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S2 licensed
Welcome to the team
S2 licensed
Top stuff again m8...I love your stuff Your my hero
S2 licensed
Welcome to the team
S2 licensed
Quote from greg_slideways :Thanx for the kind words, although it wasnt restared for a crash. It was due to not allowing people to pit first lap, and drivers had done it so we restarted it! Sorry for that misunderstanding.

There was a crash on T1 thats why i thought it was restarted but never mind Thanks for the event just dont pick that track again with 35 drivers lol
S2 licensed
Good race to all the finished the race....I am little disapointed in the drivers who had a slight crash and then just left the server because the race was that mad they could of worked there way up again.

Quali was awfull for me since i did not have a setup to work with and ended up 15th or something on the grid but during the race i was consistant and got myself up to 5th place so a decent finish all in all i think. This was also my first race back in a while and it was good to be back...

Dont think the race was that badly ran but there was a restart that should not of happend...In real life those who cause a crash dont have a restart button so why should we do it?

Nice racing anyway and grats to my team m8 in 3rd place there and grats again to all that finished the demanding track.
S2 licensed
Can ya put me in please...Dont think i have nothing on tonight
S2 licensed
Awsome movie again Nolan
S2 licensed
Quote from Psymonhilly :Grats Guys and grats Core

@ keith : nice one buddy

Thanks Simon bud
S2 licensed
Quote from banshee56 :Yep, that's the idea. Testing out the two car thing in IGTC in three weeks. Also, having two fast international drivers like Darko and Keith sure will help with some of those late night sessions of the 24hrs.

As long as you mean your late nights and not mine :P
S2 licensed
Thanks chaps...Nice to have found a new great home where everyone has made me feel welcome...
S2 licensed
Awsome of or even the best lfs movie i have seen.
S2 licensed
Got mine today...Will play with it for a day then do a little review for you guys.
S2 licensed
Quote from mrfell :1st impressions: OMFG how cool is this
2nd impression: OMFG I can not drive properly at all with gears and clutch

Seriously tho' its better than I thought, well worth the wait.

If you see me online, go steady on me.
My braking is all to cock and missing gears!!!

I'm getting better already but no where near as fast as before

I dont think you will ever be as fast as you were useing manual gears as padles are so much faster to shift with....I know i will be trying it out when mine comes and useing it as some fun but to compete i dont think i will use it.
S2 licensed
Quote from obobo :Nice I'm sure they'll be glad to see the back of our pestering, which was completely Logitech's fault.

Though is it me, or has the price at GameSeek gone up a tenner? I could have sworn it was 179.99 before...

Edit: it was indeed, check out the cached version:

Yes it has gone up a tenner...Strange that it has since i had a go at them about being more money than other places.....They did get me a free game tho.
S2 licensed
Yep me too WOOT WOOT

Hello Keith Malcomson,

Your order xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or part of it has been despatched from Gameseek and should be with you shortly!

Logitech G25 Steering Racing Wheel (PS2,PC) x 1 has been sent to:
S2 licensed
Congrats Dave i actually knew before you did hehe. Hope you are happy in your new team m8.
S2 licensed
Congrats Mr.Zyber Hope you are happy in your new home
S2 licensed
Yea i got same message.....I sorta thought this was going to happen
S2 licensed
Quote from Matt_Driver :i just finished playing online with my g25 for around 2 hours, and had to stop because i noticed it was getting a little bit warm on the top(behind paddles),

has anyone else noticed this?

maybe its the australian weather or something

but my dfp didnt get warm from what i recall

You have to remember there is 2 motors in there is gona get hot.
S2 licensed
I did get trackir one time and i just could not drive with it...Every slight move you made and even when turning a corner it seems to put me off because when you turn your wheel you move a little bit and because it cant simulate the car bumping about ect i found it very very hard to use....was great with flight sims tho :P I spose if you took more time to get used to it then it may be good but i just hated the feel of having to try and keep my head still when turning corners. I give it about 1 month to get used to it and i ended up just selling it.
S2 licensed
I have the 7950gx2 and it is a real beast.....I will be looking at getting another one start of the year so i can sli them.
S2 licensed
For some one that wants to start a endurance team you have only done 100 miles online and i dont know if you know what you would be getting yourself into. To be honest if you are thinking about starting a team i would tell you to get to know the game first and enter some endurance races before even thinking about this because its not easy work. I am only telling you for your own good and trying to be helpfull but if you decide to go ahead and start a team well i wish you good luck..
S2 licensed
Sry im glad you name is forbin and not something else popped into my head lol....Congrats on your new team pal.
S2 licensed
Congrats there cropsy.....You deserve another good team and you found one.
S2 licensed
Really sorry i could not make it as i play pool in real life and had to goto a ranking event...Hope it all went well.