since there's no thread about this one yet let the peoples of lfsforum know what it's all about! it's been open for registration for a while now. if you don't want to commit yourself to iPricing, this might be the thing for you - if you are fascinated by physics (especially the tire model) go and check it out. about 15€ for a year for the goods and you get to keep the stuff if you decide not to pay no more.
i'm sure there are a few forum members who can give far more detailed info than what i can, being just an uneducated enthusiast but let me tell you, this is a really really project.
from the site:
by subscribing an account you'll have a one-year access to any new content available on the Official Website, including upgrades, new tracks, new cars and all the tools and documentation you may use to customize the simulator!
so to put it short, a sim developed from ground up for custom content creation with a tire model to rival LfS. i haven't had the chance to try it out yet myself but i guess it's good to at least register now in any case if you happen to have the spare cash at some point.