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I'll reply [a year late] what I meant Aleks was that the typical rhetoric in favour of abortion is ultimately what I'm against.

The idea that people will fight to the death for the death of unborn children.

I'm not an absolutist in any sense, but the fact people want to be so vehemently in favour of abortion and put their name next to that I find quite disturbing. Because morally, the hard-line pro-lifers have them beat.

But just like we see in the current paradigm, there seems to be an increase of extreme positions and a decrease in nuanced, centrist ones. So much so that simply saying "i don't know", "i'm not sure" or another equivalent is enough to get you into hot water these days and that's very sad to see.
S3 licensed
A better tag could be to sort cars in order of Country of Origin, would make finding Audi's or BMW's easier for example
S3 licensed
Hoping this drives as good as it looks :O
S3 licensed
Quote from versiu :rFactor 1 and 2 had unlicenced copies of existing tracks for years so I don't think that maps inspired by real track will be an issue. By "inspired" I mean real course with fantasy enviroment around it etc.

Today creators have acces to great technology and some mod tracks in other games are real LIDAR scans.

Times are different now though. In the earlier days of simracing, you could probably get away with a lot just by virtue of the legal paperwork not crossing over into the virtual world and simply the name alone was all that was covered but not the virtual "likeness".

And to add to what others have said, nobody is saying that all mods are rips but the vast majority are. And rather than giving VOLUNTEERS headaches when they come home from a hard days work, people are brainstorming a way to make it easier on those giving their time for free.
S3 licensed
Quote from Drifteris :For one developer to create and update all tracks and create additional tracks is a lot of work. Yea the quality is top notch, but even these tracks get old eventually and LFS physics are just too good to not be experienced on custom tracks.

Yes we have a layout editor with concrete blocks, but those are very dull and boring looking, almost textureless and looks like lego blocks. Some people have created impressive layouts using concrete blocks, but visually it's very primitive looking, not to mention bumpy and slippery concrete slabs.
It works for the most part but i just wish we had more objects to play with, bigger limit, scenery objects like trees to place so the layout doesn't look so plain and empty. Chalk, bigger chalk lines? Those eat a lot of objects because of how short they are.
Sometimes i feel creative so i load up LFS, but then i get unmotivated pretty fast because i just can't build the layout i want.
Can't even do rally cross layouts because there is no surface to support that.

I think even some sort of primitive level building tool would be enough for a start. Like building inside the 4x4km area of LA but ability to actually place roads, buildings, trees, etc.

As an artist and creator i'd love to create something special for LFS. Tilt

This is a good idea also. With the layout pad[map] we have, the ability to create dirt surfaces on top of that would be great for creating custom RX layouts and would alleviate a lot of the desire for fully custom tracks. More tools so the tracks can be made with the layout editor is a positive direction without doubt.
S3 licensed
Quote from pärtan :Another way it could be done, and this is also just me brainstorming. Say that all tracks were available for single player use. Then you could have a voting system in place for which 3 tracks would be put up for multiplayer use during the following week. Something like that?

And maybe those tracks that are voted regularly week on week just get added permanently?

I think it might work.

I think the team behind the reviewing of the mods are doing a great job, I think this is the only way to procede with custom tracks if they are implemented. New tracks would breathe fresh life to LFS that the mods also have but I do wonder what the criteria for an accepted track would be.

I wonder if the criteria should be that it HAS to be an original design such as the tracks that exist in LFS as it is? Then you would avoid many issues with copyright or absolute accuracy and plagiarism of other peoples work.

But yea, as others mentioned optimisation is a factor also. LFS is beautiful in how streamlined it runs with no issues even for people on lower end systems. I get the feeling that many tracks created will follow the path of "I optimized this for the absolute best consumer PC money can buy and everyone else can get fkd"

Many players of this game are from places where financially a hardware upgrade is so much more of a percentage of their income than in other places. So it really is critical to keep the optimization streamlined with the rest of the game as it is.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .
S3 licensed
Alot of fun, how is it this bike can lean much more aggressively than the others?
S3 licensed
I'm not against abortion [depending on circumstances] however,
what I find strange is how some people are prepared to die on the hill that is calling for widescale termination of human organisms. I find this to be against human nature, very nihilistic infact.

The biggest portion of abortions are employed as a contraceptive, not as a result of abuse or medical reasons. The idea that instead of the prevention of human life via traditional contraceptive, the termination of it, is just as acceptable?

This is what I find crazy.

Sometimes killing another human is "acceptable" too under self defence grounds.. etc etc but we shouldn't normalize murder and be "pro-choice" on peoples intent to do so. I have the same opinions on abortion and I don't see many people with the same opinion as myself, only hardline opinions in favour or against abortion.

The idea of "pro-choice" is ludicrous to me, surely, if the common argument is abuse and medical grounds for abortion then should the argument not be coined as, "pro-intervention" ? Pro-choice implies support for abortion for any reason at all.

