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S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Theres an even funnier Irish rally video where the guy is getting helld up, but with much more funnyness added on...

Just clicked on this, lol... ... iKHOE&feature=related
S2 licensed
I dunno if the WR packs are still being made since Phlos isn't around so much, but he was basicly updating the WR pack by using the same thing his website done and sending it to specific people of his liking.

I don't like it tbh, not because of the fact people get my sets (well not fully) but more to the fact that more 'elitist' people will refrain from uploading their hotlap because someone will get their setup, which sorta ruins the whole point of uploading hotlaps..
S2 licensed
Zetec POWA!
S2 licensed
Yea they are mega cheap.....
S2 licensed
I love this game, it's so great when your team mates die off after 1 race.
S2 licensed
Quote from Agniz :and? hes 18.. old enough to own a car

EDIT: oh yeah, I see.. he's from UK - anything bigger than lawn-mower engine is impossible for young peoples..

And even lawn mower engines at that are far too god damn much to insure.

At 18 you'll be struggling to find an insurance company who would actually insure you on an evo, nevermind one that could be affordable. Btw, if it actually was his car and he could actually afford all the money he would have to shell out on insurance (What, 5-10k?) Then he woulda baught the car outright, instead of getting it banged up for a "few grand".
S2 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :After thorough review, the admins have decided to give driver Rudy van Buren an official warning for his driving conduct when unlapping himself from the F1RST Racing car of Vincent Staal. Though his pass on Staal was technically clean, and though we understand that he was faster and in a hurry to get a lap back, we feel that Rudy should have been more aware of the fact that Vince was fighting for the lead of the race and waited for a more opportune moment to make a pass in a way that would not have affected the fight.

Rudy's behavior in the following races will be closely monitored, and any further lapses of judgment may be met with harsh penalties.

I know it means nothing now and it never really would have made a differnce in the investigation but here goes, Vince treated Rudy as if he was fighting for the position, if he had just backed off slightly and gave Rudy enough room then the contact wouldn't of happend and he would of kept his position.

IMO Rudy done what anyone else would have done in his situation, it's all about taking your opportunitys when they arrise and I feel that especcially on the stream a lot of the comments made about the role he played were really unfair. Especcially since it went along the lines of "Rudy got involved which led to Low flipping and landing on their roof"....
S2 licensed
Quote from theirishnoob :you traded... a 3... for THAT... Are you mentally retarded

Going from a reasonably nice/sensible car to a RWD potential 600bhp car with a slight supercharger upgrade, he's actualy my ****in hero and probarly 95% of the members on this forum.
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :Watched a film called "TAKEN" with Liam Neelson. Thought it was excellent. Certainly worth a watch

Epic film, really god damn good!

Took my gf to see 2012 on Friday night, when it was released, they announced it was sold out as we were 2 places from the front of the queue... So we decided to go to "The fourth kind" and she was shitting herself the whole way through.

I was really quite freaked out watching it and I don't usually get thta when watching films, but the added home footage along with the actual film was great to watch. I suppose it's more meaninful scene as all this stuff "happend" but as they say at the start, believe what you want to believe.
S2 licensed
Quote from flavio 07 :lol whatever, i like it...

Me too, I quite like the old pumas, nippy little folkers too.
S2 licensed
Quote from Wilko868 :Well it sounded like Passo did, as he was batting on about "my tool tells me that the closest battle is......" etc. He may just have a very well equipped penis though.

To sum up, I don't and I think Passo does

Someone teach him how to use it then! (Either one)
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Did you punch the bastard?

Hell no, I was too damn wasted and too damn covered in blood to even bother running after him.

He got caught and admitted it all though, apparently it's certain jail atleast for anyone carrying a gun even if it's only a BB gun and using it like he did, but this one has been in trouble by the police before so i'm hoping he got longer.
S2 licensed
Happend a few weeks ago, this is pretty much the effect of a junkie with a BB gun trying to rob people, though the only thing that got stolen was his freedom...
S2 licensed
What happens when you try to put it into these gears, any sort of crunching or anything? Or does it just feel like ur trying to break a safe open with a crow bar?
S2 licensed
Quote from Klouczech :Bad party, but day after I was racing in LFS

I got one better! I'll upload it when i'm home...
S2 licensed
I know, I roffled lots when someone in irc told you guys someone rolled and you lot were in complete denial "I didn't see it and the car isn't damage so it couldn't of happend!"

Headless chickens!

Do you guys have the tool that tells you when there is cars close on track? Or does that not work with MoE because of the differnt classes?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mp3 Astra :My flatmate has bought this game, and has a PS3 in the flat. So naturally I got to try it out last night until 3am.

Lol! Funny that, Last night I was thinking at 1am, ya il just go to bed at 2am, then 2am comes and i'm gunna just go to 3am.... I woulda went on longer too but my pc had downloaded updates and that damn "restart now?" message came up, so I hit restart later and had to start about 10 minutes ealrier than when I crashed, then it happend again when I got to the same bit, so for me that was a sign to stop being such a geek and get some sleep.
S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :I managed to pick up the last copy at Morrisons last night for £26, TBH, I probably wouldn't have brought it if it weren't reduced.

So far, its more evolution than revolution, haven't really found anything that really sets it apart from COD4.

You will!

Game is quite awesome, havn't completed it yet but so far i've been highly impressed.
S2 licensed
You two are a bloody embarrassement.......rock on.

Btw, When i'm racing and I get all angry and "kafuzzled" I drive faster when I saw at the wheel, instead of driving like little miss daisy.

And then when I get a drive through....
S2 licensed
It's a monster truck BWAAARRRGG!!!!
S2 licensed
Quote from Norbi :You can pwn me before the green flag anytime as long as I pwn you after it

Or pwns himself then double pwns himself with the added DT for the action which pwnt him in the first place.
S2 licensed
Those were the days, that tool was awesome, so was that Norbi guy...
S2 licensed
This isn't a protest but it very well should have been to n1, spinning in the hairpin and driving the wrong way into the corner is so bloody stupid, if I hadn't of been lucky our race would be in even more ruins.
S2 licensed
Quote from JCTK :so the Xbow isn't branded by KTM~?

apparantly they've now got themselves an exception clause in the contract saying something like since ROC is kinda a charity events, he's allow to drive something other than a Fiat/Ferrari...

Hence "basicly".