Nah, you're not saying it, even if you are maybe thinking it.
If you can't put your foot down and keep it down by 3/4 of the way through the corner, in a RWD car included, then your setup is rubbish or you can't handle the car. Jackie Stewart (it's Stewart) was referring to is people literally pumping the throttle out of the corner because they can't put it down smoothly. By the time you apex, you should already be using a bit of power, even if it's just enough to keep the car at constant speed.
You know, Ian.H isn't known for his political correctness. He doesn't care much about offending people. I also tend to speak my mind but I try to stay within certain bounds when I know that some people might get offended - by pointing out that what I say is my opinion etc. even though it obviously is by virtue of the fact that I said it. On the other hand, people like Ian.H don't even go that far, and people who get offended too easily go off about how disrespectful the whole community is (as if Ian.H speaks for the everyone on the forum, for example) towards whatever (drifting in this case).
If you enjoy drifting (yes, it is fun, from time to time) go ahead an do it! What other people think of it shouldn't matter, which is the point most of the racers in this thread are making.
You know, some racers moan about drifters. Some drifters moan about racers that moan about drifting, which is inherently hypocritical. The remaining 90% of people just don't care and do the thing that they enjoy.
I figured I'd join when I read this -... I had 350ms+ ping in the server list so I thought it'd be really laggy but to my surprise, it wasn't at all, at least when there were 10 people on track or so! That's quite a significant improvement for me, thanks! When more people joined though, I thought I'd leave because things got a bit laggy and I didn't want to ruin anyone's race.
EDIT: Just looked at Tristan's ping below... the jealousy...
Yeah, I must agree. Because bph/tonne is the ultimate measure of performance, right? I mean, I know power has more of an effect on your top speed and mass mostly affects acceleration, but still. I really don't know why they don't make car models equivalent to the car's bhp/tonne... that way you could just see that the BMW 230 is faster than the Mercedes 203.
Rubbish - I'm using 595s unamped. They're very very good. Sure, an amp would do them good but it's not "necessary". Your information might be a bit out of date - the original 595s were 120ohms. The latest spec which has been around for a while is 50ohms and it's fine without an amp.
OLOLOLOLollololl. olol. Let's turn it into an *ahem* (censored) competition, shall we? I nearly made my mom drop me when I was 4, by telling her that 60/4 = 15. When she asked me how I did it, I said "Very simple, mom. I divided by two, and then by two again."
Big deal. None of it matters, what matters is what you can do now.
Shaun, good job, lad! Motivation at your age is a rare thing, just keep digging and you'll get far. If you really want to learn about programming, I recommend Bruce Eckel's "Thinking in... " stuff, though it's just Java/C++. Though, C++ is one mean language so you might want to get some experience with other stuff before you dig into that. As for Java, that's more of a high-level language (it hides stuff from you, making programming simpler) so it's not good to just get used to the convenience. Most of Bruce Eckel's books are free for download, from here:
and are quite easily among the best programming books out there. If you need some help/advice with simple programming, setting up compilers etc. feel free to add me on MSN and I'll help you out when I've got a spare minute or two.
From memory, I recall seeing a blue flag a couple of times when not on an outlap in qualifying in Patch W and before. If nothing has changed, it's probably still like that.
I'd tried it again and again. It randomly started working again recently... that's since I stopped using MOMO LEDs since the InSim update so it might be related. I don't really have time to test extensively.
Yeah, the new road is a slight improvement, and it's on par with Blackwood and Kyoto. But it will take a huge amount of work to better those standards given the texture mapping in LFS, I gather. Still, this looks "like" the original Aston, just a lot lot better. So
Nice, that's looking quite a bit better already.
If you want to play around quite a bit, very faint tyre marks will make a huge difference IMO, as will some more cracks, similar to that iRacing wallpaper... but I can see that taking ages. pillet, did you seriously just paste a non-technical definition of understeer from a dictionary where the OP wants a technical definition? I doubt there's a person on this forum that doesn't know what understeer "means", but we can't seem to find anyone that actually knows how to implicitly define when it's happening in engineering terms.
I recall trying to make a script at some point though, and needing to simulate some button presses that are assigned to commands. It didn't work so eventually I gave up, but if it's meant to be possible, I can take a look at it again and tell you exactly what wasn't working...
I would define it as such:
Imagine the front outside and rear outside wheels as tangents of a circle (the outside wheels more so because they do most of the work in a corner). In order to follow that circle at the speed at which you are going, you need a certain torque created by the tyres. If the torque created by the tyres around the CoG is less than that, then you have understeer. If it's more, then you have oversteer.
Just one comment regarding the road: while it may look very road-like, it still lacks some "wear". Cracks, faint tyre marks and creases and so on. If that were added, it would be perfect.