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Quote from przemek21061995 :<very good overview of the Massa/Perez incident>

Did you create that image? It's a very good composite and gives a great view of the situation.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Perez turns right. Then turns left. Steering input is tiny, as you would expect at that speed and steering ratio, but you can see it both onboard and from above.

Quote from CSF :


Perez's 'right turn' has very little impact on his actual path through the kink. Just look at Perez's road position in the first 2 images, before contact.
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :I can't find a video of Perez's onboard but he never makes a turn to the left, never, when I find it I will post it.

Perez pretty much doesn't turn right at the right kink. Do you recognise that by keeping the steering pretty much straight in a right hand turn has the same effect as turning left on a straight?

Might be taken down soon, but have a look here. Vettel's path is very much different to Perez's.
S2 licensed
Quote from lamerr :How anyone can claim that was Perez`s fault if beyond comprehension.. Anyway it was a great race in the end.

Ready to comprehend now?
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :Hz are not everything. Forza runs at 360Hz to be better at 30FPS, other sims do not make anything special despite running at a very decent rate (rFactor at 400HZ...). Though, obviously, having more Hz is hardly ever a bad thing.

It's true that simply increasing the frequency of the physics loop isn't going to make an unrealistic sim magically realistic, but having a high frequency physics loop (at least in critical aspects) is a requirement for an accurate (real-time driving) simulation.

Obviously that's not to say that AC is necessarily more realistic than LFS because of the higher frequency ('main') physics loop either. I do, however, think that AC's higher system requirements is a better path for more realistic and more complete physics simulation than the LFS path. The LFS path seems to be to try and be inclusive to those with obsolete hardware/software, possibly at the expense of those with newer hardware/software, whose equipment is able to run a simulation with higher fidelity/realism.
S2 licensed
I've got no idea how Briscoe avoided getting a penalty for spinning Sato, considering some of the other penalties given (e.g. Andretti hitting Sato near the end of the race).

edit: Briscoe/Sato incident
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :The physics loop, if I remember correctly, runs at 2000 Hz.


Quick search of the forums, says my memory is correct.

Only parts of the physics run at higher than 100Hz ("That is the reason for LFS's high update rate of 2000 Hz in the sub-updates"). The 'main' physics loop 'only' runs at 100Hz (source 1, source 2).

Kunos has mentioned in a Go development thread that he intends to hit "300-400Hz on the physics side" for Assetto Corsa (source). The traction control on one of the road cars in-game is set at 400Hz, suggesting (but not necessarily confirming...) they're hitting the upper bound of that at the moment.
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :hm, you might be wrong afterall. I've just heard Lewis says unlike in McL, they have 1 strategist (basically he called him like that, but i think that's his tag for race engineer) in Merc, that's half the thing.

Strategist is not the same as Race engineer. They each have a race engineer but they share a chief strategist, is what Hamilton was saying.

edit: You can hear the different voices here. Nico's race engineer then Hamilton's.
Last edited by amp88, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Fordman :It says "content unavailable" this not a AC track?


No, it's an add-on track. You can download it here (link in first post). Extract the archive and place it in your StreamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks
S2 licensed
Quote from fatalunfair :The tyre temps and pressures I can get from burnouting in the grass seems pretty legit

They can also be a problem when you break the sound barrier.
S2 licensed
For teh lulz

Note: this is not a physics bug - it's by (my) design.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :This is apparently what they are running tomorrow:

"The rear end is sliding around everywhere!"
S2 licensed
This last page (on 50 posts per page) has been pretty damn fantastic
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :Why do we hear same voice on radio for both Hamilton and Rosberg??

Because your ears aren't working properly. Their race engineers have quite different sounding voices.
S2 licensed
The FBM doesn't have an automatic shift cut, so you have to either lift the throttle a bit or use the clutch on upshifts.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :If you click on the link in the top of the quote, it should redirect you to that post, but instead redirects you to this post from 2006:

The correct post link is #1854408, the incorrect one is #185440. It looks like AndRand just mistakenly trimmed the last '8' when he was selecting the part of the quoted post he wanted to keep.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :If there's anyone willing with a twitter accont to give me a shoutout if patch goes out today, would be highly appreciated.. My Twitter is in the sig..

Just follow some of the Kunos devs (e.g. Stefano and Aristotelis) and/or the official AC account.
S2 licensed
Quote from ACCAkut :Pretty sure he means car roll

Quote from :Yeah, exactly..

AC does simulate body roll, dive and squat visually and in physics. Not sure why you're saying it doesn't show body roll...

KartSim does/will simulate chassis flex in real-time physics (see here).
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :A rap artist uses it in a 'song' along with glamourising drugs, gun crime and wife beating and it's called musical expression!

That's the second time I've heard this argument today; not sure where it's coming from. Rappers (generally) use the "****" variant, which is loosely equivalent to "friend" (it's generally interchangeable with terms like "homie" and "brother"). It's (generally) used as the total opposite of the 'racist' usage of the term "ni**er" (as a pejorative, racial slur etc).
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I am kind of confused to be honest, Amp: what is your stand on this? I though this was in reply from before claiming Top Gear to be a racist **** show? (I did not read too far back in the thread, so maybe I mixed you up with some others?), in any case, sorry!

I think some people involved with Top Gear (including the presenters and at least some of the management) have, on numerous occasions, expressed racist/sexist/homophobic etc views. I think in this most recent incident that Clarkson was gratuitously racist. If you want to know more about what I think look back at my posts in this thread.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :The people that hate Top Gear are the people who love to be offended and feed off of the attention and acting out the role of the offended.

It's all true. The only thing I love more than people being respectful and decent is people being gratuitously offensive.
S2 licensed
Somewhat related - Trekkerfahrer broke his thumb while using his wheel.
S2 licensed
Quote from shimon-ifraimov ::] ... mbedded&v=He7YpzFmzBM

The BMW X5 Le Mans is sort of related, and retains more of the X5 base than the Espace F1 did. Also see the Ford Supervan 1+2 and Supervan 3.