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If your tyres get too hot, there's a variety of causes - many involve the driver: you brake or steer too much, spins and slides, the inside tyres are spinning in the corner and so on... It's hard to say without knowing what causes it, and unfortunately there is no general solution for it...

Setups are very complicated...
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :From what game does the orginally comes from, Tiberian Sun?

Either way, if I'd seen something like that my face would look somewhat like your Gills.

:slap: That's an AT-AT walker, silly...
S3 licensed
It's really pissing me off that you can't assign axis for controls... The vehicles would be so much more enjoyable if you could control them smoothly...

If you think about it, Rockstar deliberately cut that out in the PC-Version! For what? :banghead:
S3 licensed
Drivers are also often sacrificing a bit of stability of their setup for qualifying to squeeze out the last millisecond the car can give in those short qualifying runs...

Negative camber is not a "dial more traction in"-value... Camber is the angle at which the tyres are tilted to the in- or outside... With high negative camber, only the inside of the tyre will touch the road... When the car corners, it will lean to the outside and more of the tread will touch the road... Too positive camber and the tyres will let go sooner, too negative and the inside will be roasted and the outside ice cold - leaving you with no traction too...
S3 licensed
Someone with access to the german Handelsregister here so we can and this pointless argument?
S3 licensed
Quote from Lynce :I understand you. In real life, sometimes or, better, in special moments, there are some incongruences or optical effect.

The lines are painted wet road with no visible abnormalities of artificial light. They are more visible lines that have a color alive by way of reflecting light. And when you can show the scene on the asphalt, also distinguish the lines, make that effect flotation of the line.

Sorry for my english.

Note: What we did not finish the image and convince me that I have to improve, there are als drops over the bodywork.

The painted stripes on the road seem fine, but the stripe of light from the lamppost would be more diffuse and therefore not that bright...

http://wwwdelivery.superstock. ... perStock_1569R-225021.jpg
S3 licensed
Quote from Doorman :For me, all over the above would be marvelous! For the average LFSer I don't think so. The amount of people that come on our server , say 'Oh, wind' and leave doesn't give me much hope for the server that would employ all of this wonderful stuff. but it's good to talk.

Just force it... There would be a wave of bitching and whining in the first few weeks (like with reset or the clutch heat) but in the end makes LfS better...
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Personally I think even at current point LFS could make a very simple dynamic track addition just by being able to change the air temperature and weather (full sun or cloudy). With these two variables (plus wind) you could already have more dynamic environment than all the others sims in total. Maybe even throw some racing line into the mix and I bet it would be a welcomed addition into the sim and wouldn't take too much coding since the most of the stuff is probably already there (we have visually different lightning conditions and surely some values are set in the sim to present those fixed ambient temps). It would be small but defenately doable feature even if I'd like to see a tire patch before that.

I can tell you right now, if you give people control over the weather, the whole feature will be useless... Just take a look at what weather servers are running now...
S3 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :Crazy hot front tyres would say it's not tweaked to RWD. Think you'll find that's a flatspot.

AFAIK, the tyres can go over the 'popping heat' in one spot, they only pop when a certain amount of the tyre surface is hot or worn down enough.

I believe he's showing us the surface temps, which can get a fair bit higher than the average temperature of the tyre section... It's only when this average tyre section temperature gets over 200° C they'll pop...
S3 licensed
Quote from nisskid :it wasnt phrased too well i admit. but it does make a difference whether its absolute or relative, i meant relative to the fronts, and on some corners the rear tyres are using **** all of their lateral grip. i made this very clear, so once again my statement was true.

say u go to drive around a cone, turn in, coast around then power out, how much rear lateral grip do you think you're using in the mid corner before applying throttle out of the corner on the exit? i can tell you, **** all.

That's why you can floor it right away going into a tight corner - oh wait... F*ck all, yeah right... :rolleyes:

Pic is a RAC in LfS' one of two tightest corners, being mid-engined the car has quite a bit of grip on the rear from the start... Notice how the car is coasting and even on this very understeery setup, the outside rear tyre is working quite hard to keep traction?
S3 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :=The road surface isn't glass smooth?

Definitely not... Apart from crowned and uncrowned streets, both with many camber changes troughout a street, there are manhole covers, big pot holes with or without sheet metal ( ) cover over them and the occasional grid you're driving on/over...

