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Quote from MadCatX :Using a 32bit float seems fine to me. LFS uses fixed range from 1.0f - 0.0f where 1.0f means full tank, so I doubt there are any rounding problems.

How else do you explain why fuel is only 'used' at idle below a certain percentage in the tank? The only logical explanation is that closer to zero the proportion of numbers which can be represented by single precision floating point increases (which is true for IEEE 754 single precision).
S2 licensed
I was also seeing fuel usage at idle with 1% in the tank. A rounding error caused by single precision values seems like a reasonable explanation of the behaviour. So, the LFS engine does use fuel at idle, but the change is so small as to not be able to be represented in single precision. Seems like a decent bug report. Anyone want to claim it?
S2 licensed
Quote from Keling :I doesn't.

Prof added.

Was the engine running all the time or did it automatically cut out?
S2 licensed
Quote from Keling :Too bad. After increasing precision I found that our magic engine doesn't use any fuel as long as you don't use the throttle.

It does, just very slowly.
S2 licensed
"Doctor, doctor, I'm addicted to Twitter!"

"I'm sorry, I don't follow you."
S2 licensed
Bit of a bump. To stay on topic, here are the things I've read in the last 6 months or so (in no particular order):

Nick Davies - Flat Earth News
David Nicholls - One Day
Ron McLarty - The Memory of Running
David Mitchell - Cloud Atlas
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game
Bret Easton Ellis - Less Than Zero
Robert M. Pirsig - Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals
Douglas Adams - The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
David Simon - Homicide: A Year On The Killing Streets

Now, I wanted to ask what you listen to when you read. Do you listen to music at all? If so what genre(s)? Do you have any favourite artists?

I like to listen to music but I don't want it to be too intrusive. I don't like using the term "incidental" to describe it, because I don't think that does it justice. Anyway, I like ambient / downtempo type stuff. For example: Boards of Canada, Air, Explosions in the Sky and Enya.
S2 licensed
Following Apple's recent examples Zakspeed sues Ferrari over a patent claim on paddle shift technology.
S2 licensed
"Go on...make fun of my name. I dare you!"
S2 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :oh look its jackie chan

What? No, it's not...look:

S2 licensed
Quote from -NightFly- :<Football landmine>

Reminds me of this (yes, it's a video).
S2 licensed
Quote from CSF :Let's recall his his best moments.

Don't forget this.
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :Isn't M3S same thing as m4 anyways? :S

The Plextor has a 5 year warranty (versus 3 years for the Crucial) and it uses the Toshiba 24nm NAND (versus the 25nm IMFT in the Crucual). They work out very similar in terms of performance, though, no doubt.

edit: Plextor PX-M3S Review and Crucial M4 Review.
S2 licensed
Quote from E.Reiljans :amp88: m4 is not mid-range, it's god-tier. Sandforce crap is full of bugs, freezes, data corruption etc.

It's mid-range with regard to pricing and performance. Sure, it's a good drive but I'd rather have a 512GB Samsung 830 or Plextor PX-M3S if I had the money.
S2 licensed
Quote from T3charmy :On the Processor ... I have been researching processor for last month... from reviews and for the price... I'm gonna stick with the amd

Would you mind me asking what reviews you came to that decision on? From what I've read on the new Bulldozer CPUs they've generally painted a disappointing picture of the AMD chips and recommended Intel counterparts instead. The fact that the 2500K (not the 2600K or 2700K, nevermind the new 3960X) beats the flagship Bulldozer chip (FX-8150) is very telling. Here is one such review from just a few days ago. There are countless more. If you're really on a very tight budget then I can understand going for the AMD, but if you can put together the extra money (either just now or in a few months time) you'd be worthwhile going the Intel route.

A quote from the conclusion of the above review:

Quote from Xbit Labs :Two months ago when we tested the top desktop Bulldozer processor, we concluded that it turned out a big disappointment. The results of our today’s FX series testing, including lower-cost CPU modifications, didn’t change out opinion.

Quote from Bose321 :As for HDD, get a Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB. They're like 50 euro (65 USD) over here and I believe no other 7200RPM HDD can beat it speedwise.

Not at the moment (hence my comment about the hard drive prices above).
Last edited by amp88, .
S2 licensed
Have you considered building a system around an Intel 2500K CPU instead? There would be a bit of a price difference, but if you can spare the extra money ( has the 2500K @ $219.99 and the FX-6100 @ $159.99 just now) the increased performance is probably worth it. Try looking into some reviews and see for yourself if you think it's worth it.

edit: On the subject of the SSD upgrade: You may be better off getting a mid-range SSD just now (e.g. Crucial M4 128GB, but there are others in the same price range) and using your existing HDD for storage. There are a couple of reasons I suggest this. The first is that you'd get a big performance improvement from an SSD and the second is the inflated price of hard drives currently (because of the flooding in Thailand and subsequent supply problems). In the near-ish future (no-one seems to know for sure could be 6 months or it could be a year) HDD prices should plummit from where they are currently (back to around where they were before the flooding) and you could get a 1TB+ capacity drive for the same price you'd pay for a 500GB drive now. See here for an example of the price hike I'm referencing. Here is the chart for the drive you reference in your original post.
Last edited by amp88, .
S2 licensed
Just a guess, but I'm thinking it could be an issue with paths. Where is your AHK script on your computer? Have you tried placing it in the LFS root directory (i.e. D:\LFS) and running it from there?
S2 licensed
This is a massive loss to the V8 community. Not only was he a damn quick driver (given the right equipment) but he was always up for a laugh and gave good interviews. The level of support he got from the public and from people within the entire motorsport community stands as a testament to this. It's a shame to know he won't get another chance to hoon around the Mountain.
S2 licensed
Yep, thanks for the heads-up
S2 licensed
Quote from amaru_amaru :So, i'm trying to make an automatic gear changing system for different types of driving.

You might be interested in this.
Last edited by amp88, .
S2 licensed
More snow today in Scotland, after we had a little bit of trouble with wind yesterday.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Just finished watching the wire tv series. I really liked it. Which was kind of surprising as I don't usualy like drama and police shows.

You might be interested in Homicide: Life on the Street. There's a little bit of information on the link between it and The Wire here.
S2 licensed
That is a criminal half-fro!
S2 licensed
Quote from hp999 :Has anyone seen TT3D: Closer to the Edge? Just watched it last week, what a well put together movie!

Yeah, I watched the 2D version a few days ago. I really enjoyed it, but I thought they could have used more onboard footage.
S2 licensed
For teh lulz.
S2 licensed
Quote from DrJustice :As mentioned, I am running as Administrator, so it ought to work. All other installers have worked fine.

Running the installer from an admin account and running the installer as an admin are two separate things in Windows 7. If you just double click the installer it'll run without administrator privileges (thus it's unable to write to the protected location of C:/Program Files). If you want to run the installer as an administrator right click on it and select "Run as administrator". You also might want to read up on "UAC" in Windows Vista/7.