You have to utilize inSim for such features. There exist many apps that can do it, but most probably you saw airio. One can still find free version of airio with those basic functions.
Did you make an exception in hosting? You have to allow an IP address from which you're hosting airio. Ideally, this would be static IP given by your ISP, otherwise you're gonna have to keep repeting the same process each time your IP gets changed dynamicaly.
Hi, very cool idea, tnx for investing time in this.
It's gonna be painful to extract the info you're looking for as there are away too many variables. Generalizing this kind of problems is better done by using some form of machine learning methods for pattern recognition. You're probably not gonna be able to find a simple analytic function to fit it, but it's worth giving it a shot.
I suggest to add one more data point as a standard car on the lower end of performance spectrum, like an XFG. Then make a linear fit between XFG and F1. Evaluate all cars against this fit, the deviations may give you something that could be proportional to BOP.
By default, left-right view is assigned to some joystick axis that is at 0, or at full (not centered). You just need to turn it off, it's somewhere in options, not sure exactly where, but you can set that view is on buttons instead. Should be in options/view.
I am already able to login to forum, post and manage my acount using mobile phone. The same way I can also log in to lfsworld and see some additional stats. Did we already become so lazy that we need to scan QR codes instead of typing username and pass?
What you propose, seems to me only like a waste of dev time for pretty much no improvement whatsoever. I'd much rather that devs spend their time on improving actual sim, which is exactly what they're doing right now, give or take some unplanned excursions due to ddos attacks.
The steering axis deadzone adjustment is tricky. You should be very careful with it, as it may have an opposite effect than what you're trying to compensate.
Some older versions of lfs had "remove deadzone" setting, but I never saw that work properly, or actualy do anything as a matrer of fact. In recent versions, it's completely removed for a good reason. However, not all is lost, you can use a 3rd part software like DXtweak2 to introduce some deadzone. Note that you can't remove them if they are implemented in the firmware of gamepad.
If I understood correctly, your problem is that thumbstick doesn't go back to the center and you would like to create a deadzone around the axis center, such that a small range of values around center will be set to axis value 0. This can be done with DXtweak2. I don't recommend you to do this, it is much more effective to correct it back with your finger to 0, as in very rare occasions while driving you really need wheel at 0 pos for a long time, like on some long straight, but not even there you wouldn't just let go of steering.
A much better option is to use DXtweak2 to recalibrate the center position of the thumb stick axis. The only side effect is that you will lose some sensitivity on one side. because you'll be capping off small part of axis range at end towards direction you shift the center to. What lfs had before, was a recenter option for steering axis, which did exactly what I described above. That indeed would be nice to have back.
Awesome, tnx so much for making it. I was eagerly waiting from Czecho-Slovak guys to start making newer škoda's, but it seems that you beat them to it. Hats off to you and happy modding.
You can thank inSim for that, as without it this kind of stuff wouldn't be possible.
I went through the thesis, it is well writen, nice work man. I'm still amazed that you used such a tiny neural network with only 6 inputs and 1 hidden layer and still managed to get good driving results.
I'm interested to see how would Gabor do on such type of tracks and if AI would benefit if trained by his data set.
Wow, the end result is very impressive for an AI that only got trained with your driving. You must give reinforcement learning a shot, although it will take an enourmous amount of time, because you have to do runs in real time allways. Awesome project for uni, I'm sure your teachers are proud.
I would be interested to know more details about your neural network. How many neurons do you have, how many (hiden) layers, how many inputs and outputs. Which kind of activation functions you used and so on.
You did twice what exactly? You have to press unlock button in lfs to unlock it. Forum reports correctly that you have an S2 licence, so there's nothing to worry about. We all get 2 unlocks per week, so you can give it a try after next reset, which should be every Friday if I'm not mistaken.
Yeah, I don't know if you have ever driven any of those karts in real life, but they are very twichy, the steering max lock is quite low, about 90deg or so, rear end is very lose, there is no differential so one has to be very careful with brakes.
Devs are aware of this and they recognize the power of single player. There were many improvements to AI recently, however further developement has delayed until new tire physics will be completed.
AI's were improved to the point where it makes no sense to do anything new with them, because updated tire physics will require to do that again = waste of devs time. Therefore, we'll have to wait a bit longer for some competitive AI, it's definately in the works, just not before higher priority updates that we're waiting for a couple of years. Devs are curently working very hard on those.