May I point you to the MASSIVE figures every car manufacturer spends every year on R&D? Running a fleet of those cars then is child's play in comparison...
"We know there are WMD's on Hawaii! We have uncovered a complot to attack the very foundations of our freedom! The USA won't be save as long as those weapons aren't found and destroyed!"
Repeat that on FOX every day for a month and you'll have volunteer's ready to strike at anything landing on those islands - with rowboats if they must...
There was little media interest in that yes, but the dedicated motorsport sites did bring the story... Another one that's been built while the season gets underway: on the photo you can even see that there isn't anything built yet - I think they only recently started laying down tarmac...
Just like Abu Dhabi (even more, come to think of it), one asks himself what kind of market the F1 administration sees in Korea... Now, if it were a virtual GP, that would have the whole country watching...
Forget your train of thought, VW couldn't care less anymore - they got their end of the bargain: that was being able to use a working simulator to have a tournament showcasing their newly launched car at a games expo... That was two years ago, there is no contractual agreement other than the licence to use the virtual representation in a commercial software in effect right now... I even believe Scawen said so himself...
I honestly can't say that - in the few games (as I too suffer from the no connection-issue) I was in, there was always a good mixture of classes... I seem to have been put in good teams though, I haven't lost a round to date with the retail version...
Finished the SP, good campaign - although the reviewers were right, the story is very cheesy... But BF never was about SP, everyone knows that... Off to the MP servers, /me is bbman (what else?)
If you look for me, I'm at your six, repairing your wheels...
I think the ESL league is pretty much dead - haven't been there in a long time though so it might have started up again...
Have a look at the Leagues & Events Subforum... Many LfS-Sites, national communities and teams are doing their own little league as well, just click the appropriate banners in the upper right corner of your browser window...
If a disease has an incubation period of 6 months, you have to wait 6 months, simple as that... Or do you think it's better to import what basically would become a pandemic to an already stricken area just because you didn't want one poor doggy to feel alone?
Nope, I've been in the Beta... I'll pay whatever is the smallest price that Amazon had since they added the game to their store for my copy and it's even the limited edition where you get the Colt 1911 and the Tommy immediately (not sure I need them)...
How would updating the API make it more popular all of a sudden?
Consider this: DirectX is no more than an interface with a nice library of effects - that's it! DX11 doesn't magically make a program look any nicer or any better than DX8 if the engine doesn't use the new effects!
There is a petition online that started yesterday - it probably will do nothing (they never do), but I signed anyway... This is a trend that has to be stopped before we lose all control over our favourite pastime, the games...