I realized that your message implied that I'm open minded but this part
confused me a bit plus I read your post after 2 minutes from the moment I was called narrow minded by a cannabis user. Anyway for me it's quite a relative term since you have to compare me to someone so i usually don't mind at all.
Indeed and it is nice to hear something different then the usual mainstream songs
Now why do people keep calling me narrow minded? It's getting really annoying although I admit that there are some things I'm conservative about, I'm generally open minded to new things!
And about the song? Let's just say that Jabba should do like Will Smith and stick to movies!
Although I see no problem in naming a child Adolf Hitler, I really must say that Aryan Nation is extremely idiotic. I mean do this parents understand the consequences of naming their children like that? Sure there will be people that will be ok with it but the majority will not thus putting at stakes their social life. If I was in their place, I would change my name as soon as I turn 18.
Happy birthday guys! I had quite a few funny momments with you guys while helping with the Formula Junior and while I raced a bit in the FormulaFXR (even tough I failed )
I have heard of cases before about people that got to that point. Excuse me but where did I excluded alcohol and nicotine? I do not smoke nor do I drink alcohol and for me they are bad as marijuana or as cannabis but if I where to put them on a scale I would put marijuana, cannabis, etc. higher on the scale then alcohol and nicotine. Narrow minded? (says the man blind enough to only see half of my post and not fully comprehend what I was trying to say). Well you sir are more narrow minded them me for thinking that insulting was the best course you could have taken!
So let me resume what I said. Everyone has a different opinion on the subject, some like it, some don't and it's pretty oblivious we are not getting anywhere.
Now if you still feel the need to insult me or to contradict me then I politely ask you to refrain from doing that.
That was the worst case scenario and I believe that a few could actually get to that stage. You simply can't know how far an addict can go. I rephrased it and if you still think it's wrong then I will keep my mouth shut and just watch this pointless debate.
In a matter of fact I do but if I'm hungry and time doesn't allow me to go and eat properly then I would go to a fast food restaurant.
Now to clear one thing up, let's just presume that marijuana is not as harmful as we think and that it's better then drinking alcohol or smoking. The problem with it is not the effect it has on you, it's the after-effect. You see, unlike alcohol or nicotine, marijuana will make you strongly addicted to it thus enhancing the danger of desperately wanting more by any means necessary(worst case scenario: robing a store or accidentally killing a man while trying to take his money, etc.), something that alcohol drinks and cigarettes won't do.
But as from what you can see we are not getting anywhere so I suggest that WE STOP THIS RIGHT NOW! It's pretty oblivious that no one will change anyone's mind about this subject.
Marijuana, cannabis, etc. users: If you consider that it doesn't harm you and it shouldn't be illegal good for you! Just leave them alone and continue what you're doing if that's what you want!
Smokers, alcohol drinkers, non drug users: If you think it's bad for your health then don't start doing it, if they want to ruin their lives then so be it, you won't change anything so just leave them alone!
Now let us all just leave this thread to die or until a mod will close it.
Didn't read trough the whole thread but I will post my mind anyway.
Marijuana, Cannabis, etc. are the same thing as alcohol, cigars, cigarettes......drugs. I' not planning , not even thinking about drinking or smoking in any point in my life because it simply isn't good. It doesn't make you smarter, faster, stronger, nothing.. it just makes you weaker in any way possible , it's poison in every shape and size to which you will get addicted ,if your mind is not strong enough, thus making you spent more money on more poison which will take your health at an even lower level.
So for me it's aplain and definitive never to marijuana or any other form of body poison. Their is simply no point in doing it.
Nope, it didn't effected my social life at all ....in a way it made it better by helping me find some new friends. I myself don't think we are nerds even tough having 2000+ posts on a forum about "just a game" will be considered by your average human with the average social life as "nerd stuff". And if you have close to 16 000 posts you will definitely be considered as a super califragilistic expiraligoric nerd
Seriously what's up with this?!? Are the Arab "drifters" trying to make a comeback in the LFS community or what? For crying out loud this "drifters" had (judging from what they say) 20-30 years to develop some real FWD drifting yet a few of the chinese members of our comunity learned how to that virtually in 1-3 years.
Please try to understand that you don't need no talent nor "skillz" do to Arab drifting and you put at stake the life of innocent bystanders so please stop being the laughing stock of the entire motorsport community by going away!!!
*I know that might not make any sense to you and that it won't stop them from doing their drifting but I just had a bit of inner anger I wanted to let out......plus as you can see in my sig, I'm a man on a mission.
Wow, that was really amazing! This was indeed a great and unexpected surprise and I must say that you really deserve the tittle of" best video of the year". Great find guys, if it wasn't for you I would have missed this truly epic video.
Apparently not, he mentioned in one of his posts that he once went to Florida when it was raining cats and dogs, the taillights just got wet. I'd call him ingenious really, I mean sure it won't last too much and it won't be so effective but to simply think about it and all of a sudden to say "Hey, I know, I will use some pantyhose to rice up my taillights!" is pretty amazing and it's something I thought that no living being could think of but it seems that once again mother nature fooled me.
Unfortunately we had a small tehnical problem with our server but thanks to our friends at Prodrive, we can still host the event. The server name and the password remains the same.
What was the incident between car 93 and 10 again? I'm not gonna file a report because I enjoyed the race (even if deko was mean with me ) and I didn't lost any position.
We here at Storm Racing have decided to host some weekly events just for the sake of having a merry ol' time racing in league-like events without the pressure that usually comes with it and to celebrate our team's rebirth. We hope that you'll enjoy racing with us in our weekly, fun events!
Storm Racing weekly events
Race Day Information
Track: Aston National
Car type: GT2
Car restrictions
FZR 20%
XRR 25%
FXR: 24%
Ventrilo server information
Hostname or IP: hydrogen.typefrag.com
Port number: 39845
Server name: [SR] Event Server
Password: yellowstone
Other Notes:
While we want you to enjoy the racing we feel that imposing some rules and guidelines to be followed is not asking too much and so I suggest that you should follow these guidelines below:
* Don’t drive the wrong way around tracks.
* Be nice to others.
* Don’t make contact with other cars.
* Compete fairly.
* Arrive on time and stay the whole session.
* Keep quiet and cooperative when asked.
* Take care when pitting and leaving the pitlane.
* Be aware of others on track.
* Don’t pass under yellow flags.
* Allow a driver to repass if you passed unfairly.
* Don’t squeeze or slam openings shut.
* Leave room for your competitors.
* Recover safely to the pitlane or back on track after an incident.
* If on the racing line after an incident, stay put till all drivers have passed.
Well we are not actually starting "a league" it's more like weekly races just for fun( we are planning to start some leagues in the next year) and unfortunately you must make an account on our forum.