Likewise, the idea of banning abortion outright is also ludicrous to me, since people will needless die or suffer having to bear the child of a piece of shit because a simple procedure cannot be performed legally.
S3 licensed
Well, latest news from the west is... well.... nothing.

Apparently most forgot about it and are now angry with Israel instead, AKA "the new current thing"

Now it likely goes back to 2013-2021 levels of media coverage whilst civilians and conscripted "innocents" are still killed in this senseless war.

IMO, if the Western countries believe themselves to be more virtuous they need to broker for peace and make concessions because if they don't they will get drawn in with men on the ground and whilst in the global sense, the Ukraine war at the moment is in a lul interms of public outcry. It will only take a few bad decisions from the West and it could spread outside of just the Ukraine.

Rant :

All this because the EU and NATO/US strung Ukraine along with promises of membership that likely would not and will not ever happen, in order to court more pro-Western sentiment so they could get a pro-Western official in office.

Then the US has the gall to complain about unproven Russian electoral interference in the US when they do it all over the world and are historically the worlds most prevalent funders/supporters of Coup D'étas.....
S3 licensed
LFSW name: BlueFlame
In-game name: Melt Gibson't
Full team name:
Nation: UK
S3 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut stupid do you think I or anyone else could be?

but I'm sure you lot will explain to me how all these were produced by actors in evil NATO states.

..and if anyone thinks "why is idiot ACC still responding to these guys", well, one got to have some principle

Kids should not be involved in politics, yet in MY kids school they were all painting Ukrainian flags for example. So there is literally no difference in this. You're trying to highlight negative behaviour but ignoring it from "our" side [the west].

My German girlfriend told me in their school they had a day trip to go to a protest and she doesn't even remember what the protest was about because she was too young to take it in and it's bribing the children with a free day out of school to hold up a sign. It's abuse of children exploitation where-ever it happens, not just in Russia.
S3 licensed
I'm late to this thread.

I guess you would say, I have strong opinions on this topic.

I've been aware of this situation for way longer than most [since 2012] in the West and all I can say is that in the beginning, I believed Russia to be the evil entity but over a very short space of time I realized the West caused the problem and don't want to accept the fact, and neither do the West's citizens.

We are imperialist by and large, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, the list goes on and on and on. Particularly, America has this obsession with sticking its fingers in everybody else's pies and then blaming the chefs for the pies being too hot and berating the customers because they complained the pies tasted like oil.

America and the West's obsession with this behaviour is just an extension of colonialism but the very same people who still harp on about colonialism to this day seem to want this war.

The west cries injustice about Ukraine having a Russian-puppet government only because they want to install their own Western-puppet government in its place.

What frightens me most is that many Western Citizens seem to be blood thirsty for war vs Russia whilst innocent civilians are caught in crossfire.

I mean people from my country [UK] have even gone to the Ukraine to join the foreign legions there... I mean for what? To fight a dick jousting competition between Russia and the West??

In the UK Russian businesses were attacked, vandalized, Russian people here have been marginalized as a result of this conflict, which is not in their control.

When people in the west realize they TOO are subject to propaganda, maybe peace resolutions can be found.

But it seems that even after catastrophes like Vietnam, people just refuse to learn from history.

In the end, drafted soldiers and innocent people will die, all because the West doesn't want to lose face.
S3 licensed
Quote from cuni :There's a new online trend about exposing cheaters on fps games (not only but mainly).

I have never been a hardcore player to have encountered cheaters in LFS (if there are few cheaters, i don't play enough races with different people. Statistics), but I remember the old days (2010) when you could change the cars' hp by a few % and get the edge over your competitor.

Nowadays, I think LFS is pretty much free of cheats, I have never assumed someone faster than me is using cheats, what are your thoughts? Maybe I am just assuming this since I mostly race the same 15 or 20 guys.
Is LFS hard to cheat on, or did we simply become a small community of (despite some race punts) trustworthy drivers?

Obviously, I am speaking about using the legit and latest version of LFS for online play.

The best policy as a competitor is to assume if you get beaten, you've been beaten because you weren't good enough.

However the best policy as a league organizer is to be extremely vigilant.

Good leagues will be able to spot cheaters and get rid of them, even if the game itself doesn't have the capacity to ban cheaters globally.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :

So what's up?

1) Do people not know about these events? They are on the LFS calendar and we always tweet the weekly calendar that Mandula makes. Of course not everyone has twitter and not everyone looks at the calendar.

2) Do racers know about it but don't want to enter? Aren't interested in showing up at a specific time? Are they worried about getting in people's way? What other reasons for non-participation?

3) Or is it something technical, like they know about races, would like to enter but have difficulty finding out the information and rules?

Demographics are tricky. Unfortunately even today LFS' online presence is occupied by people who've been using LFS for years, most of them within 5-20 years "service". So you're looking at older guys who probably don't really have the time to commit do dedicated series since my hunch tells me the majority of LFS players now are 5 years either side of 30 and therefore have families or intensive careers as opposed to the late 00's and early 10's when most of them were under 25, although your own stats would obviously be more accurate than my hunch.

