I don't really have a use for my G25 anymore, so thought i'd offer it up on here before I think about Ebay. Its in great condition, and has been looked after. Only ever really used with LFS. Its all complete with the original box. Can snap a few pics on request if anyone would like.

I'm asking for £110 including Parcelforce insured & tracked postage. I think this is a fair price and certainly cheaper than any I've seen for sale on Ebay etc. I am only able to post it to UK addresses.

If you are interested please drop me a PM.

Note to mods, I hope it is okay to list an ad on here, and I hope this is the most appropriate section.