The grip is also reduced when the streets are wet, making some of those high-powered cars quite tricky to drive...
S3 licensed
The game is running absolutely fine on my machine, and mine is also an 4870 ATI-machine... I'm even running it over the performance limit to - aside from a bit of lag updating the LOD especially when looking around absolutely no issues...

With all the various games and computers I had, only one game gave me constant issues and crashes: Fallout 3...

Onto the game: The attention to detail is incredible, Rockstar is in a league - no, world of their own! The controls are very thought out, I just can't define an axis? I couldn't bind my wheel to the car controls - quite an oversight imo...

It pains me a bit to say this, but GTA4 has a better driving surface than LfS, by quite some margin too...
S3 licensed
Drifting, or bringing the rear around is faster in just ONE scenario: you have so much understeer you'd need a crawling speed or even a three-point turn to get around the corner... In this case, you might reconsider your setup (exceptions prove the rule)...
S3 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :yes on that second picture you can see the corvette shape

It's looking like the first car to have cancer...
S3 licensed
Bit unrelated, but damn those clubsport pedals look fabulous (the features, no images that I can find?) - even as a G25-owner... :eye-poppi
S3 licensed
Got it today (even though release in Europe is only tomorrow ), installing as I write this...
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :It's ok to rip off big companies such as Bestheda and the like, but nooo, it's not for a crappy little game that probbably took 1/18th of the effort.

... says Mr. Crackerhunter himself...
S3 licensed
I very much agree with the OP, sims are way to static to offer a well-rounded recreation of real racing...

HOWEVER, I do believe a good static model is needed first, as the dynamic environment may mask issues that need to be adressed...
S3 licensed
Quote from Vain :I'm actually considering buying the game solely based on the fact that it has no copy protection.


And therefore has a piracy rate of about 90 %...
S3 licensed
I too join the fun and wish you a happy birthday Scawen! :birthday:
S3 licensed
Quote from ___ :I agree but if you look at Furiously-Fast's pic. Its not as bad as the rest. At least the picture itself if it didnt have the bg would look a bit nice.

A driver in a Formula car without a helmet on... Great motif... :banghead:
S3 licensed
Does anybody have word about box content (was always quite rich with the previous titles) or maybe a limited edition for the PC? Spent half an hour searching, but no luck so far...
S3 licensed

And you wonder why people call you spoiled...

On Topic: GTA4 Limited edition if they make one and if I can hold out that long...
S3 licensed
Quote from Syfoon :200k visitors to a games convention in Germany, or an almost limitless number of people all over the world who'd be able to drive it in their own homes... which would be a better target market?

They'd have to promote LfS, another commercial product not under their control, with little gain (remember how you had to explain to your family and friends how a game can be a serious training tool?)... Instead, there's the option to just put adverts on the telly and in mags, without having to link to LfS and explain what it is...

Quote from Syfoon :Then there's the idea of using LFS in VW dealerships to give people a little test drive before they actually drive it... (or to entertain people, GT4 in dealerships is so passé!)

I don't know about the UK, but I never have seen a console or anything of sort in any dealership... 1. Buying the infrastructure for it is costly, 2. the reasons above...

Return on invest is the key... On an expo dedicated to games it makes sense to package one's product in a game, even if it has nothing to do with it... For the rest of the world, you'll rely to traditional, proven means that your target audience knows and understands...

Of course, we all can only speculate what the reasons are that we "should just forget it in the meantime", but this is one thing everyone seems to be overlooking, hence me pointing it out...
Last edited by bbman, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Anathema :I guess they drop it on Christmas.

I drove the scirocco in Leipzig and the car seemed nearly finished to me. But I dont know how much perfection the devs will put in it.

Don't you forget something? Like, some quite big company holding the licence to any recreation of that car?

Quote from Syfoon :Surely VW would want it in LFS as soon as possible, I mean, at the end of the day, it's a source of promotion for their new car...

They got their promotion: they ran a contest at a three-day expo with over 200.000 visitors... Isn't that enough?

You guys get you hopes way to high... It comes when it comes and until that, take Scawen's advice and forget about it... Enjoy what you have (LfS or otherwise)...