In the interest of adding some genuine feedback :

One problem with fun leagues these days [and its not just an LFS problem] is this demand to mandatorily join a discord server when all you wanted to do is to race.

The problem I foresee with this new menu system is if it's programmed that when you click join and it just directs you to a forum post or a discord link then you're back where you started with the exact same immediate barrier of entry again.

If you click join and it's automatic and you're on that league's roster of drivers and you don't need to do anything else other than turn up on the day, then I can see it being useful and if it does work in this manner, then it would be beneficial to have a "joined leagues" list so you can see what leagues you're eligible to race in and when their next event is at any given moment.
S3 licensed
Quote from nikopdr :It's actually not as bad as you might think Big grin I've had a lot of fun driving the GP125 and GP250 around many tracks with my wheel. dunno how many kilometers i've driven already, but i can keep the bike going without falling over once in a few laps so i guess i've got the hang of them Big grin

I would say it's most fun with what you're used to play with (obviously), i don't think theres any advantages or disadvantages between wheel and mouse. (apart from analog throttle/brake of course, but there's also the choice of using mouse for steering and pedals for throttle/brake/clutch inputs Big grin)

It's the most fun I've had in LFS, probably.

Never expected bikes in this game to be able to work as well as they do.

Hopefully we get a moto-specific tyre dimension and maybe some lean animations more integrated then we will surely see some Marc Marquez action !
S3 licensed
Quote from Tejdz :
idk how i would make engine braking adjustable but at the same time you can just change brake distribution more to the front to counteract the engine braking force.

It can be done, I saw it on a few mods already. But sadly I don't know how to enable it. @Nikopdr may know.
S3 licensed
I wonder about the wobbles, the bike is fantastically made, a real treat but frustrating wobbles cause it to be very frustrating, it almost feels like engine inertia is too high causing rear locking in almost every circumstance when off throttle.

Maybe add in the setup the ability to adjust engine braking [like in real life], I wonder then if its possible to ride this bike at the absolute limit.
S3 licensed
What would be the result if you ran a motorcycle without a sufficient rake? Would it shake about like a speed wobble?
S3 licensed
Quote from ivancsx :Hey, Thanks for the feedback, yeah, I think The powercurve still not right, because I aiming for fun to drive that's mean low end torque will not be sacrificed, hence not too wild and too kicked-in

might coming soon with corrected ones, and remove the WIP badge once done Smile

I think its fine as it is..

Making perfect engines only means less realism in the long term. I think it suits just fine.

I have to say this mod slipped under my radar completely and then I tried it, I really enjoy this car. I think it definitely has a place in LFS league racing for multiclass stuff.

I think your philosophy behind this car is spot on, R4's slow top speed but awesome in the corners any softer tyre than r4 will kill this car, so you are right to stick to that point.
S3 licensed
Quote from mpantel :I'm planning on updating it again soon with proper skins and more refined mesh. Would increasing the caster stiffen the steering? Also any idea's on how to limit how much g's the car pulls during turns, as it currently has way to much grip. Tests of the 91 says it pulled 1.4 to 1.5 g's

Tyres, that's the reason, I think LFS tyres pull too much G but in any case, the tyres available in LFS would supercede the technical performance characteristics of tyres from the 90s, the only compensation would be using street_super but R4's feel fine even if they're a bit too forgiving.

It's one of the best mods around. Would love to see this get more love.

Don't read too much into individual complaints, they seem to be more about the setup than the car itself.
S3 licensed
This is the most fun mod on LFS right now. I guess the limitations of tyre shape stop serious lean angles, but beyond that its alot of fun.

Would like to see a working headlight though, maybe also rider movement to leaning also, I know it looks crap when going low speed but it will look better at higher speeds.
S3 licensed
I'll try it later with wheel but one thing I see in LFS these days is when you scale down the max steering lock, the ratio is compensated as you scroll the steering lock down, so the "sensitivity" of the ratio steering remains exactly the same, despite removing max lock.

It's been a while since I've driven LFS regularly especially since the latter updates after 2014 or so I'm wondering if this has always been there or if there is a way to solve it via mod settings especially since steering ratio itself is very driver specific.
Last edited by BlueFlame, .
S3 licensed
The biggest issue I've found with editing .eng is not the inability to recreate an exhaust note or engine tone but just the depth of volume without engaging any clipping.

So in general LFS use I would always balance a .eng to something my ears could handle superficially but also ones that don't clip otherwise in races your ears get destroyed and if the .eng clips it can totally white out all sound when you're nearby another car that's also clipping
S3 licensed
Without being rude, isn't this just the vehicle dynamic counterpart of an xrg without a fixed roof and a touch more power? Shrug

It feels like instead of filling a gap in LFS's current content, its shoehorning something into a tiny crack instead.

I had hoped mod-ability would encourage people to give LFS things that it has never had. Indycar, V8SC GroupA touring car and various IMSA GTO and Trans Am replicas. And I guess it has but not as much as I'd hoped it would

LFS has an abundance of road cars.

Am I missing the point? Maybe I am. I don't know.