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S2 licensed
Quote from Not Sure :
My point is that I would like to race with realistic setups WITHOUT it being a disadvantage. If you don't see this as an issue, that is fine too.

LFS is supposed to be a simulator, remember?

Since when was using locked diff an advantage? If it was such a big advantage then everyone would use it, but they don't. Even in MoE race, quite alot of teams used clutch pack (I know we did)

Boris, how do you know all of these fast people who make setups don't have any experience? Why don't you go drive one of Norbis setups?

On the note of realism, I used to drive a corsa, which is somewhat similar to the XFG, if the XFG handled like my "realistic" corsa, I'm pretty sure the only people left driving it would be on the Cruise servers.
S2 licensed
Unrealistic setups are only as unrealistic as you make them. These so called un ealistic setups your on about may seem unrealistic to you, but to the person that made the setup, it will feel great, because they like it.

What i'm saying is when I make a setup, I don't think about all the people who would like more understeer than the setup provides, but I make it so that I like it, so that I can drive the car on the limit and be able to keep the car on the road. If you don't like using faster guys setups, dont use them, just because these guys drive faster than you, doesn't mean that their setup is faster.

'Not sure', what's the point in fixing something that isn't actually the problem? :S

Also, what's going to make it more realistic and closer? I'm not opposing the idea of the restricted setups btw, i'm just questioning the reasons.
S2 licensed
Erm, what kindov bugs are you on about? The last bug I can remember was the high nose bug, which was in patch P or something....

I agree with the road cars though, but the scirocco is like the guiney pigs you were on about, i'm fairly certain that when it's released the devs will think about limiting the setups for other road cars too, if it's a success ofcourse.
S2 licensed
Seven pounds, took my gf to see it on Sunday, great film imo, though not recommended for first dates.
S2 licensed
Quote from Dragonmen :Try using some download software like flashget or something...

I couldn't get it either, thanks.
S2 licensed
Quote from need :Now maybe it's just me, but does that replay really show that Mercury drove the entire race with a stop-go penalty showing for jumping the pace lap?

Oh ye, I forgot to apologise for that :P I don't know what i'd done but I managed to freeze all my buttons by pressing one of the big red buttons on my KB by accident, then I had a major brain fart.

I just wanted to say this was by far the best experience i've had with the GT2 cars, most of them seemed far more aware of the GT1 cars and stuck to their lines pretty well. Oh ye, also to apologise to the GT2 FXR car I pushed off at T1, I think it was #36, I just misjudged how close I was to your car and well, I guess I was sleeping.

Thanks to the admins n commentators too, can't be the easiest job in the world.
Last edited by Bawbag, .
S2 licensed
Yea, completely right, to be as good as me you need to have psycic powers so you can mentallly nudge someone!
S2 licensed
Quote from bunder9999 :ah, the corner squeeze... i always pondered the "cleanliness" of that manoeuvre. the other driver technically has room, but it doesn't give much room in case he bounces off the curb. (and into you)

i guess that's the idea though, scare them into lifting...

Not quite a squeeze, but you just take as much room as you are given, in this case running slightly wide early on meant I could get as close as possible to overtake, Lucky for me I was raicng my now team mate, Fox, whos cleaner than Mr Muscle.

Was the only way I oculd overtake him though, I remember that race, was behind him for about 20 mins!
S2 licensed
B..b..baallss of steeeeeeel.
S2 licensed
My new car, got it a couple of months ago, had it reprayed and got some VW alloys for it.

'98 1.4 E, pretty much the lowest version of the Mk4, but it's a rather nice step up from a corsa though.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
So does everyone else who does their job.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :On the top left next to the youtube logo, there should be a link to the English version. Don't know if you already clicked that or if that works. I guess it won't.

Thanks, those two options for UK and English were both 'Chinese' symbols, but I just clicked them now and i'm back, why thank you kind sir.
My Youtube is Japanese... :S
S2 licensed
Yea erm, last night I noticed that any youtube video I went on, it had all these funny Japanese symbols flying around, now when I go to youtube it comes up like this too.

Even when I take out the tw it reloads to the Japan thingy, as you can guess, my Japanese isn't so good to work out which button to press to get it back.

S2 licensed
Hey, sorry dunno why I posted, I just wanted to dip my finger in the pie.

I don't have enough room for an extra LCD never mind a CRT, sorry for the confusion.
S2 licensed
I think I won this thread.
S2 licensed
I have a mk4 golf, 1.4, complete heavy steaming turd of a car, but wth, I still enjoy driving it.

On a single hotlap the scirocco wont be much fun at all, but give it a full grid with everyone on tarded setups i'm sure it would be quite fun.

Though i'd rather have waited for a car like this and have finished interiors, breaking body parts or rain, something to add soemthing to the game, rather than a car to boost the online ratings for a few days.
S2 licensed
Actually, I cheated in the last mission of GTA3, I used a tank.
S2 licensed
I can't remember having all that much trouble with the driver games tbh, and when I first got Driver I was rather young... :P

Though, "The getaway" was quite a hard game, I got to the 6th mission when I first got it and gave up after a while, then stopped playing it, then came back a couple of months later and eventually completed it.

Kick ass game though.
S2 licensed
You win two days outside, congratulations.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :If you have five dollars and Chuck Norris has five dollars, Chuck Norris has more money than you.

Quote from N I K I :not really sure whats your point :P
but i posted my signature way before that guy posted that post

and ya chuck norris lost only fight in his life from bruce lee, but that's cuz he had no beard there, that's his secrete weapon, now he has it again, so bruce lee has no chance to do it again

Quote from Gills4life :I have no clue what you are talking about.

Niki, maybe you should realise that the whole point in what I said was because you allready had the same joke in your signature and that I was slagging Gills for posting it right underneath yours without noticing, da?
S2 licensed
I guess the joke is made worse by Nikis signature allready having that joke in it......
S2 licensed
Most people who get cosmetic surgery are un satisfied with the results, but they look pleasantly surprised.